Barrineau Park Bridge Is Now Open As Perdido River Falls

September 4, 2021

Barrineau Park Road at the Perdido River has reopened after being closed all week due to flooding of the Perdido River caused by Hurricane Ida.

After cresting at 15.84 feet late Wednesday night, the Perdido River was below flood stage at about 10 feet early Saturday morning and falling.

Flooding that closes the Barrineau Park bridge between Florida and Alabama is commonplace after heavy rainfall.


5 Responses to “Barrineau Park Bridge Is Now Open As Perdido River Falls”

  1. swamp fox on September 6th, 2021 9:24 pm

    TJ….if you’re planning on moving think about the States that collect an extremely high tax ( s.a.l.t) and then persuade the Government to allow a tax deduction on his/her
    Federal income tax in an equal amount….so theState collects huge taxes and the
    tax payer gets a huge deduction on income tax. wonder who’s getting frisked ?

  2. TJ on September 5th, 2021 8:59 am

    You pay a toll every where you drive. It’s called Gas taxes. Ever notice you can go up to Alabama and pay .10 a gallon or more less than across the state line in Florida. It’s called Federal, State and County taxes. and I assume some Cities have their own taxes too. There is a reason some states in high tax areas of the country pay $4.00+ for gas while we pay $3 or less. All we need is more and more taxes and fees. If you want to pay tolls and high taxes please move to those areas.

  3. swamp fox on September 4th, 2021 9:23 pm

    @ D H… that bridge ain’t in the middle of nowhere…most folks live somewhere that’s just up the road a piece. Most folks pay a toll to be customers of the Electric company whether they use power or not. Would your phone company stop charging if you didn’t make any calls ? How bout your TV service ? using that nice little ole bridge is worth $2…the 18 wheelers could easily pay $25 per trip especially if they’re conducting some interstate commerce from say Alabama to Florida etc. When our roads need re-paving whose gonna pay for it ?

  4. D H on September 4th, 2021 7:09 pm

    You can’t be serious? Toll for a bridge in the middle of nowhere. I don’t recall anywhere in the story where it mentions money to re-open the bridge. A flood caused it and nothing else. Drive on folks, the bridge is open again. Enjoy your journey.

  5. swamp fox on September 4th, 2021 6:58 am

    how bout a “toll” charge of $2 to drive over that Fla/Ala bridge ?
    $1 for baldwin county $1 for escambia county !