Charter Review Committee Considers Change To Century Mayor’s Role

September 15, 2021

The Century Charter Review Committee is continuing to explore a change in the town’s form of government that would transfer most of the mayor’s powers to a town manager.

The committee voted in July to that a charter rewrite would form a town manager-council form of government, making the elected mayor a weak position, perhaps mostly a figurehead. Tuesday evening, with only three members present, the committee discussed making the mayor a voting member of the town council — perhaps as one of the five members or even a sixth member allowed to vote only to break a tie.

According to Tuesday’s discussion, the mayor and council would not be responsible for hiring and firing employees; that duty would fall to with the town manager. The town manager would prepare the town’s budget, which is currently a mayoral duty.

It was noted that if the mayor were to be a voting member of the town council, he or she would not be allowed to discuss business with council members outside of public meetings due to the Sunshine Law. Contact with council members would instead by coordinated by the town manager.

If the charter review committee completes a rewrite, the changes would go the town council to decide if the recommendation will go on the ballot for a citizen votes.


19 Responses to “Charter Review Committee Considers Change To Century Mayor’s Role”

  1. Things not what they seem.... on September 17th, 2021 10:16 am

    We the people elected a mayor to oversee the town, NOT a town manager!! We finally have a mayor in office that is trying and all these committees and that laughable council are doing is blocking his every effort! With the last mayor we had in ( that never did anything for Century), the council was like “yessir, yes sir” to everything he said. He was the most useless piece of crap we ever had up there except for Luis Gomez. Just leave everything alone! It is bad enough but Lord help your stupid ideas that you came up with!

  2. William Reynolds on September 16th, 2021 1:55 am

    “Three members doesn’t sound like the minimum threshold to conduct business. Just saying”

    A quorum is not necessary for discussion at a properly advertised meeting. They just can’t take any actions without the quorum.

  3. Dave on September 15th, 2021 5:32 pm

    @ Scott..instead of all the hyperbole you just put out…just say “If it smells like it- it more than likely is”

  4. David Thomas on September 15th, 2021 3:37 pm

    Century is a total dumpster fire. It could easily qualify for one of the worst small towns in America. It’s just bad EVERYTHING. Escambia County/FL government should have a legal obligation to step in at this point on behalf of the tax paying residents and property owners. In my 67 years I have never seen something THIS bad go on for SO long in a local government.

  5. Citizen on September 15th, 2021 2:56 pm

    As all should remember we had a Grand Jury make some recommendations, one was to hire a town manager, another update the charter. One was to sell the gas department. That should still happen. imo.

    Century was incorporated in/about 1979 merging South Flomaton inc 1948 with Century.

    Since then it has not been a thriving place however it seems it it is still cost
    effective to have the municipality, under Mr. Prather’s guidance to get the utilities up to par via grants.

    Since the state prison is in unincorporated D5 it makes sense that the county and state is on board getting the waste stream/potable water up to par.

    There probably isn’t a LOT of talent with the residents to know about FL statutes and public office but they seem to want to try.

    I’m not attending meetings, one COVID, plus two, let them figure it out.

    The worst that could happen is it unincorporates but ECUA said they wouldn’t take it like it is.

    Nothing wrong with finding their error and telling them to tighten up as far as the property tax. The accountant seems to not be a very good one but them seem to want to keep him around. They still submit to FL aud. general

    A municipality can raise the taxes a tremendous amount and the present charter limits it.

    I do think Gulf Breeze interests want to keep the town as a 2nd signature for CTA $ which I guess is a win win for the two. (if it’s still going on since peeking Tom went to jail)

    If Mr Eddy and Mr. Prather want to help with keeping 2 incorporations, it seems to be helpful for utilities and residents but we don’t want to give them carte blanch.

    My 2 cents.

    Thanks committee, but no thanks.

    Thanks to Vernon Prather but no thanks to giving him total control.

  6. Taylon on September 15th, 2021 2:20 pm

    How would the Town Manager be chosen and hired? Strictly by the town council vote? Would it be on yearly contract basis? For as long as the Town Manager wants it?

    It’s silly to have a Town Manager and a Mayor if the Manager is going to do that job that should be done by the mayor, which is at least elected by the 100 people that actually vote in Century.

    Then again Century probably shouldn’t have an actual “city” government anyway.

  7. Scott on September 15th, 2021 1:34 pm

    I will be as terse in my reply as quick witted. You know one can only wonder if the desired outcome of (council members or the Mayor) ends up for the citizens being a chimera that ends up totally engulfing and destroying OUR town. Now if you rather play politics then please by all means go to Washington D.C. they could use some more jesters for their court but no sirs or ma’am’s not here in Century Florida. You know I have grown acrimonious of always hearing about how abhorrent this town is from people who do not even live here. Now I can see where they get their ammo from and that would have to be the massive weapons depot known as Tow Hall. But don’t get me wrong no we are not perfect but we do posses some of the most well respected, moral people I’ve ever known. Now I know I said terse but when dealing with the mendacious people running this town in the ground I only seek approbation from other concerned and altruistic citizens from the town of Century.

  8. IMHO on September 15th, 2021 11:05 am

    I’d still like to know the qualifications of the members of this Committee. I understand one is a business owner and one is a housewife. I find it interesting that the current City Mgr. is obviously in attendance to guide them to this decision. Good ol Century

  9. CJ Lewis on September 15th, 2021 11:03 am

    Making the mayor a voting member of the town council immediately does two things: 1) makes the mayor subject to recall by voters; and 2) makes the mayor more openly subject to Florida’s Government-in-the-Sunshine Law. This change has nothing to do with the question of “form of government.” There are Council-Manager forms of government where the mayor is a council member (Gulf Breeze) and where the mayor is not a council member (Milton). Similarly, in a Mayor-Council form of government the mayor may be a council member (Orlando) or not (Pensacola). As a general rule, where the mayor is a member of the council and its “presiding officer” things work much better. A charter does not have to describe everyone’s job duties in detail. That can be done in the city code. A charter could simply provide that the mayor shall exercise such powers and perform such duties as directed by the council. Similarly, the charter could provide that the town manager shall exercise such powers and perform such duties as directed by the council. This way, powers and duties can be amended from time to time without having to hold a municipal election. State law allows town voters to bypass the town council in proposing a new charter or changes. Century seems like such a screwed-up place that a citizen initiative might be the best way to get the job done right to include eight-year total term limits, two year terms of office, a requirement for voter approval of ordinances and resolutions that increase taxes and fees, etc.

  10. Oversight on September 15th, 2021 10:46 am

    Three members doesn’t sound like the minimum threshold to conduct business. Just saying

  11. NPC on September 15th, 2021 10:10 am

    Timing of this action is suspect. A more attractive headline would be, “Disgtuntled Council Members Upset Their Choice for Mayor Lost and Seeking Vengence”.

  12. Connie on September 15th, 2021 9:33 am

    Why have a Mayor, let him do the job! Why was there a vote? I would think that when someone is put in power by majority vote that you should let him do the job. Why do we need a Charter Review Committee? It sounds to me like we have a lot of individuals that do not like or agree with the Mayor. Century has so much potential, with this mentality it will do nothing but fail, sad truth.

  13. Bob on September 15th, 2021 9:15 am

    How about getting rid of the Mayor and the town council? That would solve a lot of the problems for Century!!!

  14. Jim Stanton on September 15th, 2021 9:02 am

    The town needs to stop wasting money on this useless committee. It’s just a power grab, do away with the mayor and let the town hire the town manager. The town managers main job then would be to keep at least three council members happy in order to keep his job. If this were to pass you will very likely see several committee members names on the ballot for town council in the next election. This committee is wanting you to give up your vote on who leads the town, then in a few months some of them will be out asking you to vote for them for town council.

  15. tg on September 15th, 2021 7:58 am

    As it stands now the whole town of Century is weak.

  16. Tommy G on September 15th, 2021 7:08 am

    How about we get rid of Century all together? You can’t even get the agenda vote correct, you’re so concerned about the Mayor now.

  17. Willene on September 15th, 2021 6:27 am

    It really sounds like the town needs to get rid of The Century Charter Review Committee. Let the Mayor do his job.

  18. Jack on September 15th, 2021 5:10 am

    Let the man do his job its already clear there are to many chiefs and not enough Indians. Just look at the job they have done so far what a joke!!!

  19. Citizen on September 15th, 2021 2:03 am

    I would not vote for that. Don’t give that much power to someone who doesn’t reside here. Keep the manager as a hired position.
    Council don’t block the Mayor’s hires.
    Proof read the budget.

    Leave the charter like it is and use the grants to get the waste treatment plant and wells up to par.

    Status quo on the charter. Sunset the committee.