FWC’s Operation Dry Water Targets Boating Under The Influence This Weekend

July 3, 2021

FWC’s Operation Dry Water promotes education, enforcement for boating under the influence this weekend

The Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission’s (FWC) Division of Law Enforcement will be promoting awareness and conducting heightened enforcement targeting boating under the influence as part of the national Operation Dry Water campaign this weekend.

FWC officers will be enforcing Florida’s boating under the influence laws and educating boaters about safe boating practices, which includes boating sober.

The Fourth of July holiday is one of the busiest boating holidays all over the U.S., including here in Florida. In 2020, the month of July had nine fatalities and 53 people injured due to BUI related boating accidents.

Operating a vessel under the influence of alcohol or drugs is illegal on all bodies of water and can lead to serious injuries and consequences. In Florida, it is illegal to operate a vessel with a blood alcohol content level of .08 or higher — the same as it is to operate a vehicle.

“If you are boating and choose to operate while impaired, you are endangering not only yourself, but your family, friends and other boaters on the water,” said Maj. Rob Beaton, FWC’s Boating and Waterways Section Leader. “FWC officers will be actively patrolling statewide looking for boaters who show signs of impairment. One of our primary missions is to ensure the safety of all those enjoying the state’s vast and diverse waterways. That is why the FWC is joining other states and agencies across the country to do our part in keeping boaters safe and preventing accidents related to boating under the influence.”

Alcohol is a leading contributing factor in recreational boating deaths and a major contributor to accidents. Last year in Florida, 23% of fatal accidents were related to alcohol or drug use.

If a person decides to take alcohol on their voyage, it is important to designate an operator who isn’t drinking alcohol and will remain sober to ensure everyone gets home safely. The FWC encourages boaters to enjoy the boating season to its full extent by boating sober, wearing a life jacket and taking a boating education course.

The national Operation Dry Water weekend will take place July 2 through July 4. The mission of Operation Dry Water is to prevent alcohol and drug related accidents and fatalities through increased recreational boater awareness and fostering a stronger and more visible deterrent to alcohol use on the water.


4 Responses to “FWC’s Operation Dry Water Targets Boating Under The Influence This Weekend”

  1. Chris on July 4th, 2021 4:33 am

    What I sense is that you guys pretty much had the river to yourselves and the few locals who were out there. Almost like a tight knit little river community. Now you know how we feel on the upper portions of the river since this Johnny Come Lately started a new Tube/Canoe/Kayak rental when FWC/NWFLWMD opened up Filingim’s Landing. The amount of people has more than quadrupled. And now you know how the lifelong Beulah residents feel. How the people of Cantonment and Molino are beginning/will begin to feel soon. They call it progress. Progress for thee but not for me is what I tell them.

  2. William 2 on July 3rd, 2021 7:13 pm

    I own a place on the Perdido River, it’s always been this way, but when they do show up on the Perdido, the state agencies can’t seem to get it right when it comes to determining if someone is in Florida or Alabama when on the main river and fishing.

    FWC won’t give anyone a problem until they get into a slough or lake on the Florida side but Alabama DNR will cite anyone fishing anywhere on the main river without an Alabama license, it’s been like this for the 40 years I’ve lived on the river.

  3. Ditto on July 3rd, 2021 5:43 pm

    @Bonnie…. I couldn’t agree more!! Since the new boat ramp the boating traffic on Perdido/Styx is out of control, it would be be so bad if people knew boating etiquette and safety. I think most are people that bought a boat during covid and have absolutely NO idea how to safely operate a boat and do not not know what no wake means. Please have FWC patrolling and educating the morons this weekend. I seriously hope no one gets hurt on the water this weekend. Perdido Styx was the best waterway to relax and enjoy a day on the water until the new ramp so I vote for closing the ramp.

  4. Bonnie on July 3rd, 2021 8:07 am

    Why don’t we see any Patrol around the Perdido/Styx River area?? They are alot of crazy boat drivers out there!! They DO NOT know what NO WAKE means! It’s especially dangerous ever since they opened the new Robinson Boat launch in Beulah!! Please do something about this before someone gets hurt bad!!