Cantonment Man Charged With Theft Of Water Tank Trailer, Construction Tools

July 12, 2021

A Cantonment man was charged in connection with the theft of water tank trailer and multiple tools from a local construction site.

William Ashton Cook, 19, was charged with grand theft, burglary of an unoccupied structure, felony grand theft, and criminal mischief with property damage.

On June 18, Cook allegedly took a 14-foot trailer with a 500 gallon water tank valued at $6,500, several tools from inside a storage container and a generator from a construction site at Nowak Dairy Road and Highway 97. The potable water tank received an estimated $1,500 in damage after diesel fuel was poured into it, according to an arrest report.

On June 23, the Escambia County Sheriff’s Office recovered the stolen trailer attached to Cook’s pickup on Vantage Road, along with two reciprocating saws in the front seat of jos Ford F250 that were taken from the construction site, the report states.

Cook had allegedly walked to a relative’s property on Vantage Road after parking the pickup and water tank trailer. As a search warrant was being prepared for the property, the owner gave deputies consent to search. They reported finding a pressure pump and tamping machine also taken from the construction site.

Cook was later released from the Escambia County Jail on a $25,000 bond.

Pictured top: This 500 gallon water tank and trailer were recovered on Vantage Road June 23. Pictured below: Deputies search a nearby property a short time later. Photos for, click to enlarge.


19 Responses to “Cantonment Man Charged With Theft Of Water Tank Trailer, Construction Tools”

  1. Jr on July 15th, 2021 5:32 am

    Another thief being taken up for by his “co-conspirators” (so to speak). I hope this young man can turn his life around but when being a thief is all the education they have they won’t change. There’s the one on hear claiming he’s a good boy and dad. How can you say that last part knowing the food he’s supplying his child is from the monies from stolen goods he’s sold? You can’t! There’s places hiring EVERYWHERE that provide a LEGAL SOURCE OF INCOME. Again, I pray that this young man…and that entire clan where he lives…changes their ways and become law abiding citizens of the area but that doesn’t seem to be of importance to them. Not judging because OUR GOD is the only one who can/will judge us and GOD DOESNT HATE ANYONE

  2. Shanae on July 14th, 2021 8:06 am

    AT–valerie godwin

    Good Lord child, go to church and learn God hates no one.
    Stpo embarrassing yourself on here.
    This young man is not one that fell, but fell many times before.
    Even though he is a thief, God loves thief’s.
    We all are Gods children, not just the ones you have decided to pick and choose from

  3. Lena on July 14th, 2021 7:28 am

    @ valerie..
    “God hates people…???”
    And..”God hates people who want help other people..”
    Really….you need to take your own advice and I might add get an education..take your own advice”I was told don’t run your mouth, ”
    You know nothing!
    And neither does your thief!!!
    Go back to school!!!
    Stop talking as you put it “Crap”

  4. valerie godwin on July 14th, 2021 3:13 am

    All people do is talk crap… does anyone pray anymore..I was told don’t run your mouth, unless you have all the right information.. and for y’all’s fyi that’s a good boy. And has a good dad. That family is going through a lot. So for the the ones who’s never had a hard time… God does forgive…to all self centered people, God hates people who want help other people..hope y’all never fall and ask for help that is not there…

  5. Dewayne on July 13th, 2021 11:44 pm

    @Brandon it…Ken

  6. Brandon on July 13th, 2021 6:54 pm

    @Dewayne… Really… I’ve already stated if it’s someone’s opinion that people cant change then so be it… Please up your comprehension before tagging others… Besides that your post just seems very cynical and disingenuous…
    You have a wonderful life too, sir….

  7. Dewayne on July 13th, 2021 4:44 pm

    @ Mr. Brandon
    Because someone expresses an opinion and you dont agree with it..does not mean they should not have an opinion.
    You need to get off here if you dont understand that. It is blindingly obvious you cant handle others opinions.
    No opinion is wrong or right.
    Get on with your wonderful deluded life.

  8. Brandon on July 13th, 2021 3:02 pm

    @OhYouKnow… There’s plenty of post here as expected pointing out the obvious that he is a theif and theft is not a victimless crime… Other then that my concern is a self righteous attitude some display… Have you, your son or daughter, your grandchild, your friend, your spouse, your preacher ever stolen any property that wasn’t yours ? Then do you consider them a “loser for life” like @David apparently does ?

  9. Dewayne on July 13th, 2021 7:36 am

    @ Brandon
    It has to be tough being a prima donna in today’s world
    All the men and woman of this company appreciate your ignorance your obtuse view on the matter.
    You must have been promised a pump or saw.

  10. OhYouKnow on July 13th, 2021 6:37 am

    @Brandon why are you concerned with the well being of this thief? Not a word have you said about those impacted by his acts. Responsible hard working people lost time and money. Cantonment has a serious problem with the crime and drugs, if you want to see change get involved, watch crime stoppers and call the number, or take a young man who is on the wrong track under your wing and give them some guidance. Praying is all good but God is pretty busy and could use your help.

  11. Brandon on July 12th, 2021 8:27 pm

    @David… A whole lot of deflection and presumptuous speculation on your part… If it’s your opinion that people, especially those in adolescent adulthood cannot change for the better then so be it… It’s your opinion…So with that said am I condoning criminal behavior ? The saying of ” it doesn’t take a rocket scientist” seems very fitting at the moment…

  12. DP on July 12th, 2021 5:55 pm


    He is absolutely capable of getting away from criminal behavior. He chooses to be a thief and a thug anyway. And in case you missed the second part, the criminal justice system is absolutely not holding him accountable as it should.

  13. David on July 12th, 2021 3:38 pm

    @ Brandon

    For a more intelligent response without the illusions of grandeur.
    Sad for the victims , not this loser.
    Not his 1st,2nd or third time!!!!
    You take up for the loser and I will take up for victims.
    They say birds of a feather flock together .
    I guess its true…no excuses

  14. Brandon on July 12th, 2021 3:08 pm

    @David…. Very well.. You’ve condemned a young 19 year old as irreparable and not capable of transitioning away from criminal behavior… Lord willing, the kid has plenty of time to revert course… In the meantime our judiciary system will hold him accountable… What else do you wish sir ?

  15. David on July 12th, 2021 10:35 am

    I would say a mind is a terrible thing to waste.
    Got to have one to be a waste to begin with.
    $1.50 says if they look deeper…he is an accomplished..or not so accomplished..thief
    Loser for life now…was going to have a career as a politician…wait..there is hope for him I would guess now.

  16. Tammy on July 12th, 2021 9:54 am

    Well I had trouble with him before at my house and I told him he was headed for trouble! There’s a few more that need to be caught!!

  17. Andy on July 12th, 2021 8:53 am

    I’m getting so tired of the theft lately. It seems every week someone is reprint car break ins in my neighborhood. Construction sites, garages and backyards get raided constantly. What’s happened to people anymore?

  18. Susie on July 12th, 2021 8:10 am

    Not too smart there, Skippy. Good job ECSO!

  19. Chris on July 12th, 2021 7:59 am

    Why work when you can just steal everything?