Man Sentenced For Setting Car On Fire With Enlisted Woman Inside

July 22, 2021

An Escambia County man as been sentenced to state prison for setting an enlisted woman’s vehicle on fire while she was inside.

Lee Edward Yohn entered a plea to one count of first degree arson of an occupied structure and was sentenced to 10 years imprisonment.

On New Year’s Day, 2020, the victim, an active duty military service member, went to a U-Haul business. Not seeing anyone inside the business, she returned to her vehicle to leave. Upon returning to her vehicle, she was confronted by the defendant who began yelling at her. When the victim entered her vehicle in an attempt to leave, Yohn threw an unknown liquid on her car and then set the car on fire. When exiting the burning vehicle, the victim suffered minor injuries.

Although  Yohn fled the scene, he was later identified by surveillance video, photo line ups, and other investigative techniques.


7 Responses to “Man Sentenced For Setting Car On Fire With Enlisted Woman Inside”

  1. Chuck on July 23rd, 2021 11:49 am

    I wish someone would burn my car. I could get rid of a monthly car payment.

  2. Kane on July 22nd, 2021 11:30 am

    Maybe we should put all of the mentally disabled in prison I mean that would save some tax dollars on special needs programs right? We could close those special education schools and send those tax dollars to our flailing D.O.C maybe then they could get actual doctors instead of nurses aides (note I said nurses AIDES not nurse).
    Or at the very least stop paying doctors for “tele services” for prisoners I mean if the doc wont even go to the facility I feel cheated as a tax payer.

  3. Fred on July 22nd, 2021 10:49 am

    We have a lot of mentally impaired people like him wandering the streets, untreated and abusing alcohol and drugs.

  4. Shay on July 22nd, 2021 10:03 am

    Only 10 years for attacking a service person? Pathetic!

  5. Charlotte Rebecca Bates on July 22nd, 2021 9:54 am

    10 years? That’s it? WOW!! Just glad the lady wasn’t seriously injured. In my opinion, that was attempted murder.

  6. Stanley Beech on July 22nd, 2021 6:08 am

    Six Months of busting rocks for 12 hours a day 7 days a week would turn him into a Gentleman

  7. Anne on July 22nd, 2021 5:58 am

    Should have never closed Chattahoochee for these people in great need.
    Hope our Service Member has recovered fully and doing well.