Florida Gas Prices Hold Steady Over The Past Week

July 12, 2021

Florida gas prices held steady during the past week, with drivers paying an average of $3.01 per gallon.

The average price per gallon in Escambia County was $2.99. In North Escambia, a low of $2.83 could be found at a Highway 29 station in Cantonment. In Pensacola, the lowest price Sunday night was $2.83 at the two warehouse clubs and a station on Nine Mile Road.

“Crude oil prices fluctuated last week, but ultimately evened out. So it’s likely these elevated gas prices will hang around for the near future,” said Mark Jenkins, spokesman, AAA — The Auto Club Group.


5 Responses to “Florida Gas Prices Hold Steady Over The Past Week”

  1. David Huie Green on July 17th, 2021 5:53 pm

    ‘need the money to help pay for trash pickup on our roadways grass needs maintained more. more speed bumps in neighborhoods more red lights rather than 4 way stop signs more camaras at most intersections to catch red light runners and to help build homes for the needy.”

    So we need to outlaw electric vehicles, since they wouldn’t pay any of those taxes you have already spent??

    They put taxes on condominiums with the promise of helping them maintain the condos.

    Then our legislature stole all the money and spent it elsewhere.

    Same thing with conservation related fees. Stolen.

    Might as well, though. It’s stupid to tie home construction for the needy to gas taxes. One got nothing to do with the other.

    Spending other people’s money is fun, though. It must be. So many love to do it.

    David for zero-carbon nuclear power

  2. John on July 13th, 2021 9:02 pm

    This is why we should not be declaring war against the oil and gas industry. Love your high rise beach condominiums? Who’s going to pay money to occupy them when gas is 5 dollars plus a gallon?

  3. A Alex on July 13th, 2021 8:57 am

    Funny, i read this Monday and the gas stations at 29 and Muskogee Rd noth raised their price 14cents in the for hours i was in town. Steady as they want

  4. MR REALITY on July 12th, 2021 9:29 pm

    concerned….IF we let these clowns tax us even MORE it will NEVER go for any of the things you mentioned. The clowns will find other uses for the money. So no, gas should be $2 a gal with all the services we are getting now.

  5. concerned on July 12th, 2021 11:04 am

    it’s still to cheap it should be $6 a gallon Accross the board we need the money to help pay for trash pickup on our roadways grass needs maintained more. more speed bumps in neighborhoods more red lights rather than 4 way stop signs more camaras at most intersections to catch red light runners and to help build homes for the needy. so many comming into the country the gas tax can help pay for all these things. and help save our planet at the same time.