Tri-County 8-10 Softball All-Stars Win Florida State Championship

July 13, 2021

The Tri-County 8-10 Softball All-Star Team won the Florida little league state championship Monday. Photo for, click to enlarge.


4 Responses to “Tri-County 8-10 Softball All-Stars Win Florida State Championship”

  1. The Killams on July 15th, 2021 7:26 am

    Congratulations to the Tri-County All-Star Softball Team! Good to see Tri-County strike again!

  2. Patsy Berry on July 13th, 2021 8:29 am

    Congratulations to The Tri-County Softball All Star Team! I am one proud Mom and Nana!! Love you Tenley!!

  3. Jackie Johnson on July 13th, 2021 6:34 am

    Congratulations to The Tri-County Softball All-Star Team, Coaches and Parents! Safe travels home!

  4. JTV on July 13th, 2021 4:28 am

    Congratulations All-Stars