Fundraiser Underway For Volunteer Firefighter In Need Of Kidney Transplant

July 22, 2021

A fundraiser is underway for a firefighter in need of an immediate kidney transplant.

Cody Green and his wife Sarah have a two-year old son. Cody is a Florida Forest Service wildland firefighter, and he is a volunteer firefighter at the Molino Station of Escambia Fire Rescue.

Cody suffers from focal segmental glomerulosclerosis (FSGS), a serious condition in which scar tissue develops in parts of the kidney, and it can lead to full kidney failure.

About a year and a half ago he was at 40% kidney function, and doctors thought he would be able to live without dialysis or need of transplant until he was older in his 40s or 50s. But about six months ago he had only 15% kidney function left and within two months was at just 7%.

To donate to the Cody Green Transplant Fundraiser on Facebook, click or tap here. To donate on GoFundMe, click or tap here.


6 Responses to “Fundraiser Underway For Volunteer Firefighter In Need Of Kidney Transplant”

  1. tc on July 23rd, 2021 1:29 am

    no social media here & never will … can someone please post how those without can donate ? thanks

  2. mnon on July 22nd, 2021 9:35 pm

    I’d give him one of mine if it was possible.

  3. CLP on July 22nd, 2021 7:25 pm

    This was my story in 2004. I too was diagnosed with FSGS with 60% kidney function. 11 months later I was down to 5 and on dialysis. Keep the faith young man and do exactly what the doctors tell you. Keep fighting and hang tough. I had a transplant in 2008 and am on year 13. Like JVT I’d like to know how people not on Facebook can donate.

  4. William 2 on July 22nd, 2021 2:35 pm

    How can a person get tested to see if they can donate something more important than cash?

  5. Livinmolino on July 22nd, 2021 7:46 am

    Shout out for all of our first responders, especially our firefighters in Molino!!!
    CHALLENGE to everyone in Molino to support this fund raiser and cover Cody with our prayers. Cody is one of ours!!!

  6. JTV on July 22nd, 2021 6:32 am

    Is there a place to donate for people not on Facebook?