Two Escambia Men Sentenced To Prison For Part In 2019 Car Burglary Ring

July 20, 2021

Two Escambia County man have been sentenced to prison for their part in car burglary ring in October 2019.

They allegedly went to several residential areas to steal and burglarize multiple vehicles.

Jacquavious Lamar Savage, 20, entered a no contest plea in six case involving 11 felonies and two misdemeanors, including grand theft of a firearm, grand theft auto, burglary of unoccupied conveyance, attempted burglary of an unoccupied conveyance, grand theft and petit theft. He was sentenced to 15 years in state prison to be followed by 10 years probation.

Between October 27, 2019, and October 30, 2019, Savage burglarized four cars, attempted to burglarize a fifth car, stole three cars, stole a firearm, and took various other property items from the cars.

Deonte Eric Brown, 18, was sentenced to 10 years in prison to be followed by 10 years probation. He entered a no contest plea in 11 cases, including grand theft of a firearm, grand theft auto, burglary of an unoccupied conveyance, grant theft, petit theft and fraudulent use of a credit card.

Between October 18, 2019 and October 31, 2019, Brown allegedly stole three firearms, six cars, burglarized nine cars, stole various items from the cars, and used a credit card that was stolen from one of the vehicles.

Pictured: Jacquavious Lamar Savage (left) and Deonte Eric Brown (right).


17 Responses to “Two Escambia Men Sentenced To Prison For Part In 2019 Car Burglary Ring”

  1. Carol on July 24th, 2021 2:19 pm

    No warning shots! Ammo is expensive, just sayin.

  2. JD on July 23rd, 2021 9:01 pm

    @david . Don’t worry I’ll act within the boundaries of what the law says in that situation. Doesn’t seem like you know what to do in that situation. Go ahead try that line of thinking and I’ll wave at you as you on that white blue bird prison bus wishing you would’ve acted responsibly. All that shoot first sort it out later crap has landed a many of folk in the state pen. Shooting at people because they in your car is against the law plain and simple. Don’t worry I got the gators too !!!

  3. David Huie Green on July 23rd, 2021 4:32 pm

    “And if you are goofy enough to shoot at someone going in your car there isn’t one stand your ground law that will get you out of it. I can see giving them a warning shot to scatter on but if someone shoots at someone in their yard you will definitely get the grand prize of a prison sentence for that.”

    You are right. It would be silly to just shoot at and merely wound, notify anyone about it after, or to leave living witnesses. . I would never do a thing like that. Anyone considering stealing better hope they rob only fools, welcome-mats, and bad shots.

    And warning shots just endanger others. That would be wrong. There is only one place for a shot to avoid hitting the innocent.

    And in case the neighbors would tell :
    “Officer, he said he was going to shoot me, or I think/thought that was what he said. You can see he had a knife. I know they’re dangerous because I have six…no, five of them myself.

    It doesn’t matter what I might or might not do. What matters is what any of the ones he’s robbing might do. He is risking justifiable homicide to steal some guns to sell for use in unjustifiable homicide. (A possibility, anyway, not to be ignored.)

    And if the “I don’t want to be a victim” respondent gets even one reasonable (or possibly unreasonable to you) juror, the nonvictim walks. Attorneys would be wise to not push it lest they remind people what jurors are apt to do when they realize they might be violated too.

    David for well fed gators

  4. JD on July 22nd, 2021 5:05 pm

    @david . There was no excuse being made for his actions. The point being made is the news was making it sound like they were busting into the cars. That want the case. No I don’t leave my doors unlocked. And if you leave your prize possessions in an unlocked car and something happens don’t be crying and boo hoping when they gone. Like I said those days are gone of security in your own space. And if you are goofy enough to shoot at someone going in your car there isn’t one stand your ground law that will get you out of it. I can see giving them a warning shot to scatter on but if someone shoots at someone in their yard you will definitely get the grand prize of a prison sentence for that. But there is a bunch of people who thinks it’s ok to do that so go ahead and try it I’ll be on here to read about you. Be a responsible gun owner within the law.

  5. David Huie Green on July 22nd, 2021 2:59 pm

    “the lady that showed up to give her statement for sentencing for the state, you said you were traumatized and have to go to counseling over the theft. Lock your doors and don’t leave your goods in an unlocked car.”

    TRANSLATION: Put yourself in prison so he can traumatize somebody else.

    “Deonte didn’t have a paid lawyer.”

    Actually, he sort of did. The criminal just didn’t pay.

    “for the judge to be considering something that didn’t even pertain or exist to the case is total mularkey”


    And no, it isn’t. It wasn’t the trial phase. That ended with his acceptance of the validity of the charges against him.

    Sentencing phase involves consideration of what the judge knows or has found out about the CONVICTED criminal. You can keep a jury ignorant. It’s harder to keep a judge ignorant.

    As to what the judge told young criminals coming before him, it is not the duty of a judge to tell criminals their crimes are okay. That leads to more predation on citizens.

    They conspired to commit crimes. That was an ongoing felony of racketeering. They were not tried for all the crimes they committed.

    David for better judges
    since we seem to reject the idea of better people

  6. David Huie Green on July 22nd, 2021 1:54 pm

    “All the cars that were burglarized had unlocked doors . Not making excuses.”

    Yet it somehow reads like an excuse. “He only did bad things because you let him,” kind of thing.
    So the solution is to not let him.

    Be grateful they are protecting him from being shot for a few years. Maybe he’ll recognize the favor by then.

    David for unrecognized blessings

  7. Ashley on July 22nd, 2021 12:54 pm

    @jd judge Robinson is horrible. He was juvenile court before he moved to adult. He takes what he wants out of a case and uses his opinion not evidence . He says horrible things that really don’t need to be said. In juvenile he would tell kids how horrible they were and they aret threats to society. I feel for anybody who gets this judge, he does not judge fairly. I don’t know these boys story so I’m not commenting on that, I just know this judge

  8. D. Flowers on July 21st, 2021 11:12 pm

    I suspect that many a criminal who gets leniency comes out of it with a feeling of both relief and “I got away with it”. But getting put away 15 years limits one’s misbaving to an environment behind bars and barbed wire. Bad for them, good for the rest of us, for at least 15 years. I wish the kid well and a good life once he is out.

  9. Seriously on July 21st, 2021 6:13 pm

    Why are you blaming the victim for leaving their car door unlocked.?
    So what you are saying is if you forget to lock your car doors that a criminal has a right to your property?
    Not sure where you got your education but I think you need a refresher course!
    Hopefully it never happens to you!

  10. JD on July 21st, 2021 1:11 pm

    I know Deonte’s mother personally. Things go wrong with kids quite often. No one in the family condoned Deonte’s actions in this. According to that public pretender some of the charges were to be not prosecuted. But on sentencing day it was a different deal. Deonte didn’t have a paid lawyer. We all knew he would get some time but not all that time. And Ms brown was comfortable with that. But Judge Robinson didn’t want to hear a thing anyone there for deonte had to say. In fact the judge brings up and I quote ” and you been messing around in Santa Rosa county too.” Deonte hadn’t even been contacted by Santa Rosa police or detective about anything. So for the judge to be considering something that didn’t even pertain or exist to the case is total mularkey. None of us are condoning Deonte’s actions, but the problem lies in the sentencing with things being applied to this case that doesn’t exist. All the cars that were burglarized had unlocked doors . Not making excuses. And also the lady that showed up to give her statement for sentencing for the state, you said you were traumatized and have to go to counseling over the theft. Lock your doors and don’t leave your goods in an unlocked car. This isn’t the 60s anymore.

  11. Beach Boy on July 21st, 2021 8:41 am

    It really is a shame that people this young ruin their lives because they think it’s the thing to do. Here are some words to ponder: “Sin will take you farther than you want to go, keep you longer than you want to stay, and cost you more than you want to pay.”

  12. Mya on July 21st, 2021 1:55 am

    deonte and i have been talking for year & i wish they would just let him out on probation and let him prove he can be better, he was young & dumb. hurts my heart.

  13. Smith on July 20th, 2021 8:41 pm

    I’ve been seeing so many people I’ve went to high school with getting in trouble and going to prison for a long time, y’all gotta wake up and be better !!

  14. Lifendason on July 20th, 2021 8:13 am

    So sad to see young lives wasted. Sin and the Devil will take you on a thrill ride, but the end result will always be pain and suffering.

    Praying for these young men that maybe this will open their eyes and when they get out of prison, try to do better.

  15. TaxPayer on July 20th, 2021 8:05 am

    A terrible waste indeed. The victims are out their possessions, and society gets to pay for their upkeep in a “correctional facility” which corrects exactly nothing, only spitting out two more convicts with no life skills, no education, no marketable skills and prison records. So it goes.

  16. JTV on July 20th, 2021 4:48 am

    Taking out the trash

  17. Rasheed Jackson on July 20th, 2021 1:34 am

    Two young lives wasted. They are going to spend some of the best years of their life in prison. So So sad. But hey they made the choices and now they have to live with the consequences.