Verizon Nearing Final Development Approval For New Cell Tower Near Walnut Hill

June 1, 2021

Verizon Wireless is nearing final Escambia County development approval for a new cellular tower in the Walnut Hill area.

At 280 feet tall, the self-supporting tower would be constructed near the end of Wilma Road, just north of Highway 164 about two miles east of North Highway 99.

“Given the demand in this area, this tower is critical to increasing the coverage area and providing a reliable signal for residents and emergency responders within the area,”  Verizon wrote in their Escambia County development application..

“This site was specifically chosen due to the minimal visual impact on the surrounding area and allow the facility to function in accordance with minimum standards and technical design, as well as the site falling into the desired search area,” the company continued.

The tower would be located on a leased 6,400 square foot portion of a parcel that is currently zoned for agricultural use.

Verizon’s plans will go before the Escambia County Development  Review Committee on Wednesday for a final hearing. If approved, Verizon must acquire building permits and approval from various agencies before the tower could be built. There’s no guarantee that the tower will ever reach the construction phase.


14 Responses to “Verizon Nearing Final Development Approval For New Cell Tower Near Walnut Hill”

  1. Pineville resident on June 2nd, 2021 2:19 pm

    That sounds very good – - – - except we live down on Pineville Road and our current service in really really bad!!! If they do put that tower at the location in this article it will not be able to increase our communications ability at all!!!! At the present time we have to have a land line (on the wiring installed in the area about 60 years ago with no upgrades!!!) to have a router to enable a wifi to use our cell phone. If the local phone lines go down we have no means of communicating what so ever!!!!

  2. Paige on June 2nd, 2021 10:33 am

    Yes! This is the best news. The kids whine about the cell phone connection constantly when heading up to see family. We really need this. Thank you!

  3. Joseph A. Cook(“AL”) on June 2nd, 2021 1:11 am

    Please, let’s all move “forward” and “together” in this cellular tower project, It’s not a luxury for anyone but an absolute necessity for everyone! In addition, it was a wise decision in selecting this particular location. This will enable the maximum benefit of communication service for this area!
    Dear friends, let’s all work in unison to expedite this process. Everyone, including our “First Responders” & their recipients, needs this!
    I’m thanking you in advance!

  4. Lou Lou on June 1st, 2021 9:18 pm

    Well, it’s about DAAAANG TIME!!! The area has been needing this for a LOOOOONG TIME. I say, the sooner going up the BETTER !!! Alot of folks are moving up in this area, this is GREAT NEWS

  5. Shay K on June 1st, 2021 2:38 pm

    I am very excited about this coming improvement! and it’s to be in an inconspicuous location ! perfect.

  6. Will on June 1st, 2021 1:49 pm

    This will be a much needed asset for our rural communications networks; sure hope it goes through.

  7. Steve C on June 1st, 2021 1:47 pm

    Much needed as Escambia population moves north. Many people dont have a landline anymore and need reliable communications especially for emergency response. Unfortunately with growth comes needed technology and others may not want to spoil an area with a tall tower. this is a great area for a tower, in a rural farmland site, away from a subdivision full of people that it cant hinder a view, only a cow or two.

  8. Winne The Pooh on June 1st, 2021 1:29 pm

    Its nice to see residents of the north end of the county being included for a change. Looking forward to improved service. Truly needed in this area.

  9. Will on June 1st, 2021 1:27 pm

    This will be a much needed asset for our rural communications network; sure hope it goes through.

  10. Connie Banks on June 1st, 2021 1:23 pm

    This is badly needed for the area. Sounds like the tower location and details have been well planned and thought out. I think area residents will be glad to have better wireless communucation service. Seems to be a win-win for the area.

  11. Kat on June 1st, 2021 1:15 pm

    Our signal was great when we first moved out here in Cantonment, but over the last couple years it has gotten real bad.. no signal outside of house … even with 4G… not sure what happened but wish it still worked great.. Heaven help us if there is an emergency and we need to call if out in the field.. we won’t reach anyone

  12. Lois on June 1st, 2021 1:07 pm

    Much needed and a great location

  13. Badly needed on June 1st, 2021 7:17 am

    This has been needed for years. Glad it is finally happening! And the location is perfect!

  14. Finally on June 1st, 2021 12:36 am

    This would be great! Hopefully it passes through all phases to obtain the final okay to construct. It may not have anything to do with it, but I have noticed how terrible my Verizon service is since Sally. I’m sure there is going to be someone to complain about it, but it clearly states it will be constructed in agricultural land. Hopefully this means that it will not be an “eyesore” for any residents within the vicinity.