Escambia County New COVID-19 Cases, Hospitalizations Almost Double In A Week

July 27, 2021

The number of COVID-19 cases and hospitalizations in Escambia County have both almost doubled in the past week.

Pensacola Mayor Grover Robinson said as of Monday afternoon there were 107 COVID-19 patients in Ascension Sacred Heart, Baptist and West Florida hospitals. A week before, were a combine 58 COVID-19 patients in the three major hospitals.

“Obviously the concern is we went for a long period of time where we were under 50, to now where we are at 107. To have that almost really go up 50 people since last weekend, obviously there are concerns,” Robinson said during a Monday news conference.

As of Friday, Baptist Health Care has treated a total of 65 patients who have been hospitalized for COVID-19. Of those, 57 were unvaccinated.

The Florida Department of Health reported 757 new COVID-19 cases in Escambia County as of Friday, up from 390 new positives in the week prior. The positivity rate in Escambia County stands at 19.9%.

Robinson said a mask mandate had been discussed with the hospital, but for now that’s not seen as the best course of action right now.

“We all agreed the best action was to encourage mask for those unvaccinated but to really push for vaccinations. The vaccine is much more effective than the mask and we encourage all of those eligible to get it,” the mayor said.


16 Responses to “Escambia County New COVID-19 Cases, Hospitalizations Almost Double In A Week”

  1. David Huie Green on August 1st, 2021 12:41 am

    “Please research before you spew.”

    Interesting you seem to assume I pull data from the vacuum.

    “You are so deep into the rhetoric of the left and the left media and really need to fact check yourself.”

    Interesting you think matters of public health are left/right politics. Think about it.

    “I know there are a LOT of newly manufactured (implementation by previous U.S. President) ventilators.”

    Yes, you do. Months after he was told they were needed and years after he was told they WOULD be needed in such a case. Instead, he spent most of that time trying to dismantle and dispose of what had been stockpiled.

    “OH, and a vaccine.”

    Multiple vaccines, developed despite his report that the entire scheme was a Democratic hoax that just happened to be infecting people all around the world. Three are approved in the USA, another is approved in Britain and other countries, a fifth is finishing up clinical trials through phase Three.

    They were developed because what is called Big Pharm knew they were needed and because they knew the former president was lying through his teeth when he called it a Democratic Hoax, the flu. Kung Flu, the sniffles, to disappear by spring of 2020.

    To see 12 of the globally approved (by someone, at least) vaccines and their effectiveness, go to
    and it mentions dozens of others are under development.

  2. Just Thinking on July 30th, 2021 8:15 am

    Please research before you spew. You are so deep into the rhetoric of the left and the left media and really need to fact check yourself. Where there are “Tin Foil Hat” on the far right there needs to be something to protect you from all the “evil” too. The start is to stop believing that “It’s all true! Don Lemon Said so.”

    p.s. I know there are a LOT of newly manufactured (implementation by previous U.S. President) ventilators. OH, and a vaccine.

  3. Warren on July 28th, 2021 8:40 am

    Simple. You don’t get vaccinated you ARE going to get this covid variant. You May get very sick and you may die regardless of your age. It will be too late when you’re on a ventilator gasping for breath. The strong survive and that includes the strong minded. The weak minded who due to their ignorance won’t get a vaccination that is so effective at keeping them from getting covid will parish in droves. That is nature at work. So don’t get it. I have no sympathy for you other than the fact you didn’t have the good sense to get vaccinated. Only 38% in this county are fully vaccinated. Just how ignorant are the people here?! Sad. Nature will cure your ignorance. That much is for sure.

  4. David Huie Green on July 28th, 2021 3:49 am

    “All of the diseases you listed have since been treated or eradicated through modern medicine. It is disingenuous to compare them to Covid when there was not an available treatment at the time of outbreak.”

    This is true, but let us not forget future pandemics are nearly certain to happen. Some may be far more deadly and spread far more rapidly than this one has.

    With that in mind, let us not forget the former guy did away with preparations for pandemics put in place by the former two presidents. Threw them away.
    He halted research into cataloging and preparing for future potential threats.
    He blocked stockpiling of equipment likely to be needed for pandemics.
    He announced there had never been a pandemic before and nobody could have anticipated one.
    He mocked safety measures and those who called for them.
    He pulled out of treaties which would have had us there whenever any of them might spring up.
    He pushed snake oil and his gut rather than hard science, facts, figures, reality.
    He happened; people like him — or worse — can happen again.
    Remember that it matters little how advanced we are in theory if we throw it all away so someone can fudge the stock market reports at high price in lives.
    There have been liars; there WILL be liars in power. (Some still are.)

    David for being prepared and honest

  5. Thomas Paine on July 27th, 2021 6:29 pm


    All of the diseases you listed have since been treated or eradicated through modern medicine. It is disingenuous to compare them to Covid when there was not an available treatment at the time of outbreak.

    The “Black Death” lasted 6 years in Europe. Bubonic plague is now treatable with antibiotics.

    Influenza levels are now managed with vaccines.

    Smallpox was eliminated from naturally occurring sources by 1980 through the use of vaccines.

  6. Paul on July 27th, 2021 5:44 pm

    Bringing up death counts from the Dark Ages isn’t too convincing to me.
    We are light years ahead with science and health care today.
    This is a Big deal.
    Read the obits, then look up their FB page.
    There’s a lot of people downplaying it there also. ;)
    It’s foolish to roll the dice with life.

  7. Suzie B on July 27th, 2021 5:10 pm

    I agree with “nobody” and would like to repeat the info they show – “the above website allows you to find vaccines available near you”.
    I agree, I’m not debating about who should or should not get one – just sharing the information.

    Go to this site and you can find the particular brand/maker of the exact vaccine you prefer and where to get it. If your preferred location is out of it, you can call to see if they will get more or you can choose another location.

  8. David on July 27th, 2021 4:47 pm

    For reference, there have been numerous “plague” outbreaks. The Black Death in the 1300s killed ~200M people. The Third Plague in the 1850s killed ~12M. The Spanish Flu killed ~40-50M people in 1918-1919. In 1520 Small Pox killed ~56M people.

    World of Counters has the COVID19 death count so far, as I write this: 4,191,451.

    While every loss of life is terrible – COVID deaths have not come close to the death rates of those pandemics. So – comparison to these events is not a compelling argument for some to get vaccinated.

  9. Carlos McGugin on July 27th, 2021 3:57 pm

    I don’t understand some people.
    Neighbors say, ” we ain’t getting no shot, it will Blah, Blah and it is all the plan of the globalist to depopulate the overcrowded planet. I ain’t wearing no mask, they have cooties after you wear them. My buddy says, I ain’t getting no vax, I never get any flu shots or anything.

  10. Northern Flash on July 27th, 2021 12:43 pm

    To Citizen…..anyone on the northern can go to Walgreens in Atmore, and get a shot, just walk in an get your shot. They give the Maderna vaccine, please carry your neighbors to Atmore.

  11. Kane on July 27th, 2021 12:24 pm

    “Can’t have one without the other”

    I wonder where we would be if there had been this much push back on the Polio vaccine or Small Pox or any other vaccine that we have been taking for decades?

    I and my family have the Pfizer vaccine and have had no adverse side affects. Citizen said it best:

    “It gives me peace of mind and I still take this pandemic seriously. I hope businesses can stay open and schools start back in the fall.”

  12. Paul on July 27th, 2021 11:22 am

    I think social media plays a big part with people not wanting to get their shot.
    There are too many people repeating false stories with no fact checking.
    The bright side is when they all die the spelling will get better on these sites. ;)

  13. nobody on July 27th, 2021 10:22 am

    Without getting into the “should you / shouldn’t you?” debate, the above website allows you to find vaccines available near you, if you are inclined to get one.

  14. Escambia Gal on July 27th, 2021 8:15 am

    I know that Publix is giving the Maderna vaccination. You can walk-in or go online to schedule an appointment.

  15. Incomplete Info on July 27th, 2021 8:11 am

    While getting the vac if your healthy is a good idea, the government push to vac those who have had Covid is tragic and deadly. Ask the docs who have had the worst side effects of the vac, they will tell you those who had Covid. I have an elderly family member who’s heart is now compromised from his vac and may well pass soon because this simple fact is being hidden by big Pharm and our corrupt government – .wash your hands, stay away from big crowds, take your Vit D daily, eat healthy and pray for an end to this man made virus. As to Moderna or Pfiser…..MODE(fied)RNA is what MODERNA is built on and knows it best.

  16. Citizen on July 27th, 2021 1:56 am

    I had my Covid 19 vaccine this spring and hope others will get it too, I had no problems with it, I had the Moderna. It gives me peace of mind and I still take this pandemic seriously. I hope businesses can stay open and schools start back in the fall.

    Most of the increase in cases and people going into hospitals are from the unvaccinated, Hopefully getting the vaccines soon will prevent that.

    Are they available in the Northend still? Where can people go get the shot? I know some people around here don’t drive.