District 5 Quintette Neighborhood Cleanup Collects 24 Tons of Debris

July 16, 2021

Escambia County collected and disposed of approximately 24 tons (48,000 pounds) of debris during the District 5 Quintette Neighborhood Cleanup recently, as part of the county’s ongoing effort to help keep local neighborhoods and communities clean and safe. The event allowed residents to leave items at the curb to be disposed of free of charge by the county and partnering agencies.

The cleanup on July 7 resulted in collection of 24.7 tons of debris, 400 pounds of household hazardous waste and more than 101 tires placed at curbside for pickup.

The neighborhood cleanup initiative involves an aggressive clean-up effort, targeting different neighborhoods throughout the county, with crew members picking up a variety of debris and waste, including electronics, furniture and household items. Since 2016, more than 3,259 tons (6,518,000 pounds) of debris were collected and disposed of through the Community Redevelopment Agency’s Safe Neighborhood Program.

The county’s neighborhood cleanup program is hosted by the Escambia County Community Redevelopment Agency’s Safe Neighborhood Program. Local partners include Escambia County Waste Services, Environmental Code Enforcement, Public Works, Animal Services and Road Prison, along with the City of Pensacola Sanitation Department.

Photos for NorthEscambia.com, click to enlarge.


3 Responses to “District 5 Quintette Neighborhood Cleanup Collects 24 Tons of Debris”

  1. Resident on July 16th, 2021 11:58 am

    I live in the area and there are people who burn down their houses and leave it as a eye sore for everyone to see ( of course no arrest YET!!) they never cut the grass junk everywhere. They been warned by a judge and that’s ignored hmmm let’s see it’s everything nobody wants. Then the county has to come in and clean it up. I say take it all away from them own it or not !!!!! The law says you got to maintain!!!! But these people can’t even take care of self because of the drugs they use and sell. I tried yo put up a higher fence law won’t allow it either!!!!! By the way I live on Tyler lane !!!!!

  2. Paul on July 16th, 2021 7:51 am

    The penalty for littering should be 1,000 times the cost of just taking it to the dump.

  3. laughable on July 16th, 2021 6:55 am

    That first picture is a dump for the people that live in the area that don’t want to LEGALLY dispose of their garbage. It builds up to a point that the county has to clean it up.
    An auto repair shop in the woods dumps it’s tires there to not have to pay a disposal fee at the dump. So we, the tax payers, wind up paying for it.
    This is an ongoing issue that no one will address, and will continue.