Escambia Reports 390 New COVID-19 Cases In Last Week

July 17, 2021

There were 390 new COVID-19 cases reported Escambia County over the last week by the Florida Department of Health. That’s compared to 208 new positives reported in the week prior.

FDOH has moved from daily to weekly reports and removed the COVID-19 dashboard. The state is now releasing a weekly report with local data limited only to number of cases and positivity rate; the number of deaths by county or cases by local cities and communities has been removed.

Here is the latest data:

Escambia County cases:

Total cases: 33,845 (+390)
Positivity Rate Last Week: 13.6%

Santa Rosa County cases:

Total cases: 18,999   (+219)
Positivity Rate Last Week: 15.0%

Statewide cases:

Florida resident cases: 2,361,360 (+45,604)
Case positivity rate: 11.5%
Deaths: 38,388 (+59)


10 Responses to “Escambia Reports 390 New COVID-19 Cases In Last Week”

  1. Warren on July 21st, 2021 11:53 am

    Florida now has most cases with this variant. Here less than half population vaccinated. It’s simple. There will be another lockdown when icu gets full in area hospitals. Will be no choice. If you take any modern medication regularly you are taking a medicine that you have no idea of the longterm effects. But you take it. Don’t be stupid people. Get vaccinated. Can you imagine when the polio vaccine was developed if people had let their unjustified fear prevent them from vaccinating their children?! It is a decision you need to make based on danger one way or the other. Think about it. Nobody knows the longterm residual effects of covid but you’re willing to risk getting it. If it doesn’t kill you what will be the long haul effects? You don’t know. Nobody does. Use your good sense and get vaccinated! Otherwise this new variant, twice as transmittable, is likely going to infect you…sooner or later. That is unless you are prepared to live in almost total isolation. It’s coming for you. Protect yourself and your family. Get vaccinated. People far more knowledgeable than you or I about this are themselves vaccinated. Do you really think they didn’t weigh the risks before making their decision? Ask your doctor if he or she is vaccinated. Just be smart and you’ll see the risk associated with a vaccine is far less than your dying or suffering severe illness and perhaps lingering permanent health damage…regardless of your age. Open your eyes people. Half of folks in this county are simply running blind! We’ll see you in the case reports and perhaps the obits. Sad when you could have prevented it!

  2. Emily on July 20th, 2021 11:20 pm

    Why can’t Floridians know what the death rate from the Covid-19 pandemic in our state is anymore? I thought Florida was still under the “Sunshine Law” which is supposed to let the state have transparency, so that everyone can see all of the state’s business. DeSantis is trying to play Trump’s games, without offending his supporters. He has the White House in his sights.

  3. David Huie Green on July 19th, 2021 5:34 pm

    I meant to say “Much better than January 28, 2021 with 185 deaths per day.”
    rather than January 2

    David for better proofreading

  4. David Huie Green on July 19th, 2021 5:30 pm

    “I still don’t understand though WHY the state has discontinued releasing the number of Covid related deaths! Makes one wonder – is the death rate really high or increasing & it would have a negative reflection on the state & our governor’s bragging rights?”

    Our governor wants to control the information we get, possibly to control the narrative. You can get current data from
    Strange since he reduced the number of dying by getting the oldest vaccinated as soon as possible. Each death is sad, but he lowered the total.

    For what you wanted, go to the chart of daily deaths on
    Click on the seven day average and put the cursor over the date in question. For example, for July 18 it shows a moving daily average of 31.
    (for July 11 it was 25 deaths per day, for July 4 it was 27 deaths per day. Much better than January 2 with 185 deaths per day.)

    To see if I am reading it right, look at the total deaths above 38,395 dead in Florida as of July 18 and 38,175 dead as off July 11 or 220 in one week.

    Yep, a little over 31 per day over the last seven days.

    (Remember when folks believed the president’s claim it was just a bad case of flu? Flu
    which seldom killed as many as 60 thousand people a year in the entire USA, and in 2019–20 made 405,000 sick, and killed just 22,000 in the ENTIRE country?)

    David for truth

  5. Jr on July 19th, 2021 11:06 am

    @NoExcuses..great post! I agree with you as far as making an educated decision. It’s not a political issue but a common sense issue. I, for one, can’t get the vaccination due to my medical issues. Would I if not for that? I’m not sure. Mainly based on what I’ve read as far as the lack of research done on these vaccines. I’m still seeing where those vaccinated are still testing positive. Until my medical issues are no more I will continue to research this. I’m not saying I won’t get it upon further education. Thank you for your post and for William for keeping up with all the information.

  6. Josh Jones on July 18th, 2021 8:54 am

    The Florida COVID statistics do appear to be “manipulated”, but why remains unknown. Another unknown is how many unreported cases there are. Anybody who thinks there is a highly understated number of unreported cases is just fooling themselves. The upsurge in new cases (due to the Delta – and Lambda variants) is real. For now, the vaccinated are protected, but not the unvaccinated.

  7. Ditto on July 18th, 2021 7:37 am

    @. No excuses

    Very well said!! Best comment that I have read on here……period

  8. No Excuses on July 17th, 2021 7:08 pm

    I am not for lockdowns and restrictions, but I am for common sense. If you are unvaccinated, please be aware that you are a breeding ground for COVID to mutate. Please take every precaution to remain COVID free if you choose not to take the shot. Otherwise, the future scenario is one where even the vaccinated won’t be safe because the current mutation will have found a way to evade the vaccines, so none of us will be safe. Getting vaccinated is one of the best ways to beat this thing. It’s a personal choice, but please make an educated decision, not a political one.

  9. PcolaNative on July 17th, 2021 3:26 pm

    Would like to see the COVID SURVIVAL rates although that would be highly UNDER stated because MANY people got COVID, recover and never report. FL has the best governor in the country keeping FL a free state using common sense. I suggest anyone who prefers lock down move to IL or maybe CA since ppl are moving OUT of oppression there is plenty of room. I am sure those states will also welcome anyone who loves to pay high taxes and be locked down.

  10. Me on July 17th, 2021 8:05 am

    Thanks William!! I still don’t understand though WHY the state has discontinued releasing the number of Covid related deaths! Makes one wonder – is the death rate really high or increasing & it would have a negative reflection on the state & our governor’s bragging rights? Next I guess they will discontinue releasing the total number of new cases. Time will tell!!