School Superintendent Is Excited For A Return To Class. But It’s A Cautious Optimism Due To COVID-19.

August 10, 2021

Escambia County School Superintendent Tim Smith is excited about the first day of school on Wednesday. But it’s really more of a cautious optimism as COVID-19 looms over the local community as tens of thousands of students return.

“I hope these COVID metrics show declines here very soon because it’s important for us to get out of the gate quickly and strongly in our return to a brick and mortar setting on a full-time basis,” Smith told “I really hope the kids are excited and have a good positive start.”

“I think that’s important with our teachers too. I hope they feel ready and prepared. I hope just everybody in the schools is excited. I think with COVID we just have to be very flexible. It’s a fluid condition that exists, and we need to make sure we’re staying in compliance with the guidelines provided by the medical experts. In this case our guidelines that we’re following are those put out by the Florida Health Department and the Florida Department of Education.”

Those guidelines, released just last Friday, do not include a mask mandate, giving parents or guardians the opportunity to opt out their student from wearing a face covering. There will be a return to normal activities such as field trips, and volunteers will be allowed back on campuses. Athletic events and extracurricular activities such as band and choral concerts will occur without seating capacity limits. [Read the complete policy...]

“It’s just important I think for us to get to a level of functionality where we’re holding class, kids are able to think and concentrate, and engage in learning. That’s going to be our goal is to provide that type of environment and of course safety is always,  always important for us.”

“If we have a student who is showing symptoms, we will quickly, quickly have them attended to, and we will need family to come pick that student up,” Smith said. “One of the important things is if the student is showing symptoms is to not come to school. I think our parents did a great job with that (last year). I think those steps, that quick reaction to a student showing symptoms, is a key piece. I think what helped us a lot last year was that quick and responsive set of protocols that we had. Our principals were able to call and work with our health coordinator and her team as she frequently communicated with the Department of Health.”

For students that are required to quarantine, in some cases up to 10 days, they will be able to continue the learning process at home, but it will be different from last year.

“We don’t have the remote blended platform like we did last year where you have a teacher with both students in class and online,” Smith said. “We really didn’t anticipate having to work with that virus the whole year.”

“That whole blended remote platform was designed for flexibility because if you were taking let’s say you’re chemistry class and you are at home you still had the same teacher in the same course section so you could just come right back. That sunsetted with the end of the executive order from the commissioner of education and the governor.”

The Escambia Virtual School, with registration open through August 31, allows a student to have an online environment for the full year. But for a student that is out a few days to over a week due to a required COVID-19 quarantine, there is no such established remote learning mechanism in place this school year.

But education will go on, Smith said.

“That’s where our amazing teachers will step up, and they will do great work on making the lesson and the activities at home blended,” Smith said. “That’s not always easy to do, but that’s the goal so there can be a number of steps that are taken. You can use some electronic platforms that have lesson components built in, and the students can just go through those lesson components. You can do electronic activities where the kids go in and pull their work. We may even have some teachers post videos, or who do all kinds of things.”

“That is the charge — to make it as connected as possible, and our teachers will be very creative,” Smith said.


5 Responses to “School Superintendent Is Excited For A Return To Class. But It’s A Cautious Optimism Due To COVID-19.”

  1. Local skeptic on August 12th, 2021 9:37 pm

    Henry Coe… I almost agree with u except 1 thing… If masks and hand washing was scientifically proven to stop or slow this virus, then we would not be having a problem with it still spreading.. Bc personally my family has done everything they said to do. Stay home, social distance, wear a mask EVERYTIME we go anywhere, and have about washed the skin off our hands . And yet..It has managed to creep into our lives . So No sir.. Nothing is 100% PROVEN.! NOT WITH THIS GERM WARFARE WE ARE DEALING WITH. Where is that plan LieN Biden told the world he had, to stop it? That “vaccine” ain’t doing nothing either. Nothing! Half the folks I know that got the shot or shots , got sick and later , got the virus anyway. Some for the 2 nd time.!! We will continue to wear our masks. But that is doing little or nothing.. We got to realize this mess is gonna do what it’s gonna do. And all we can do is take care of our immune system and hope for the best…

  2. Andrew Carlson on August 12th, 2021 3:44 pm

    Make sure your children wear masks…

  3. John Doe on August 12th, 2021 12:11 pm

    Henry Coe nailed it.

  4. Robert Bruner on August 11th, 2021 5:10 am

    Well said Henry Coe.

  5. Henry Coe on August 10th, 2021 6:49 am

    For consideration, if a student starts showing symptoms, they have had Covid-19 and have been spreading the virus for up to two week before they start showing symptoms.
    Solutions: We can make wearing a mask optional, as it is now, and wait for hundreds and hundreds of kids in Escambia County to start showing symptoms as they take Covid-19 home and spread it to their families everyday or we can treat this pandemic like a pandemic and do what is scientifically proven to help stop or slow spread of Covid-19 which is wearing mask and washing hands etc, ect,,.

    I 100% supports someone’s right to not wear a mask I just don’t think those non-mask wearing folks should be allowed to risk the health and safety of everyone else in our county by sending their unmask kid to a public school.