Your Florida Concealed Weapon License May Have Expired Saturday As Executive Order Ended

June 26, 2021

Your concealed weapon license in Florida may have expired Saturday.

During the pandemic, an emergency order extended the expiration of certain licenses until June 26, 2021. This included concealed carry, along with Class G and Class D security licenses.

“Any license that expired during the order period will no longer be considered valid after June 26, 2021,” said Escambia County Tax Collector Scott Lunsford. “You can not legally carry a concealed weapon with an expired license.”

Concealed weapon licenses can be renewed at the Escambia County Tax Collector Molino or Warrington location. Book an appointment by clicking or tapping here.

For questions about eligibility or specific questions about individual records, contact the Florida Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services at 1-800-HELP-FLA (1-800-435-7352).


5 Responses to “Your Florida Concealed Weapon License May Have Expired Saturday As Executive Order Ended”

  1. Dudley C Herrington II on June 27th, 2021 5:56 am

    Florida is the BEST STATE !! If WE can keep our Local Home Grown Citizens in
    Office WE will Stay ahead of these other States ,
    When we let the Big Shots from up North get into OUR Business , Then

  2. Of course. on June 26th, 2021 11:40 pm

    The link to book an appointment just sends you to the county website and looking through that just says they’ve reached capacity. Mine is coming up for renewal in a few months and I have a feeling I’ll be held back by typical government red tape BS.

  3. Sedition on June 26th, 2021 2:24 pm

    Completely pathetic that we have to beg government’s permission to carry out a Constitutionally protetcted right.
    I think that government has forgotten it’s roll.

  4. retired on June 26th, 2021 9:11 am


  5. Paul on June 26th, 2021 7:44 am

    I remember reading where ron will do like Texas and do away with the license.
    Is there any truth to that?