Inmate Accused Of Assaulting Century Correctional Institution Officer With Food Tray

August 10, 2021

Inmate James Hines assaulted an officer at Century Correctional Institution by striking them with a food tray, according to the Florida Department of Corrections.

“Staff responded appropriately, and the inmate was subdued,” FDC said.

Hines is serving a four year, two month sentence for a sex offender registration violation in Lee County.


7 Responses to “Inmate Accused Of Assaulting Century Correctional Institution Officer With Food Tray”

  1. Steven peretti on January 19th, 2023 11:18 am

    Well another 1015 got his wish, extended stay at club century.

  2. Susie on August 12th, 2021 1:37 pm

    His four year, two month stay just turned triple. And all because he probably didn’t get a cookie on his tray. Maybe the officers made him eat the tray instead. I do hope the officer is okay!

  3. Mike Sidman on August 12th, 2021 5:19 am

    How lucky he is not to be at Okeechobee… Last I heard they were the last to get rid of the whipping post, and still #1 in brutal takedowns, and even more brutal reactions to inmate complaints, especially to the feds… This is called “THE OKEECHOBEE WAY”

  4. Tim Barberi on August 10th, 2021 8:47 pm

    Let us see… The poor poor criminal was only trying to test the quality of his food tray and this mean CO told him to stop… It’s the mean CO’s fault this happened… There is nothing in chapter 33 that says anything about an inmate testing his food tray out on a CO… I don’t see what the problem is… This inmate should get an extra cookie from now on… I hear some the inmates at Santa Rosa Correctional Institution get room service three times a day… I even hear the accommodations are luxurious … Every 30 minutes someone will come by and check on you and make sure you’re not testing your food tray out on your roommate … I think he should go there… Room service sound like just what he needs… I did here they have a bit of a bug problem over there… They do try to spray for bugs pretty regular… If he goes there… He should try the this thing they call the Loaf… I hear it’s really tasty…

  5. paul on August 10th, 2021 11:37 am

    bet he ate all of his taxpayer provided food before he assaulted the CO with the food tray – gotta get those 3 squares in – ingrate criminal

  6. concerned on August 10th, 2021 10:53 am

    yep I was just thinking the same thing tack on 5 years and 10 months followed by 10 years probation and upon release have him maintain a job and pay $100 a month to the officer for pain and suffering for the next 10 years . the officer will suffer flashbacks from this for the rest of his life. and could also suffer from underlying conditions not yet known. my heart goes out the the officer.

  7. Master Mechanic on August 10th, 2021 6:00 am

    Few more years added on