By The Numbers: Escambia Reports 1,233 New COVID-19 Cases

September 19, 2021

There were 1,233 new COVID-19 cases reported Escambia County over the last week by the Florida Department of Health.

Baptist, Ascension Sacred Heart and West Florida hospitals reported a combined 224 COVID-19 hospitalizations..

Here is the latest data:

Escambia County cases:

Total cases: 51,382  (+1,233)
Positivity rate last week: 17.3%
Current total hospitalizations: 224
Over age 18 and over hospitalizations: 220
Under age 18 hospitalized: 4
Total deaths last 7 days: 26 (CDC data)

Escambia County Vaccinations

People vaccinated: 147,016 (+1,680)
Total Population of Escambia County Partially Vaccinated: 52.7%
Total Population of Escambia County Fully Vaccinated: 43.7%
*These numbers are the percent of total Escambia County population vaccinated. Not the percentage of hospitalized individuals.

Santa Rosa County cases:

Total cases: 30,625 (+811)
Positivity rate last week: 18.9%
People vaccinated: 85,784 (+1,088)
Partial vaccination rate (age 12+): 53%

Statewide cases:

Florida resident cases: 3,485,163 (+75,906)
Case positivity rate: 11.2%
Deaths: 51,240 (+384)

FDOH has moved from daily to weekly reports and removed the COVID-19 dashboard. The state is now releasing a weekly report with local data limited only to number of cases and positivity rate The number of deaths by county or cases by local cities and communities is no longer provided by FDOH.


5 Responses to “By The Numbers: Escambia Reports 1,233 New COVID-19 Cases”

  1. Warren on September 22nd, 2021 8:22 am

    @Mary I don’t know what data you’re looking at for your citation regarding vaccines and statewide cases and how you are drawing your conclusion. You do realize however that there is a lag between action and results? Cases increase and vaccinations follow. Seeing those numbers at the same time is flawed. Looking at the case rate a short period after vaccination increases is the correct way tfor comparison. Sorry, but your conclusion is just flawed. There is no Florida data that indicates what you stated. Just flawed ways people interpret the data. If you don’t believe me then pose your assertion to the Florida Department of Health or the CDC. And please realize that each time you make a statement even in this type of forum some people will believe you. So please do your due diligence before making such false statements. You can say the same to me however, I’ve done mine and the facts support me and oppose your notion. Again further look at the data results as analyzed by health experts. And it reflects common sense. That’s my point.

  2. Lee on September 21st, 2021 10:42 am

    @Mary. That’s not what I see. Also, be aware that there is a lag in some of the reporting. Charts are great, but in this part of Florida what we need to be aware of is that neighboring Alabama has no ICU beds available and Missisdippi leads the US ( and most COUNTRIES in the world) in COVID deaths per capita. Get vaccinated and mask up.

  3. Mary on September 20th, 2021 2:19 pm

    Actually Warren if you look at the data on the state’s health department sight you will see a correlation between “vaccinations” and number of positive cases. When “vaccinations” increase so does the number of positive cases. This is very interesting and deserves research into why this is happening.

  4. Hey! on September 19th, 2021 3:15 pm

    Looks like Florida is catching New York for most COVID deaths.

    Does Governor DeSantis have an answer for helping Floridians other than fund raising for a presidential campaign?

    Blockhead loser of a governor.

  5. Warren on September 19th, 2021 8:05 am

    Vaccinations creep up, case rate creeps down. It’s not rocket science people. Get vaccinated!