Florida Pump Prices Face Downward Pressure As Futures Plummet

August 23, 2021

Florida gas prices are down three cents from a week ago and are about to slip even lower, unless futures prices can recover from sharp declines last week, according to AAA.

Florida gas prices are now averaging $2.98 per gallon.

The price of U.S. crude dropped nearly 10% last week, settling $6 per barrel less than the week before. Meanwhile, gasoline futures dropped 24 cents (12%). Wholesale gasoline prices haven’t been this low since April, when the average price at the pump was below $2.80 per gallon.

The lowest price Sunday night in North Escambia was $2.94 at stations on Muscogee Road and on Highway 29. In Pensacola, a low of $2.75 could be found at on station on Nine Mile Road.

The delta strain of COVID-19 continues to drive fuel prices,” said Mark Jenkins, spokesman, AAA — The Auto Club Group. “The busy summer driving season ends in September and market watchers are worried that COVID-19 will cause demand to drop more dramatically than it has in previous years. If crude oil and gasoline futures hold at current levels, prices at the pump could drop more than 20 cents per gallon in the weeks to come.”

NorthEscambia.com file photo, click to enlarge.


3 Responses to “Florida Pump Prices Face Downward Pressure As Futures Plummet”

  1. Rasheed Jackson on August 24th, 2021 6:50 am

    Yes, yes, yes, let’s report that the gas prices are down just like lumber prices are starting to drop but this decline pales in comparison to the increases we have seen in the past year. Of course, if they do happen to drop back to where they were before creepy joe took office then he can claim to have had the largest decrease in gas prices during his administration than any other president. Not a lie, just a miss representation of the truth.
    Not talking about our friends here at, Northescambia, but the major news outlets. Thank you, William, for keeping us informed.

  2. Dave Coleson on August 23rd, 2021 8:32 am

    I highly doubt this. Biden will keep prices up so his family and friends in the middle east can continue an outrageous profit margin. Who knows maybe Biden will donate another couple billion the terrorist state of Iran.

    Maybe he will donate it to Mexico? Maybe he will pay a billion to his son for his sons beautiful artwork.

  3. Garrett Constantine on August 23rd, 2021 7:00 am

    COVID-19!!! My guy hitting the gas prices!! Let’s go!!!