Field Of Dreams: Greg Gibson Field Honors Late Youth Football Coach

August 25, 2021

If you build it, they will come.

Greg Gibson had a dream.

It was a field that was once cotton or peanuts and then overgrown with briars and weeds at Bradberry Park in Walnut Hill.

But Greg Gibson saw something different.

With a tractor and bush hog, volunteers carved out a big rectangle to give the county guy an idea that a football field would fit. They agreed. But before the county guy came back to look again, Greg sent the volunteers out to make it bigger, hoping to get more space for the kids, and maybe bleachers and press box. A real field of dreams for youth football and youth cheerleading.

As president of Northwest Escambia (NWE) Chiefs Football and Cheer since 2013, Greg worked with Escambia County to see big improvements take shape over the past few months. There are bleachers, fences and a really nice scoreboard. Garnet and gold, you know, for Greg’s beloved NWE Chiefs. The “NWE” gold lettering glistens when the sun hits it just right.

It’s perfect.

This field is for the players. It wasn’t for Greg Gibson. It was all about his NWE teams and cheer squads.

But last week, for a short time, it did become about Greg Gibson. His funeral was held there after he passed away due to COVID-19, and it was forever dedicated as Greg Gibson Field.

There is probably just one remaining question to answer. Is this heaven?

No, it’s Walnut Hill. It’s where dreams will come true for the boys and girls that will play on that field.

But many would swear youth football on a Saturday in the south is probably almost as close as you can get. And most would betcha Greg Gibson will be looking down at that field from heaven.

“Touchdown Chiefs!”

This field, this game.

Ohhhh, people will come, Greg. People will most definitely come to your field of dreams. photos.


7 Responses to “Field Of Dreams: Greg Gibson Field Honors Late Youth Football Coach”

  1. Kevin on August 25th, 2021 8:40 pm

    Greg has touched so many lives through football. What a great way to memorialize a great man.

  2. Sylvia Gibson Wife on August 25th, 2021 7:58 pm

    I know Greg is so proud!! I can’t tell you the time and energy he put in this field. We poured grass seed and poked holes in the dirt (I forgot what it is called). We checked the grass all the time. Lots of times I didn’t go because I was tired of checking the grass. Lol
    Like the time we took our little dog out there to check the grass. I didn’t think Coco would go far, so Greg let him off his leash to run. I WAS WRONG! I chased Coco through the garden, trying not to step on the plants. I slipped in the mud and broke my flip flop. Greg is still standing looking at the grass until I came back, out of breath, and covered in mud!! He asked, “Did Coco go far?” I told him NO! He just went a little piece, then we busted out laughing.
    Just thought you all might get a good laugh out of one of my memories.
    Thank you all for your generosity and support during this time.
    Sylvia Gibson
    Greg’s Babe

  3. jchunn on August 25th, 2021 9:34 am

    What an honor! Very cool

  4. Ricky Dean on August 25th, 2021 7:48 am

    Incredible story about an obviously incredible man. I have been around NWE and Bradberry Park, primarily during baseball season, but it is truly awesome to read about a guy that truly held a love in his heart for the youth of the Walnut Hill/Bratt area!!! It should be recognized that although Greg is no longer physically doing the work, he left a legacy and laid the groundwork for those that are going to continue building on what he started!!! Greg Gibson accomplished something we should all strive to do…leave this world a little better than we found it!!! Good job, sir!!!

  5. Mark mclaughlin on August 25th, 2021 7:39 am

    Great story! Thank y’all!

  6. Whisperjet on August 25th, 2021 6:54 am

    .William and staff..
    We , the folks of N. Escambia , could never thank yall enough for these kind if stories , about real people , who give so much back to this area . And thanks for keeping all of us with all the late news and info we need…and all the great ohotos..

  7. Reader on August 25th, 2021 12:43 am

    I didn’t know Greg Gibson, but I’m crying like a baby. Truly a good man with the kids at heart.

    Incredible writing NorthEscambia. So vivid. So powerful. Thank you for making us part of Greg Gibson’s field of dreams.

    May God bless his family and friends.