‘There’s So Much Good’ — Beulah Middle FFA Provides Summer Food For Students In Need

June 11, 2021

The Beulah Middle School FFA worked to make sure students in need would have food this summer.

For a little over a year, The Beulah FFA has held food drives before every extended break, including Christmas, spring and fall breaks. This year, they decided to give summer break a shot.

People donated food, money and backpacks. In the past, they used grocery bags to distribute the food, but it was decided that backpacks would be much more discrete.

The last week of school, 53 backpacks full of food were distributed. Each one contain a laminated card with a QR code; students can simply scan to send an alert that they need more food.

“Yes, there is no shortage of negativity and downright awfulness if we choose to see it. But, if we choose to turn our sights to the positive, the positivity is also endless,” Beulah FFA sponsor Leanne Jenkins said. “This picture was snapped by one of the guidance counselors. She sent me the picture the last day of school and told me stories about families who cried as they picked up their food.”

“There is so much good,” Jenkins said. “Let’s choose to see it. Let’s choose to be it.”


2 Responses to “‘There’s So Much Good’ — Beulah Middle FFA Provides Summer Food For Students In Need”

  1. EMD on June 11th, 2021 12:36 pm

    Kudos Kiddos. NICE JOB ! ! ! Thank you.

  2. Jackie Johnson on June 11th, 2021 7:06 am

    Thank you to the Beulah FFA for their hard work and to the people whom helped them fulfill their goal. Congratulations on a job well done!