Escambia County Unemployment Rate Increases

July 17, 2021

The unemployment rate in Escambia County increased last month, according to data recently released by the Florida Department of Economic Opportunity.

The unemployment rate in Escambia County was 5.6% in June, up from 4.8% in May. That represents 8,576 people out of work out of a county workforce of 153,520. One year ago, Escambia County’s unemployment rate was 8.8%, or 12,571 people.

The area’s private sector employment increased by 4,800 jobs over the year, an increase of 3.1 percent. The industries gaining the most jobs over the year include professional and business services, increasing by 1,400 jobs; leisure and hospitality, increasing by 1,000 jobs; and education and health services, increasing by 1,000 jobs.

Florida’s seasonally adjusted unemployment rate was 5.0 percent in June 2021, up 0.1 percentage point from the May 2021 rate, and down 6.6 percentage points from a year ago. The U.S. unemployment rate was 5.9 percent in June.


21 Responses to “Escambia County Unemployment Rate Increases”

  1. David Huie Green on July 20th, 2021 11:34 pm

    “Start demanding a living wage
    Don’t cry when I don’t tip”

    A good server doesn’t cry over your approval or disapproval. They have rewarding jobs with a good feedback loop. It encourages good service and good manners on the part of the served. The worst part of it is that the best can leave anytime they wish. Their every day is like a job interview in which prospective employers see how they really are, their people skills, work ethics, attitude.

    In its own way it is a near-perfect employer-employee set-up. The restaurant is theoretically employee of the customer and employer of the server. Ultimately, though, the server is the employee of the customer and receives direct reward under the current system. The restaurant is the middle-man.

    A cousin of mine was a waitress. The senior employees tried to give her the worst customers/tables. The customers insisted on the best service: her. Folks who had never tipped or had a reason to began. Ultimately, those wanting the rewards without the work drove her to accept the offer to serve in a different restaurant 10 miles away in Cross City. The customers told each other and moved their business to the other restaurant. The old one nearly folded. I believe the new owners saved it after the old ones gave up.

    (Plus, the cousin met the man she married. There are many benefits to those who are worthy of being seen as they really are. She had a good life.)

    David for the worthy

  2. Inquiring Mind on July 20th, 2021 5:08 am

    Hey Chris. Where do you work?

  3. Restaurant worker on July 18th, 2021 6:10 pm

    to John QP…
    Unlike you, I can’t speak for all people…
    you seem to know that “They also get food Stamps n some welfare”…
    I’ve never received food stamps or any kind of welfare. I’m actually not complaining at all about my income. I make really good money as a server. I average 30 an hour and work hard for that.
    If you don’t get good service, we shouldn’t expect a good tip… but whether you like it or not, it’s just the way it is in this country…most servers work for tips. And if you don’t want to tip, or don’t agree with it. We would rather you go somewhere else. Taking your money to another restaurant is fine with us. Why would we want to wait on you if you don’t leave anything but receive good service.
    Guarantee you if you come to my restaurant, I’ll provide good service. But if you don’t tip (which is your choice) I will remember and you won’t get good service next time. Servers within a restaurant talk. If a regular comes in and doesn’t tip anyone, why would we want you there?
    Again, I’m not complaining about money. As a server, you are selling yourself as in personality and quality. If you do a bad job, perhaps you don’t deserve a tip. But if you actually try to do a good job and provide good service, you should get tipped appropriately. And if you or I don’t agree, neither one of us are going to change the way it has been for decades upon decades in the USA.

  4. Guy Gerricault on July 18th, 2021 2:00 pm

    I just started working at Hardees a few weeks ago. I’m making $11/ hour which isn’t much but it’s an honest living. We don’t get free food but we do get to drink all the soda we want which is a pretty nice perk.

    I’m currently living in my car but me and 4 of my coworkers are about to sign a lease in Myrtle Grove for $550 each per month.

    We are making it work!

  5. John Q Public on July 18th, 2021 1:38 pm

    Service industry employees relays on tips They also get food Stamps n some welfare
    All I can sa is start paying servers living wages You’ll fill the jobs Those who think we
    Should tip because of service Well we can eat elsewhere for those ex hornet ant prices
    Start demanding a living wage
    Don’t cry when I don’t tip

  6. Josh Jones on July 18th, 2021 9:10 am

    Where are all these places with signs advertising jobs? I haven’t seen them, and I am out and about in town.

    To say that “pay is based on ability and performance” is contrary to saying “the average moron with zero education and no skills can get paid $50k a year”. $50K/year is well above the average income for this area – it’s even above household income.

  7. Restaurant worker on July 18th, 2021 8:21 am

    Chris, I’ve worked constantly throughout the pandemic. I work as a server, and make 800-1000 per week. So I’m not complaining. But if I can make 50k working where you do, please let me know I’d be interested. If that job really exists.
    Also, the restaurant I work at like many others is always trying to hire and they do call everyone back. But nobody comes in to even apply. People are scared of a 5.50/hour job. But if I had the opportunity to switch from the current setup to 15 an hour, I’d prefer the way it is. All I have to do is work hard and do a good job, and it gets me better tips. I average 20-30/hour. I agree that someone without work isnt trying. Or they won’t take an average job just to have an income. A server isn’t prestigious but I easily pay all my bills and have done so at the same place for 4 years.

  8. Bama89 on July 17th, 2021 5:51 pm

    Yea bud, let us know where YOU work, heck I’ll quit working for myself and join these 19-22 year olds making 50-70k a year!!

    It’s easy to run a mouth for arguments sake, but when you have to prove false claims like that, it gets tough, good luck.

  9. NeedaJOB on July 17th, 2021 3:38 pm

    @Chris…. This “moron” has applied everywhere and NO reply from anyone. Please tell me what company you work for so I can get back to work. And for the rest of y’all complaining that our “sorry butts” need to get back to work is completely insulting when many of us are trying yet companies are NOT responding! Companies must STILL getting govt monies……

  10. Cindy Lewis on July 17th, 2021 2:24 pm

    Jobs are available- when some employers do call ppl don’t answer.

  11. Stumpknocker on July 17th, 2021 1:07 pm

    People are missing out on a good opportunity right now, a person could hire in when staffing is way down and along the way be trained for a supervisor position or management, it’s foolish to be the last one hired. If I needed a job I’d be the first one in and soaking up overtime due to lack of personal showing my boss I can handle and prove I have the skills for a better position.

  12. Michael A Clark on July 17th, 2021 12:28 pm

    Many retail stores post jobs but you can’t not get their HR personal to respond to applications Most require online apps…actually stopping at the stores the HR person can’t be located, dosen’t answer their phone or radio.
    Have played this game for weeks. Even if you finally get through this fiasco and get a job offer that you accept, there is no further communication. Direct transfers from store to store are being ignored…with years of experience…
    All for a $10 an hour job. With rent for a crappy 1 bedroom apt at $1200+ a month it’s not going to get you anywhere. Its the employers that are missing the ball here. Every Walmart, and other “big box” in the country is short of staff yet they can’t fill their openings because of poorly functioning hiring processes.

  13. Trish on July 17th, 2021 12:25 pm

    Stop the unemployment. There are job openings everywhere. People need to get up off their lazy butts and go to work.

  14. Bob on July 17th, 2021 12:23 pm

    Y’all are absolutely right. There are jobs out there.

    …that pay almost nothing.

    The KFC down the road from me is offering $10/hour in a community where rent for a one bedroom apartment is over $1,200/month.

  15. Chris on July 17th, 2021 11:20 am

    I’ll say this. The company I work for is dying for people. The average moron with zero education and no skills can get paid $50k a year but no morons will apply. There’s a few kids that are 19-22 yrs old making between $50-70k and I think that’s wonderful for this area. Especially with no education. Pay is based upon ability and performance. Sad that the crybaby culture has taken over.

  16. John S Gonzalez on July 17th, 2021 10:08 am

    Pay us full in unemployment and bring night showers so i dont turn jobs down.

  17. Bama54 on July 17th, 2021 9:49 am

    Everywhere you go in Escambia county you see help wanted signs. I think this is self imposed unemployment!! Go to work people!!

  18. Barbetta Hayes on July 17th, 2021 8:50 am

    Jobs are out there, I currently have a part time job that is event driven, events are picking up but not quick enough. I went an got another part time job an heard from first job that we will be picking back up with events soon. So a lot of people are currently on a temporary layoff an really don’t wanna open a new door if thier other job they have been at for 20 years will be back in movement soon.

  19. Brenda on July 17th, 2021 8:18 am

    Freda people are to lazy to work want to get everything free. I always wanted to work.

  20. Karen on July 17th, 2021 8:07 am

    Everywhere you look is “We’re hiring” or “Help Wanted” signs are posted but I guess people would rather live off the government handouts than make an honest living.

  21. Freda Whaley on July 17th, 2021 6:40 am

    I don’t get this. Here in Ohio there isn’t a store around that doesn’t have a “help wanted” sign up. I’m sure it’s the same way in Pensacola. There is work out there. It may not be what you want but it’s a paycheck.