Escambia County Surpasses 50% At Least Partially Vaccinated

August 31, 2021

Over half of Escambia County’s residents age 12 or older are now fully  vaccinated for COVID-19, according to the CDC.

Data indicated 50.4% of the total population of Escambia County was partially vaccinated as of Monday, while 41.1% of the population was fully vaccinated with either the Johnson & Johnson “one shot” or both shots of the Pfizer or Moderna series.

There were 2,719 people in Escambia County that were vaccinated last week.

Escambia County has recorded 45,904 total COVID-19 cases.


20 Responses to “Escambia County Surpasses 50% At Least Partially Vaccinated”

  1. Charlotte on September 1st, 2021 12:53 pm

    In response to the comment that many “medical professionals” are not getting vaccinated, please keep in mind that over 96% of doctors are vaccinated, per the American Medical Association, and that number was from early June. I imagine it could be higher now.

    There are several levels of medical professionals, and many of those require very little to no education on infectious disease, immunology, or vaccine science. I don’t discount their contribution to helping people get better, but most of them are not trustworthy sources of information on these subjects.

  2. NobodyInParticular on September 1st, 2021 9:15 am

    The funniest part of this to me, is that the people wanting to restrict the rights of others, are the least capable of physically doing it themselves. They want force used against their neighbor, just as long as somebody else is the one doing the forcing. Coincidence?

  3. Bob on September 1st, 2021 7:57 am

    To everyone talking about “long term effects of the vaccine”:

    The COVID-19 vaccine is an mRNA vaccine. It enters your bloodstream, “teaches” your immune system how to fight a COVID-19 infection, then breaks down and exists your body within 72 hours.

    There have been multiple mRNA vaccines deployed. Not a single one has ever had a long-term effect.

    The vaccine is safe. It is effective. It reduces both symptoms and transmission rate. It is helping to save lives our community.

    Do the American thing and practice basic hygiene. Socially distance. Wear a mask when socially distancing isn’t an option. Wash your hands. Get the vaccine when/if you can.

  4. Steve on August 31st, 2021 8:44 pm

    out of 10000 people vaccinated 100 may catch and show signs of the virus. and of that 100 that do most if not all have very mild case of illness.

    That is not spreading it. And your chances even if you do are FAR better if you vaccinated.

    We are vaccinated from the time we are very young against Polio and measles and other very bad things. Because it WORKS..
    Same will be said of this vaccine in 20 years. It will save a lot of good people.

    So stop with the drama. You wear sunscreen when in the sun…. And there is some nasty stuff in that mess..

    Lets get this covid stopped and show China that we are better than they are and be the country everyone wants to be like or come to.

  5. William McPhillips on August 31st, 2021 8:38 pm

    Wow, amazing and incredible….did hell just freeze over or is everyone finally, finally becoming aware that science matters most, not your personal or religious beliefs. I applaud all for participating, thank you

  6. Panhandlers on August 31st, 2021 5:21 pm

    These jokers need to get vaccinated. Deep South is struggling. Go figure.

  7. Fighting Ignorance on August 31st, 2021 4:52 pm

    Let the Free to Infect Everybody Else Crowd show their faces.

    Most people CAN and should take the vaccine and many citing health reasons are not really valid, it’s a lame selfish ignorant self serving excuse.

    This is America There are laws in place passed during past pandemics that the government has the responsibility to enact measures to protect the public during contagious disease out breaks.

  8. Lee on August 31st, 2021 4:48 pm

    @DC Lee. This is America. Does that mean I can drive drunk, 100mph, and disregard stop signs? I mean, your seatbelts and airbags work, right?

    How about this? The majority of people support masking to mitigate this virus, so let them go to school, work, etc. Send everyone ELSE home.

  9. Not a guinea pig on August 31st, 2021 3:04 pm

    @not a dummy. Besides all those who died hours or days after taking this vaccine that NOBODY KNOWS NOTHING ABOUT… There is the FACT that even vaccinated can still catch it and spread it. We got covid about a month ago . We survived.. And u still could not pay me to take that useless shot.. I do not judge those who want it. Go get it . And if u do, then good luck. I wish all the best. And I wish those who do get it or have got it did not go around thinking they better or smarter the others.. Just bc u think one way does not make that way right and the other way wrong.. Just different.. Now , in 10 yrs, when it has been studied and tested on u people like lab rats.. and a little bit is know about long term effects . Then, we may be more comfortable taking it. I may be a dummy.. But I’m no crash test dummy!

  10. ProudArmyParent on August 31st, 2021 2:58 pm

    To all those that feel that the vaccine is and was the way to go, that’s your choice! Everyone has a choice to make, some the choice is made for them, due to health issues that actually prevent them from taking the vaccine. Those of you that want to condemn your neighbor need to look into your own hearts. Your neighbor did not cause this virus and it is only God that will end it. Maybe instead of condemning your neighbor you should pray, “God Heal Our Land”!

  11. Citizen on August 31st, 2021 2:56 pm

    President Trump worked very hard to make sure this vaccine was developed and released as quickly as possible. He encouraged us to get vaccinated, and I took his advice. Let’s go ahead and get vaccinated so we can protect as many as possible! The children cannot get vaccinated yet but we can help by getting ourselves vaccinated!

  12. Steve on August 31st, 2021 2:38 pm

    “Dean” If those that dont want it are out in the public how is that effecting those that are vaccinated? It dont because the vaccine works right?

    I got the vaccine but dont preach to others to do so. I did it because its the smart thing to do.

  13. No Excuses on August 31st, 2021 1:46 pm

    @ DC Lee: “My Body, My Choice”. Well, when your choices affect MY body, then we have a problem. Wise up.

  14. NWFLA LINDA on August 31st, 2021 1:35 pm

    Ironic that the view “You are imposing your beliefs and the realistic possible consequences not just on yourself but on others. You’ve crossed that line where your rights end and somebody else’s begins!” equally applies to those trying to bully, cajole, coerce, shame, or otherwise pressure people to receive the vaccine. Every single person comes to this issue with totally different lifestyles and individual health needs and concerns. It is not one size fits all.
    By now, everyone should be aware many medical professionals are refusing the vaccine. That refutes the caricature description of those refusing the vaccine as science denying, uneducated knuckle draggers. Because those vaccinated are proven to spread the virus, those possible consequences run both ways. How about everyone employ the personal hygiene, common sense, and consideration our parents taught us.

  15. Elaine on August 31st, 2021 12:48 pm

    So, the schools make ZERO effort to mitigate exposure and then expect kids/parents to quarantine each time they may have been exposed?

  16. D. C. Lee on August 31st, 2021 12:03 pm

    This is America. My body My choice.

  17. David Huie Green on August 31st, 2021 11:08 am

    It is good more and more are realizing it is not actually a hoax, despite what they were told.

    Sad so many still doubt.

    David for better people

  18. Dean on August 31st, 2021 10:55 am

    I just hope the unvaccinated either get it or stay out of public places. There’s a huge misunderstanding amongst these unvaccinated people regarding their right not to be vaccinated or wear masks. That is, sure you have the right not to be vaccinated or wear a mask, but you don’t have the right to endanger others by going into common public places. You are imposing your beliefs and the realistic possible consequences not just on yourself but on others. You’ve crossed that line where your rights end and somebody else’s begins!

  19. Esc. Co. Resident on August 31st, 2021 10:21 am

    50% is good, hopefully it will go higher. A shot is better than some of the alternatives some people are using.

  20. Not a dummy on August 31st, 2021 3:14 am

    I can not believe some of the outlandish reasons people give to not take this vaccine.

    I wonder if any will get on here and spout their nonsense, or go roll up their sleeve for the national public safety.

    Vaccines are one of the great achievements of medical science.