Escambia County’s Vaccination Rate Lagging Behind State Average

July 13, 2021

Escambia County’s coronavirus vaccination rate is lagging behind the state average, according to recently released data from the Florida Department of Health

Statewide, 58% of Floridians have received at least one dose.

In Escambia County 117,425 people, or 42% of the population over age 12, have received at least one dose. There were just 833 people vaccinated in Escambia County last week.


13 Responses to “Escambia County’s Vaccination Rate Lagging Behind State Average”

  1. David Huie Green on July 18th, 2021 7:18 pm

    “The anti vaccine bunch spreading stupid rumors and totally false information will be begging for the vaccine soon”

    Unlikely. Health care providers have repeatedly noted patients who died while declaring COVID-19 didn’t really exist, was just a case of sniffles, or the flu because they heard the previous president tell them that. (Faith is a powerful thing, even misplaced faith.)

    “there’s a large number of people in this country who have become nothing more than human guinea pigs for a vaccine that never was properly vetted over years of research to not be harmful after time”

    Mostly true. These particular vaccines have only been proven over the span of time since they were first developed. You can not say for certain what they will do in 40 years until after 40 years. Still, they are designed to provoke an immune response to protect against infection and they continue to monitor closely for ANY adverse effects. They actually don’t yet know all the adverse effects of NOT getting vaccinated. There are many, though.

    A guinea pig, though, is tested for the purpose of seeing what will happen without risking lives. The vaccines are used to save lives and avoid other injuries, such as those to hearts and blood vessels.

    “stop trying to shame/manipulate others into obtaining a medical treatment that you have no legal or moral right to force on anyone!”

    Nah. There are no moral rights. There ARE moral obligations. One of them is to warn people of known dangers. There are much worse diseases (many of which are avoided by vaccines) but COVID-19 is still killing people who could be saved were it not for the fears caused by the lies being told. It would be wrong to not try to save them from their fears and those who would lead them and those around them to pain and death.

    David for better people

  2. Just Saying on July 18th, 2021 8:53 am

    I have a rare form of muscular dystrophy and an autoimmune disease. There are several doctors and medical practitioners in my family. After doing my own research and consulting with them, my endocrinologist, immunologist and rheumatologist…I will NOT be getting the vaccine, now or at any time in the future. We ALL agree that there is absolutely ZERO possibility of there being a positive outcome for someone with my particular issues.

    Get off your high horses, and stop trying to shame/manipulate others into obtaining a medical treatment that you have no legal or moral right to force on anyone! I’m so sick of hearing people say that it’s only lower income/poorly educated people who aren’t getting the vaccine. That’s simply not true.

  3. Fed up on July 16th, 2021 6:05 pm

    Re: “Unproven”’s comments, there’s been clear explanation for why the vaccine was developed quickly—it was a worldwide research effort with massive monetary input, and they were working with research done previously on a vaccine for SARS-CoV, which is so similar to Covid-19 that C19 was named SARS-CoV-2. Basic research will ease that suspicion unless you’re too stubborn to accept basic truth.

    Vaccines work. They’ve always worked. Get vaccinated for your family, your friends, your coworkers. Get vaccinated for the stranger who’s immunocompromised. The same people whining about not being able to get bank to “normal” are the same people unwilling to do what it takes to get there. Nearly all deaths now from COVID are people who are unvaccinated.

    Just suck it up. Be responsible. Get vaccinated.

  4. Warren on July 16th, 2021 11:40 am

    The anti vaccine bunch spreading stupid rumors and totally false information will be begging for the vaccine soon. Just watch them. But for many it will be to late. Then for others they will have to wait in line. As the old saying goes you can lead a horse to water but you can’t make him drink. Most spreading the false information of course are politicians and certain media. A person with an ounce of sense should ask themselves the question of why is it all these folks telling you not to get vaccinated are themselves vaccinated!!! Wake up people you’re being duped for a host of self serving reasons! Ask your doctor, nurses, and other medical people if they’ve been vaccinated. Of course they have. They’re not stupid! An overwhelming amount of people in this area apparently lack common sense and any concern for their friends and neighbors. That’s all I can figure out. Course when you don’t care enough about yourself and your own children then who do you care about? Not getting a reasonably tested life saving vaccine that’s free and readily available is worse than dumb. It’s totally irresponsible. But carry on. No amount of truth can cure the blatantly ignorant.

  5. j. godwin on July 15th, 2021 3:28 pm

    i am 75 years old, with congestive heart disease. my dr. told me that if i did not get vaccinated, caught the virus, i was a dead duck–so i figured that if i did not get the shot, i was dead and if i did get the shot, at least i would have a chance at life. it was a risk getting the shot, but i did it and I AM GLAD. please, all you folks out there who have not been vaccinated, please do it for yourself and more importantly do it for those around you. thank you and God bless.

  6. Tony on July 14th, 2021 2:41 pm

    From MIT: “the risk of reinfection increases with time, as immunity from natural infection decreases. New viral variants may increase the risk of reinfection even more.”
    …or do your own Internet search for “do i need the vaccine even if ive had covid.” The consistent answer will be, “YES” for all of the same reasons provided above.

    One of the commenters here (“Alan”) is spreading false and misleading information by saying, “If you have had COVID and you are already carrying antibodies from it, getting the vaccine to get the antibodies you already have is not necessary.” This is WRONG, and is based on ZERO science. I understand statements like this might “sound” or “seem” like they make sense, but there’s no supporting evidence. On the contrary, a simple Internet search reveals their statement to be false.

    Bottom Line: Vaccine avoidance puts yourself and others at risk. For those who say they’re pro-life: You can’t be both “pro-life” and unvaccinated.

  7. get serious on July 14th, 2021 11:53 am

    Please, stop spreading false information. Doing so leads to deaths. Yes, you can get covid again after having it. Get true facts first, from CDC.

    You may have a right to not get vaccinated, but to pass the vius on to others could mean death.

    I care, do you?

  8. Unproven on July 14th, 2021 8:24 am

    I won’t be getting the vaccine until more long-term research has been done as far as side affects goes. Sure the vaccine has the “potential” of keeping you from getting sick, but at what cost over the long haul? Right now there’s a large number of people in this country who have become nothing more than human guinea pigs for a vaccine that never was properly vetted over years of research to not be harmful after time goes by. Funny how they can come up with a vaccine in months when it’s convenient but normally it takes decades to research and develop “good” vaccines.

  9. sam on July 14th, 2021 6:46 am

    if you are 50+ you better consider it. kids and young people can usually get through covid. older folks, not so lucky. i got my shots in january and will be first in line if they say a booster is needed.

  10. Marl on July 13th, 2021 10:27 pm

    Bill, as Americans we all have our rights.

  11. Alan on July 13th, 2021 7:55 pm

    100% of the people don’t need the vaccine, just 100% of those that don’t have antibodies. If you have had COVID and you are already carrying antibodies from it, getting the vaccine to get the antibodies you already have is not necessary.

    33,000+ had COVID in Escambia County, according to this website. I would assume the majority of them have antibodies and don’t need a vaccine.

  12. Bill on July 13th, 2021 6:59 pm

    Embarrassing to say the least for those 58% within this county to go unvaccinated. I’d ask why but really don’t want to hear the excuses; religion, my “rights”, old tale of what grandma told me, etc., etc. etc. Again, embarrassing and dangerous to all your neighbors and friends when u refuse to be part of the solution to contain this deadly virus. PLEASE get it done.

  13. Sedition on July 13th, 2021 4:44 am

    I guarantee you that it won’t hit 100%.