Escambia County Schools Will Be Open On Monday, Santa Rosa Closed

August 15, 2021

Escambia County School District

Escambia County (FL) School District schools and offices will be open for normal operations on Monday, August 16, according to Superintendent Tim Smith. Santa Rosa County Schools will be closed.

ECSD will continue to work closely with the Escambia Emergency Operations Center to monitor the progress of Tropical Storm Fred.

Smith stated, “The safety of our students, families and staff continues to be our greatest concern.”

Any changes or updates will be posted here on

Pensacola Christian Academy

Pensacola Christian Academy will be open regular schedule Monday, August 16.

Pensacola Christian College has not yet started fall semester classes.

Pensacola State College

All Pensacola State College offices, classes and functions will continue as usual on Monday.

Santa Rosa County School District

All Santa Rosa County district schools will be closed Monday, and all after school activities are canceled.

Santa Rosa school officials made the determination based on a variety of factors, buses cannot safely transport students at winds greater than 35 mph. School and after school activities will be open on Tuesday.

Escambia County (AL) School District

Escambia County (AL) School District schools will be open on Monday. A decision on Monday’s after school activities will be made by noon Monday.


24 Responses to “Escambia County Schools Will Be Open On Monday, Santa Rosa Closed”

  1. Well on August 16th, 2021 6:24 pm

    Good call Mr. Smith.
    Beautiful day for school.

  2. Jason on August 16th, 2021 2:02 pm

    It seems Monday was a beautiful day to send your kids to school. Overcast, cool and a slight breeze.

  3. Rufus Lowgun on August 16th, 2021 12:10 pm

    Tim Smith doesn’t care about the safety of our kids. No masks in schools when new infections, hospitalizations and, crucially, hospitalizations of children are all at the highest levels they’ve been since the start of the pandemic? He only cares about the safety of his job.

  4. Wyatte Golson on August 15th, 2021 8:12 pm

    It is a very easy decision. Keep your kids home if you don’t want them to go. Some people love to grip all the time.

  5. M in Bratt on August 15th, 2021 7:52 pm

    I will repeat something I said in my post responding to Mr. Smiths CRT introduction video; Mr. Smith is quite obviously an over educated idiot. This storm has changed it’s projected path 40+- miles with almost every update, and now the forward speed has significantly increased along with a significant drop in barometric pressure. These factors point to this storm increasing in intensity. The county has already activated it’s emergency operations center. National Hurricane Center factors all things together and come up with their best GUESS on where and when this storm will land. A prudent leader would err on the side of caution and lock the schools up for tomorrow like Santa Rosa has already done. Even taking a chance of having busses on the streets with 40+-mph winds and torrential rain is idiocy .

  6. Wow on August 15th, 2021 7:26 pm

    Wow, this guy cannot win. My husband teaches. We’ve lived in Pensacola all of our lives. This storm will not be bad enough to have to close schools tomorrow unless something changes. Read what he said!!! They are watching, they are concerned. If necessary, they will close. Dang, like I said, he cannot win. So many of you were probably the same ones that voted for no elected superintendent. The same ones saying they were sick of the good old boy system we have had here.
    As far as the video, I’m sure he wasn’t the only one that made the decision to have it sent out to district, and if he did HE APOLOGIZED!! Sounds like you are a bunch of CANCEL CULTURE SNOWFLAKES…. Some of you are ALWAYS on here complaining. Go do some good for your neighbors. Spend less time being a Karen and more being a good citizen.

  7. Anne on August 15th, 2021 7:23 pm

    Y’ALL … We the People have NO Say over this Appointed Superintendent.
    NEED to be Calling Each of our ELECTED School Board Members to Voice OUR Opinions on the Storm Protocol for ECSD.
    Does the ECSD Even Have a Protocol to decide when — IF — to Close the Schools?
    Board Members made the FINAL DECISION of who to Hire so ANY issues should go Directly into their laps.
    How some small group of Progressives managed to get an Appointed Supt ….
    WAIT A MINUTE….that group depended upon US to NOT Vote….this is on US Y’all.
    CALL your Board Members and let them know what WE the People WANT….

  8. Fred on August 15th, 2021 7:14 pm

    So we rush to reopen schools and block them from issuing mask mandates in the middle of a pandemic while the ICUs are completely full, and now we are keeping them open in the face of a tropical storm.

    Does Escambia County just not care about our kids/teachers anymore?

  9. Laura R on August 15th, 2021 7:09 pm

    Just announce the school closure for Escambia County already. The wind and water are too much for the limited number of bus drivers for all levels:elementary, middle and high school to get to and from safely. It isn’t safe for anyone to be on the roads. Don’t complicate storm matters by adding to the problem. Families need to prepare, with the understanding that their children will not be in class. It is asinine to think otherwise. Please. Just announce the closure. Thank you.

  10. J on August 15th, 2021 6:46 pm

    That’s so dumb. Playing Russian roulette with the kids of this county. Not cool. Keep your kids home parents if you can.

  11. Hannah on August 15th, 2021 6:22 pm

    I’m a school bus driver you can’t put buses on the road tomorrow afternoon. With the winds and heavy rain coming at elementary dismissal time. Then the whole afternoon will be filled with rain and winds. We have buses that travel over bridges towards the beaches. Our kids are more important than the head count in schools

  12. Concerned on August 15th, 2021 6:18 pm

    Mr Smith
    We did not get to vote you in office! Decision like keeping school open Monday will guarantee your appointment will be very very short! We hope . Let share another ignorant video

  13. Deedee on August 15th, 2021 6:17 pm

    If Pensacola schools are open, then believe there is no dangerous wind. Rain never hurt anyone, and doubt we get a lot of that if any.

  14. wow on August 15th, 2021 6:08 pm

    Being a kid that goes to school I personally would not feel safe whats so ever hoing to school not knowing what is going to happen with this storm.

  15. Sabra Reddick on August 15th, 2021 5:28 pm

    Do not put our kids in danger!!safety first

  16. Sabra Reddick on August 15th, 2021 5:26 pm

    Close schools on Pensacola we want our kids safe

  17. Close the schools on August 15th, 2021 5:09 pm

    Timothy Smith wins moron of the year. Santa Rosa county schools have closed for Monday. My wife is a bus driver and if anything happens to her or these kids you won’t be superintendent for long. Should be fired cause if the racist video he made. Close the schools it’s better to be safe than sorry. Obviously you don’t know how these storms can be. It might be moving east but we will still get a lot from the storm like high winds and heavy rain all that are not good for driving in especially if you have tons of students. Remember Timothy you said you care about there safety. So if someone does get hurt it’s on you.

  18. Stardreena Smith on August 15th, 2021 4:54 pm

    Is he not already in hot water about a video? Now escambia county schools are the only ones open. Just wait to see how mad people going to be about this. It’s not a safety concern. It’s a money concern cause no buses should even be allowed on the roads tomorrow. Next time y’all need to keep your votes cause now y’all are constantly messing up. Close escambia county schools. Duh!

  19. Ja on August 15th, 2021 4:54 pm

    Poor decision. Obviously ruling by the cone of the moment. Don’t know anything about this superintendent. Is he from Florida? Does he know nothing about TS and Hurricanes? Every Floridian knows the winds extend out. It isn’t if you are west Of where it hits you get nothing. If you take all the information in IF….IF it does hit west we will still get 4-6 inches of rain and have 35mph and higher winds right when everyone’s driving to school. Now, if they announced thus after the 10pm update tonight that’s at least with more accurate to actual landfall information. But, I’ve seen too many of these storms change on a dime over the years. We are too far out from landfall for certainty

  20. Jason on August 15th, 2021 4:50 pm

    The 4pm update on Sunday puts this storm well east of Escambia County with Landfall east of Panama City. While storms can change course – and often do – under the current projections there is no reason to cancel schools. Now, if you are parent and feel the need to keep your child home, then do so.

  21. Citizen on August 15th, 2021 4:49 pm

    A man on thin ice shouldn’t play with fire.

  22. Really? on August 15th, 2021 4:48 pm

    Guess nobody learned from Sally. But that’s what happens when you bring in an out-of-towner who doesn’t know the weather.

  23. Stardreena Smith on August 15th, 2021 4:34 pm

    Safety can’t be a concern if the schools are open tomorrow

  24. Love on August 15th, 2021 4:27 pm

    It’s a storm and you talking about ppl safety don’t seem like you really care