Ascension Sacred Heart Offering Monoclonal Antibody Therapy for COVID-19

August 13, 2021

In response to the surge of COVID-19 cases, Ascension Sacred Heart Pensacola is offering an investigational medical treatment in which monoclonal antibodies are given to patients with mild-to-moderate symptoms of COVID-19.

Patients who are already in the hospital or requiring oxygen because of COVID-19 infection are not eligible for the outpatient treatment.

Ascension Sacred Heart Pensacola, through the Florida Department of Health, has received doses of casirivimab/imdevimab, an investigational monoclonal antibody for early treatment of mild to moderate symptoms of COVID-19. The drug combination is administered via a one-time intravenous infusion.

Casirivimab/Imdevimab has been granted an Emergency Usage Approval (EUA) from the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) based on research data. Clinical trials have shown monoclonal antibodies have likely benefit in preventing emergency department visits and hospitalizations due to the coronavirus. The FDA has not given full approval of Casirivimab/Imdevimab.

Clinical trials have shown that patients who receive the antibody therapy have less severe symptoms from COVID-19 and recover sooner. The antibodies help the immune system recognize and respond effectively to the virus.

To be eligible for the outpatient treatment, individuals must have at least one condition that puts them at high risk for major complications or death from COVID-19. The high-risk categories include:

  • Older age (for example 65 years and older)

  • Obesity or being overweight

  • Pregnancy

  • Chronic Kidney Disease

  • Diabetes

  • Immunosuppressive disease or immunosuppressive treatment

  • Cardiovascular disease or high blood pressure

  • Chronic lung diseases

  • Sickle cell disease

  • Neurodevelopmental disorders

  • Having a medical-related technological dependence (for example, tracheostomy, gastrostomy, or positive pressure ventilation – not related to COVID-19)

  • Other medical conditions of factors that place patients at high risk for progressing to severe COVID-19

“Timing is really important for this therapy. It is not approved for use in patients who are already so sick they need hospital care,” said Dr. Peter Jennings, chief medical officer at Ascension Sacred Heart. “Rather, this is a treatment option for some high-risk patients that may keep them out of the hospital.”

The antibody to neutralize the virus has to be given to patients in a narrow window of time – within 10 days of when they start showing symptoms, but before they’re sick enough to be hospitalized. Ideally, the drug should be given within three days of a positive test for COVID-19.

Patients will be required to provide a copy of their COVID-19 test results. The infusions will be given Monday-Friday while supplies of casirivimab/imdevimab remain available. For more information about monoclonal antibody therapy, contact your healthcare provider or call 850-416-LUNG (5864).


8 Responses to “Ascension Sacred Heart Offering Monoclonal Antibody Therapy for COVID-19”

  1. sam on August 16th, 2021 6:23 am

    i got the shot as soon as it was made possible in january. don’t regret it and will be first in line for a booster. i have friends and relatives that didn’t choose to get it some are still fine and some were very sick and almost died and still have lingering problems. i don’t judge folks, each of us have a choice. for me i think i made the right decision. waiting for the booster if it is necessary.

  2. Kane on August 14th, 2021 10:48 am

    @just sayen So you’re laying there about to have a tube shoved down your throat so you can keep breathing and you want to tell the Doctor that you do NOT want that shot that might save your life? Yeah bud how about you contact me I’ve got some nice ocean front property in Arizona you’d be interested in!! But I bet just like all the other cowards that refused to get vaccinated and keep spreading misinformation you’ll be begging for it on your deathbed.

  3. Dee Mann on August 14th, 2021 1:34 am

    Just sayen , do you think only the unvaccinated are the only ones covid
    is killing then your the clueless one sorry

  4. Just sayen on August 13th, 2021 10:42 pm

    Get the shot so we all can get back to normal. The info is here just look at the numbers. The shot works, our health workers are tired, I am sick of staying home do to no masker and no shot tackers. I do believe you have the right to do what you want, but don’t put others at risk. LOOK AT THE NUMBERS.

  5. Bill on August 13th, 2021 9:05 pm


    What’s your take on people who jump out of airplanes without parachutes?

  6. Justsayen on August 13th, 2021 9:00 pm

    If you have received the shot you shouldn’t need this treatment. Clueless

  7. Dee Mann on August 13th, 2021 5:47 pm

    Just sayen … if a person chooses not to take a shot that they may feel is unproven or not have a enough information on and decided to make sure it safe both now and in longer term ….. They deserve less care ,or heaven forbid to die !!!! WOW

  8. Just sayen on August 13th, 2021 4:26 pm

    You should not get this treatment if you did not get the shot. All Is ((an Emergency Usage Approval (EUA) from the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) ))