Repairs Continue On District 5 Roads Damaged By Tropical Storm Claudette’s Heavy Rain

June 25, 2021

Escambia County is continuing to repair District 5 roads washed away last weekend during heavy rains from Tropical Storm Claudette.

Thursday afternoon, Interim County Administrator Wes Moreno provided with the following updates:

Rigby Road in Bratt was closed Saturday at the bridge over Beaver Dam Creek, just south of West Highway 4, after the roadway approach washed away. Repairs are expected to be complete Friday; both the road and bridge are open.

Greenland Road in Davisville suffered major erosion of the road shoulder Saturday at a culvert on Pine Barren Creek. The roadside on the downstream side of Greenland Road washed away both east and west of the creek. Repairs are expected to be completed Friday. Greenland Road remains open.

Devine Farm Road suffered major erosion by a bridge over a branch of 11 Mile Creek, washing the dirt away under a portion of roadway. Repair work is underway.

In District 3 Rolling Hills Road washed away Saturday, leaving several home isolated. County crews worded from 2 a.m. until 11 p.m. Sunday to make repairs.

Top photo and above: Rigby Road. photos.

Above: Greenland Road. photo.

Above: Greenland Road. photo.

Above: Devine Farm Road. Submitted photo.

Above: Devine Farm Road. Submitted photo.


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