Will Your Child Ride The Bus To School In Escambia County? School District Wants To Know

August 3, 2021

The Escambia County School District has posted a school transportation plans survey due to a bus driver shortage.

“We are asking parents to share students’ transportation plans ahead of the school year in an effort to maximize our efficiency and reduce lateness,” the survey states.

Click or tap here to take the survey.

The school district is asking parents or guardians to complete one survey for each of their children. The survey asks one simple question, along with the student’s ID number and last name.

The first day of school is Wednesday, August 11.

RELATED STORY: Here’s The List Of Adjusted Start And Dismissal Times For Escambia County Schools

NorthEscambia.com photo/graphic.


5 Responses to “Will Your Child Ride The Bus To School In Escambia County? School District Wants To Know”

  1. Karen Ayers on August 10th, 2021 11:13 am

    Bus stop locations should be cross checked against the national sex data base to verify that children are not waiting for a bus near the address of a known convicted sex offender.
    This information is provided for public safety and its prudent that we use this information to help safeguard the school children.
    My grand daughter has been assigned to a bus stop for 2 years at the curb of a known sex offender.
    I strongly encourage the transportation department to consider a new safety practice as champions of school children’s safety.

    Karen Ayers

  2. Mary J. Ziemba on August 4th, 2021 7:39 am

    I commend the ECSD for working so hard to cover all routes and get all our kiddos to school. We have had some amazing bus drivers serve our youth. I am grateful for their efforts to transport precious cargo safely.

  3. Susan on August 4th, 2021 7:06 am

    There are a lot of parents that wait every year till the last minute / first day of school to inquire about or change their child’s designated bus stop. God Bless the transportation people,

  4. S.G. on August 4th, 2021 2:07 am

    There NEEDS to be sheriffs or state troopers (Mobile hwy is a state road) at the Bellview middle school car rider intersection! ESPECIALLY now there is yet another busy fast food restaurant across the street. These teachers aren’t trained to manage highway traffic. Even if they were could become state trained and certified that’s a huge liability.

    Secondly with so many registered sex offenders in the area, children living in Bellview should have the option to ride the bus as well instead of only being walkers or car riders. Most job shifts and at 5 pm so the only option for my child is to walk.. Rain, freezing, etc. People wear mask driving in their vehicles bc of COVID and with the incident that happened with the little girl last school term, I hope this is something that can be changed immediately

  5. Phil Ivey on August 3rd, 2021 10:26 am

    We understand the bus driver shortage. We will drive our daughters to their schools. Not sure if ECAT could ease some of issues some parents are facing due to their work schedules. Also carpooling could help in some areas.