Escambia County EMTs And Paramedics Get A Raise

July 9, 2021

Escambia County EMS paramedics and EMTs are getting a raise.

Thursday night, the Escambia County Commission approved a new agreement with their union.

The current rate for a new EMT is $13.75; that increases to $15.04. A newly hired paramedic will make $19.19, up from $17.96. They will also receive any future across the board or cost of living increase that may be approved for other county employees.

“The EMS staff — the EMTs, the paramedics — have to deal with people and have to give their best on people’s worst days. “So this is an example of this board supporting first responders. And we’re giving them significant increases. We’ve talked earlier about incentive bonuses. We understand the value of what first responders do. This board supports first responders, and this is the manifestation of that.”

Officials say the increased base pay is remain comparable to similar agencies in order to aid in recruitment and retention for these positions.

The memorandum of understanding approved by the Escambia County Commission is between the county and the International Association of EMT’s and Paramedics (IAEP), Local R5-325.


25 Responses to “Escambia County EMTs And Paramedics Get A Raise”

  1. Dean on July 12th, 2021 3:44 pm

    At Pat Brown
    If you pay property taxes that money is there for that.
    Tons of it.
    The the powers that be here Escambia county live on it and are doing well for themselves I might add.
    In fact real well.

  2. Pat Brown on July 11th, 2021 10:52 am

    What about the firemen – they need a raise also!!!

  3. Rob on July 11th, 2021 9:26 am

    I left Escambia EMS after a decade of low pay, eight of those years with no raise do to a “county freeze in pay”, that was never adjusted later. When I first joined, the average years of experience was 15 years. When I left it was 2 years. Good people left to be able to feed their family. I can recall several fellow EMTs supplementing their income with ‘food stamps’. The attitude, has and continues to be that these highly skilled folks are a dime a dozen, yet they some how cannot keep the current roster full. Make no mistake, the increase is only due to higher competing jobs that require little skill raising rates and the impending mandated increase. This is just a way for the commission to appear to be friendly towards first responders despite a history that says otherwise. I challenge any commissioner or citizen who doesn’t believe an EMT shouldn’t start at $25/hr or more to go for a ride-a-long (yes, you can do this after you sign the waivers that the county is not responsible if you die) for a full 12 hour shift in an ALS unit.

  4. Barbara Richards on July 11th, 2021 6:56 am

    It’s disheartening that the min wage for any worker in FL will eventually be 15 an hour. Flipping burgers is nothing compared to a first responder. Unbelievable.

  5. Stephanie Markham on July 10th, 2021 6:27 pm

    I can’t believe that is all they make! EMS literally saved my life while I coded in the ambulance! Please reconsider a much higher wage!

  6. Kathy Byrd on July 10th, 2021 5:12 pm

    Very well deserved especially during this pandemic

  7. Patricia McNamara on July 10th, 2021 1:08 pm

    EMT”S a worth a hell of a lot more than that. They save lives. Oh but lets go and pay the football players a ridiculous amount of money and when they have their hissy fits because its not enough give them more. I am so glad I do not waste my money on football. Or any sport if it matters.

  8. Kathy on July 9th, 2021 4:52 pm

    I dispatched those guys for 26 years and I can tell you they’re worth way more than $15 and $19 an hour. And presumably once again your dispatchers, the “first” first responders have been left behind again.

  9. Lou on July 9th, 2021 3:23 pm

    Pay EMT a good wage. The save life’s everyday. I have seen them in action. God bless them for what they do. It could be you one day (Elected officials) the life they are saving.

  10. Mike on July 9th, 2021 2:24 pm


    This a County raise not a bargained raise. So don’t make UNION comments if you don’t know what you are talking about. You are a example of making false claims against a UNION.

  11. Paramedic on July 9th, 2021 12:53 pm

    I have been a Medic for thirty years. Worked for the Escambia County from 1993-2000. Left there to make better money. Now I don’t work on an Ambulance. Make more money as a Medic working in industrial position. Loved working on the ambulance and miss it. But can’t go back to it if I want a decent schedule and pay. Stay strong EMS crews.

  12. smurph on July 9th, 2021 11:37 am

    Unfortunately, EMT/Paramedic pay is low across the board. It isn’t just Escambia. This is something that needs to be fixed nationwide. Those working EMS do not have representation the same way that other healthcare workers do. Part of this is because EMS is actually classified as a part of the Department of Transportation, NOT the US Public Health Service. When budget meetings are called, the need for EMS support is often pushed off to the side because there is no labor representative on our side.

    Additionally, EMS as a whole, is a baby career, really only being around since the 1970’s. At the time of its formation, all they really did was load up bodies in station wagons and drive to the hospital. Not a lot skill was required, so pay pretty much fit the job. A lot has happened over the last 50 years and now, EMT’s and paramedics perform solid, life-saving work outside of the hospital. They are more educated and skilled than yesterday’s workers and with continued education and advancement in technology, you’re only going to see more and more lifesaving measures performed on scene. Unfortunately, pay has not increased at the same rate of the increase in skill/education required. At this point, the national hourly average pay for an EMT is only $18.

  13. Ashamed on July 9th, 2021 11:11 am

    I wonder if these commissioners had to feed their families on that salary for a year how fast they’d vote to raise it.

    It is absolutely disgusting and deplorable that the people responsible for literally saving lives are paid barely a minimum wage.
    The BOCC should be absolutely appalled and ashamed of their actions when it comes to county first responder pay.
    Fire Fighters, EMS and our local law enforcement are the first in and last out for every thing that happens in this county and yet our board just doesn’t care to compensate them for the awesome responsibility laid on their shoulders day in and day out.

  14. Feel the Burn on July 9th, 2021 10:37 am

    At or near $15.00/hr…… WOW!!! in line w/ Bernie’s $15 buck/hr. push!!! Good job Escambia County

  15. M in Bratt on July 9th, 2021 9:32 am

    It is a shame that our BCC can find money for any hair brained idea that comes along, but they cannot pay these people a living wage. These qualified and professional people often times mean the difference between life and death for people stricken by and accident or sudden illness. Paramedic training is almost on par with nurses, and paramedics can administer treatment in the field that nurses are not allowed to administer in a hospital setting. It amazes me that the county can even fill any positions at these pay rates.

  16. CK on July 9th, 2021 9:15 am

    Once all of the COVID unemployment ends, I’m sure the burger flipping pay will start to go back down to $10 or so.

  17. Darla on July 9th, 2021 8:37 am

    So much misappropriation
    I made $32.90 in GA as an EMT per hour plus all benefits.

    Starting rate was $23.50 per hour with full benefits.
    Seems this county has its future skewed and marred by politics.
    It really is sad indeed.

  18. SueB on July 9th, 2021 8:30 am

    PS: Your UNION leader & members did a poor job. They needed to continue to bargin vs. fold.

  19. Dave Coleson on July 9th, 2021 8:03 am

    Escambia County has always been behind in pay. This is nothing new. They aren’t anywhere near “caught up”… as 15 an hour is minimum wage now. Who in their right mind would take on all that stress for 15 an hour? That’s insane. Why can’t Escambia county pay its first responders what they deserve?

    This is why escambia government will always be the laughing stock of Florida. The county commissioners are to blame.

    You hear horror stories of EMS taking a long time for an emergency… no wonder! They don’t have enough trucks or EMTs!!!!!! Look at the commissioners!

  20. No one on July 9th, 2021 7:13 am

    They used to do things like this, but would forget about the people who were already on the job.

    I had 5 years in with them and found out that the new people were getting hired in making more than we were….

    Worst employer I ever had.

  21. Jim on July 9th, 2021 5:26 am

    WOW, even the new rates seem low for what they do. Surprised that they could even recruit new people at the old rates. $13 per hour is the entry level now locally for fast food employees. Seems the county is getting a steal even at the new rates.

  22. ensley boy on July 9th, 2021 5:23 am

    New EMT – Additional training and schooling helps save lives-$15.04 per hour. Flipping burgers at McDonalds- minimum skill Doesn”t want to really be there No education no problem-$15.00 per hour. Seems fair (sic)

  23. LOL on July 9th, 2021 4:53 am

    So when Florida’s minimum wage hits $15 like it’s guaranteed to do, those EMTs will end up needing considerably more money to stay on the job rather than just going and dunking fries or bagging groceries.

  24. Dave Simpkins on July 9th, 2021 2:13 am

    I’d rather flip burgers for $15 an hour. No liability and little stress. No thanks.

    Fact is Escambia county is way way low in comparison to other counties.

    Until they raise the EMT pay to over 22$ an hour they will still never have enough qualified applicants. They are losing them to other agencies. They will always not have enough trucks to operate properly….

    Oh well, hopefully you dont have to call 911 for medical.

  25. Dan on July 9th, 2021 1:51 am

    And you can go to Buc-ees and start at seventeen and if you know how to cook it’s twenty