Cantonment Man Accused Of Cashing Check Stolen From Mailbox, Fleeing From Deputies
August 25, 2021
A Cantonment man is accused of stealing a check from a mailbox, cashing it, and fleeing from deputies.
Justin Michael Odom, 27, was charged with uttering a forged check, driving while being a habitual offender, felony fleeing from a police officer, and reckless driving.
In July, Odom allegedly stole an insurance company disbursement check from a mailbox on Santa Rosa Road in Cantonment. He changed the payee to his name and cashed the check at Walmart on Pensacola Boulevard, according to an arrest report. A deputy stated he was able to positively identify Odom as the person seen cashing the check on surveillance video.
On Sunday, an Escambia County Sheriff’s Office deputy was on routine patrol on Frank Ard Road when Odom ran out, got into a pickup truck and sped away.
“Odom then accelerated to a very high speed down the dirt driveway of the home, then turned left and proceeded towards my cruiser in an extremely reckless manner. Odom was spinning the tires and just about lost control striking my cruiser,” the deputy wrote in his report.
The truck accelerated away at a high rate of speed to Quintette, Highway 95A and then Stacey, not stopping for the deputy as he activated his emergency equipment for a traffic stop.
7 Responses to “Cantonment Man Accused Of Cashing Check Stolen From Mailbox, Fleeing From Deputies”
His mom’s been dead since he was a kid…before you get on here and post inappropriate comments check your facts at least!
Haha! Walmart has more video surveillance than the State Prisons. When will these losers figure that out?
We had the same thing happen to us in BARRINEAU PARK.Unfortunately it was right before Christmas, 2020 and it was a church check made out to a local plumber for replaced
water lines..thankfully the bank reimbursed our loss and and now ALL checks are now deposited in the inside post office.
I havent sent checks out from my mailbox for 12-14 years. I drop them off at the pist office.
wakeup for those who are not from here I assure you these officers here in escambia county are very relaxed and fully trained very very well. just don’t do the crime you won’t do the time .you will get caught the police never sleeps they will be over top of you waking you up get your pants on your going to jail. just stay at home get a job and do the right things. have respect for these officers and comply things will go very well for you. it’s yes sir and no sir or yes ma’am and no ma’am then they don’t feel a threat .
It amazes me at the length people will go to avoid work. His life would have so much less stress if he had a regular job and worked for his money.
See what happens when you reside in Mom’s basement for an extended period of time eating Doritos and consuming Red Bull…