Local COVID-19 Hospitalizations Reach New Daily High

August 26, 2021

The number of COVID-19 hospitalizations reached a daily record of 398 on Wednesday in Escambia County, nine of those under age 18.

One month ago, only July 25, there 110 hospitalizations at Ascension Sacred Heart, Baptist and West Florida hospitals. On June 25, that number was just 23.

The numbers in the graph indicate daily hospitalizations in Escambia County and are provided  by Ascension Sacred Heart Hospital, Baptist Hospital and West Florida Hospital.

The latest Ascension Sacred Heart data from Tuesday showed 153 hospitalizations at their facility, with 93% of those unvaccinated.

“I cannot emphasize enough the importance of getting vaccinated, and I encourage everyone to get the COVID-19 vaccine if you are able,” Pensacola Mayor Grover Robinson said Wednesday.

Data sources: Escambia County, City of Pensacola, Ascension Sacred Heart, Baptist and West Florida hospitals. Graphics: City of Pensacola.


12 Responses to “Local COVID-19 Hospitalizations Reach New Daily High”

  1. Lee on August 27th, 2021 10:59 am

    Maybe almost 400 hospitalizations doesn’t sound like a lot to some folks. But realize those are just the SERIOUS cases, the vast majority of whom are not vaccinated. Many, many more people are fighting Covid at home. When hospital beds are filled with Covid patients, where does that leave someone seriously injured in a car accident, someone injured on their construction job, someone who has a heart attack, or is injured playing football? Having to be transported to a facility outside our own community spends precious time some patients don’t have. It also puts a greater burden on families who have to travel to be close to someone who is hospitalized. When medical resources are stretched (or shut down due to risk of exposure) we are all at greater risk since many procedures and treatments are delayed. Putting off an elective surgery is one thing. Delaying something like chemo is another story. What if we approached this as about rights vs. compassion? Some people cannot be vaccinated, but those cases are not common. Seems even more reason for those of us who who can to get vaccinated. Rights vs. compassion?

  2. Concerned on August 27th, 2021 9:03 am

    The only way to slow covid is for everyone that can get vaccinated. Look back at history. Vaccines slowed measles, polio and other thing. TB was slowed. Please get your shot. I am 76, the shot did not hurt me.

  3. Victoria Carroll on August 27th, 2021 8:07 am

    I was one of those people that was hesitant to get the vaccine but when I seen my family member so sick it changed my mind please get your shot

  4. Darwin on August 27th, 2021 5:43 am

    I guess by wanting and getting a new superintendent didn’t do any good, he’s already making bad decisions, and it’s only going to get worse from here…Why does no one in charge want to put our children & families first?!?!
    Vaccinations do work…I just don’t think the school board does

  5. Marie on August 26th, 2021 9:32 pm

    Grand Lagoon Yacht Club recently shared with its membership that two members (married couple and longtime Cantonment residents) were seriously ill in the hospital with covid. The nicest people. Unfortunately I just read the husband’s obituary. I cannot imagine what the wife is going through, getting over covid and now probably dealing with a mountain of medical bills and being a widow. If you’re hesitant to vaccinate, would you consider seeing your doctor and getting their opinion? Covid is a greater risk than the extremely rare occurances of vaccine side effects.

  6. Bill on August 26th, 2021 9:27 pm

    @ Cantonment Mom

    You have every right to be livid. The school district has shown absolutely no regard for your grandson’s health and safety. It’s not much of a stretch to conclude he has been intentionally left in harm’s way.

    I’m not saying this would be justified, but it’s not hard to imagine an angry parent responding with violence against whoever they decide should be held accountable should their child die because of this idiotic negligence.

  7. lyjugo on August 26th, 2021 6:32 pm

    your body, your choice, your funeral!

  8. Bob on August 26th, 2021 4:46 pm

    @Cantonment what?

    Masks reduce your transmission rate. When I wear a mask, it is to protect others in case I am a carrier of COVID-19. When you wear a mask, it is to protect me in case you are a carrier of COVID-19. I wear my mask as a courtesy to you.

    Please wash your hands. Please practice social distancing. Please where a mask when you can’t socially distance. Please get vaccinated when and if you are able.

  9. Cantonment what? on August 26th, 2021 1:58 pm

    Cantonment mom, why is it the governments responsibility to protect you (grandson)? You mentioned no masks at school… Did he wear one? Last time I checked they were allowed. If the masks do what “they” claim he would’ve been protected. If he didn’t, then that’s a conversation you need to have with your grandson. The school district doesn’t make the call on whether to send them home or not for quarantine. The department of health does. Either way, why are we blaming others? This is not going away.

  10. Cantonment Mom on August 26th, 2021 12:31 pm

    My grandson goes to Tate High School. They gave him a letter on Tuesday to bring home to his parents. The letter stated he (and his entire class) had been exposed to COVID. So did they send them all home-NO! All these kids stayed at school, walked the halls (no masks required remember), and rode the bus home therefore exposing MORE kids.
    My grandson was tested the next day and is positive. His mother is very careful and they all wear masks out in public and have since day 1 of this.
    I find it unbelievable that the schools are dealing with exposure in this manner.
    Don’t think your kids are safe at school, they are NOT! This is an epic failure on Tate High School and I for one am livid about it!

  11. Please on August 26th, 2021 9:39 am

    Please get vaccinated, if not for you, for the kids and elderly that you come in contact with.

  12. Citizen on August 26th, 2021 6:49 am

    Get vaccinated please!!!!!!!!!