New Car Rider Line Procedures At Beulah Elementary

August 16, 2021

Construction has started on a new multimillion dollar cafeteria at Beulah Elementary School, and that means a new car rider line procedure is now in effect.

Here’s all the info from Beulah Elementary School:

  • Mobile Highway to Beulah School Road to Helms Road
  • Turn Right Into the Parking Lot — No left turn during morning drop off and afternoon pick up into parking lot
  • Exit the Parking Lot by Turning Left — No right turn out of the parking lot during morning drop off & afternoon pick up
  • School Buses and Daycare Buses/Vans will utilize the bus ramp which is in the parking lot off of Woodside Road
  • The Brown Barge Middle School and West Florida High School Bus will be in the parking lot off of Woodside Road — please utilize caution when in parking lot
  • If you need to park and come into the front office during morning drop off, you will need to park in the Woodside Road parking lot. Available parking is very limited. DO NOT walk through the buses. Use the sidewalk on either side of the bus ramp.
  • No parking and walking up in the parking lot off of Helms Road. Cars will be continuously moving due to drop off and pick up in this parking lot. It will be unsafe to park and walk through the parking lot.
  • Drop off begins at 7:10 & the tardy bell rings at 7:35
  • As long as we have staff available, we will begin drop off earlier than 7:10. When we unload early, students will report to the cafeteria to wait for the bell to ring.
  • There are 315 car riders this school year. If your child is eligible to ride the school bus, we encourage you to put your child on the school bus.
  • Please be patient, respectful, and safe during morning and afternoon car riders. We are loading and unloading as quickly and safely as we possibly can. Safety for ALL is our priority.
Maps courtesy Beulah Elementary


One Response to “New Car Rider Line Procedures At Beulah Elementary”

  1. Jason Cote on August 17th, 2021 9:53 am

    Its the first week of school. There may be 315 registered car riders but there is more than that many cars in the morning. cars are past beulah school rd after 7:30. Turning right onto beulah school rd is dangerous. its also interesting that you come into the school zone to drop off your child, leave school zone then re enter it on Mobile hwy to go to town.