Highway 29, Molino Road Intersection Partially Blocked By Morning Wreck

July 23, 2021

A Friday morning crash on Highway 29 closed part of a Molino intersection and injured at least one person.

The two vehicle crash was reported about 9:50 a.m. at Highway 29 and Molino Road, blocking both southbound lanes. The Florida Highway Patrol diverted traffic around the crash through a turn lane.

At least one person was reported transported to the hospital by Escambia County with injuries that were not considered serious. The FHP is investigating the cause of the wreck.

NorthEsambia.com photos by Kristi Barbour, click to enlarge.


8 Responses to “Highway 29, Molino Road Intersection Partially Blocked By Morning Wreck”

  1. K. in Cantonment on July 25th, 2021 8:57 am

    No one knows who has the right a way because they never took drivers ed. They need to go back and read the handbook.

  2. ensley boy on July 23rd, 2021 6:58 pm

    Tommy G………….You are correct. They could have saved all that money for the traffic signal if you have the same results if there is a signal or not.

  3. Charlotte Rebecca Bates on July 23rd, 2021 4:50 pm

    Nothing wrong with the roads or intersection. It’s people not paying attention. That road did not just jump up and caused you to have an accident. That tree didn’t jump out, and that traffic light didn’t cause the accident. It’s just plain and simple. NOT PAYING ATTENTION.

  4. Concerned on July 23rd, 2021 1:41 pm

    The light itself is very small. And yes even though the Molino Sherriff has opened that location most people including 18 wheelers will drive close to 80 through the 55 MPH speed section. I have been driving this road for 17 years back and forth to work. Also it is because some people are not paying attention.

  5. Alisa on July 23rd, 2021 12:34 pm

    When driving down 29 I stay in the left lane because I need to get into the median to uturn to get to my house. (After the light) People will fly up on me and tell me to move to the right lane. The speed limit is 55 through here not 80! Let people make their left turns in peace and chill out on the road rage.

    Noted from someone who has seen 10 plus wrecks since living on the hwy in the last 5 years.

    Road rage and texting is the cause of most of these wrecks.

  6. J.Larry Seale on July 23rd, 2021 12:10 pm

    after the state spent all that
    money on traffic lights,
    I guess people can’t read traffic

  7. Tommy G on July 23rd, 2021 11:59 am

    Utter confusion. Let’s examine the issue:

    1. No traffic light = Collisions;

    2. Blinking yellow caution traffic light = Collisions;

    3. Full functioning traffic lights in every direction = Collisions.

    Summary – You cannot fix people and whatever reason the accidents occur. That intersection (just as many others within our community) has always been plagued with issues. The problems pre-exist smartphones so we cannot blame everything on texting and driving. People need to get back to paying DAM attention and be defensive drivers again. Watching all around and anticipate what others are going to do and what you will do should something going bad.

  8. My name is Earl on July 23rd, 2021 11:35 am

    A bad intersection and a bad road to travel on. In any direction!!!