ECUA Suspends All Bulk Waste Collections For This Week Due To Driver Shortage

August 19, 2021

The Emerald Coast Utilities Authority has suspended all bulk waste collections due a driver shortage.

“Like many other organizations across the country, ECUA is experiencing staffing shortages among our sanitation collection crews, maintenance staff, and with our CDL drivers, which have been affecting our operations intermittently,” ECUA Public Information Office Nathalie Bowers said in a news release.

Bulk waste includes items such as couches, mattresses, desks and chairs. The bulk waste collections will remain suspended the rest of the week. ECUA is also not accepting any new extra sanitation pick up orders (above the usual weekly allowable limit) for bulk items until the current extra bulk waste collections are completed.

Collections for garbage, yard waste and recyclables remain on their normal schedules although ECUA said some routes may run behind schedule.

“If any waste collections are missed, it is likely that the truck did not finish its daily route and will complete its route the next day. All collections will be caught up by Saturday, and we appreciate everyone’s understanding as we work through the greater-than-normal collection volumes and staffing issues,” Bowers said.



19 Responses to “ECUA Suspends All Bulk Waste Collections For This Week Due To Driver Shortage”

  1. meek on August 24th, 2021 7:47 am

    McDonalds pays more than a city job…wt??? The city has to do better, smh… What about the people born and raised here? 12.49 hr? That’s insulting.

  2. Cry baby cry on August 22nd, 2021 8:16 am

    Take your own crap to the dump! Stop pushing your responsibility on other people. I get tired of driving around Pcola and seeing junk stack by the street. Have some pride in your city and house.

  3. Molino Girl on August 21st, 2021 5:40 pm

    $12.49 hr. That is about $500 per week BEFORE taxes. Ask yourself if you can live on that paying a mortgage or rent, car payment, car insurance, electric, water, garbage, phone, food, insurance etc. I wouldn’t drive for them either for that little bit…but in order for wages to go up, fees have to go up. Get used to it folks. That’s how things work, wages go up, prices go up for everything.

  4. John Caro on August 21st, 2021 9:50 am

    How much does the Delta variant have to do with this? I know my septic tank replacement has been delayed 4 to 6 months because “all our employees have Covid”

  5. JUST SAYING on August 20th, 2021 4:42 pm

    This does NOT explain why we’ve been having since before Sally of them not picking up cans and yard limbs, etc on time for years! Every other week, I have to call and say “hey, you skipped me but got everyone else on my street”. Mine is never obstructed, but I’ve been having issues with ECUA for years! PLUS they raised our rates, and for what?! NOTHING

  6. Candy Grandpre on August 20th, 2021 4:13 pm

    I bet they won’t hire me, though!

  7. Myrna lane on August 20th, 2021 3:19 pm

    I understand shortages. I understand that wages are low.
    Frankly I was suprized to hear how little county employees are paid. My choice is to not complain and figure our solutions to
    to help this situation as long as I rely on other to trash. Dump sites are not the solution. From what I can see that appears to be costly for the tax payers. It looks bad. Perhaps making wise choices about what I buy and consume
    makes less trash and will not add to the problem. I would rather see bags of trash Tied up along the side of the road and wait for someone to up than trash everywhere.

  8. SueB on August 20th, 2021 11:00 am

    I’m sure if you pay extra & set up a date, the truck & driver will pick up your bulk waste.
    $12.49 an hour for 12-13 hours a day…forget it!
    Work at Target inside an air condition building for $15.00 a hour.

  9. MR REALITY on August 20th, 2021 9:28 am

    what the heck did they need a RATE INCREASE JUST LAST MONTH FOR THEN? I just dont get it….

  10. Katie Hartmann on August 20th, 2021 4:04 am

    It’s been over month where I live at that our yard waste hasn’t been picked up! How do we find out when it’ll get picked up??

  11. Well on August 19th, 2021 8:25 pm

    The County is hiring also.
    EOII 12.49 an hour if you have your CDL.
    Many positions available on their site.

  12. Concerned and retired driver on August 19th, 2021 7:22 pm

    I want everyone here to think about how the drivers that are working to collect your trash feel about you self serving comments. I moved from another state and the price of sanitation services was 3 times as much here. I was also charged for yard wast over 3×3 and it had to be tied. Bulk was charged as well $15.00 couch and loveseat, $25 per appliance. We also had to buy our can from them it wasn’t given to us to use. So all you who are complaining it could be worse than suspend for the week or running behind. Also take a minute to think how hard it is to operate those giant trucks in some of these areas with narrow streets and as I have seen impatient drivers flying around these trucks all while they have to watch and avoid construction workers that block streets, culdesacs that have people blocking them half up and expect that huge truck to avoid everything. Just think how disrespectful you are to the person who is trying to provide you the service to you. Maybe instead of asking for a discount ask why do you think you are short drivers. Is it pay, benefits, quality quality applicants.

  13. ensley boy on August 19th, 2021 1:40 pm

    Great! Since the bulk pick up was already figured in my bill, I expect to get a decrease in my next bill since I do not have access to the bulk pick up service.

  14. jim on August 19th, 2021 12:09 pm

    ECUA sends me an email each month advising me of my bill for their services. If they are going to suspend services then why can’t they send me an email in advance of the suspension so I don’t spend time and effort hauling my stuff to the street only to have it sit in front of my house and not be picked up.

  15. kane on August 19th, 2021 10:57 am

    What “recyclables” they quit separating those a week ago. I’m guessing they mean the “recyclable” bins though now you can put whatever you want in there because again they don’t separate them anymore.

  16. Stephen on August 19th, 2021 10:26 am

    @ Mitch326

    Online at

  17. Richard on August 19th, 2021 9:52 am

    Is it that they can’t find people or are they using it as an excuse to reduce staff? Apparently, we have many people looking for jobs, according to stats. Or are the unemployment benefits such that it’s more beneficial not to work.

  18. mitch326 on August 19th, 2021 8:54 am

    Where do I go to apply. I”’m 67 but I will work. Where do I go to apply?

  19. River Rat on August 19th, 2021 8:12 am

    Well, Well – Here comes more illegal dumping and burning of trash. Just what this dumping county needs – NOT! Our bill needs to be reduced due to not being able to fulfill the commitment of picking up trash. Sorry about the CDL shortage.