New Signal At Highway 29, Molino Road Will Become Operational Next Tuesday

June 10, 2021

A new traffic signal at the intersection of Highway 29 and Molino Road will become fully operational about 10 a.m. on Tuesday, June 15..

The signal is currently in flash mode to acquaint motorists with the new location.  The Florida Department of Transpiration said drivers are urged to use caution when approaching the intersection., click to enlarge.


14 Responses to “New Signal At Highway 29, Molino Road Will Become Operational Next Tuesday”

  1. toil & trouble on June 11th, 2021 10:22 pm

    Hwy 196 aka (barrineau park rd) which goes from perdido river bridge which separates Ala and Fla & goes east across Hwy 29 & dead-ends at 295A will likely be the next
    traffic light. Log trucks all day long mostly turning north on hwy 29 as well as traffic
    from I-10 being GPS’d from wilcox exit @ I-10 in Ala to hwy 29. Traffic light is needed
    to hopefully prevent another tragic accident !

  2. Jay Girl on June 11th, 2021 3:13 pm

    I come from Jay and I have to go to the doctor quite often in Pensacola and my preferred way is on Hwy 29 because of the 65 mph. At first I thought oh no here we go, another light to make me late for my appointments because I am one of the lucky ones that ALWAYS gets stopped by a red light. However, my common sense kicked in and told me that I need to leave earlier, DUH! I also think that it’s more important to think of the traffic coming from Pensacola to Century because with people that are only used to the one red light, by the time they get to the red light at the Tom Thumb, they probably are going 65+. I can say that because sadly because I was one of them at one time. I am not sure so please don’t quote me on this, but I think that most of the wrecks do happen close to the Tom Thumb. With the new red light, the traffic hopefully won’t be going as fast as they were and maybe we will see a lot less traffic accidents. I can’t finish without saying GREAT JOB to Sheriff Chip Simmons for opening that satellite office back up! We definitely needed that also!

  3. CW on June 11th, 2021 5:56 am

    Hopefully this light will be controlled by a sensor and not by a timer. It should only turn red if a vehicle is sitting on Molino Rd waiting to cross.

  4. Flmom on June 11th, 2021 5:26 am

    Reduce the speed limit!
    65 MPH from red light to red light & on a hill….not safe.

  5. Tony Powell on June 11th, 2021 4:41 am

    @Grandma, I concur. And since the light is a done deal …
    Even locals who pass this intersection frequently will need some attention grabbing as old driving habits are hard to break. We do not always expect a traffic light in familiar areas.
    Along with flashing warning signs of impending stop light, there should definitely be rumble strips placed to get drivers’ attention. Hopefully, far enough ahead, the rumble strips get drivers’ attention better than signage by itself.

    Oh… and the ridiculous aesthetic medium barriers at 196 and 29 need to be removed for merging north from 196. No need to bottle up the intersection for all turn lanes. Why make it more dangerous? Surely not your intent, but really, common sense should have prevailed at that spot. Egress merging makes a lot more sense. All of the concrete barriers at 29 and 196 need to go.

    That medium barrier is about as half-brained as those ‘islands’ that were placed on Schifko road for ‘aesthetic’ purposes. But, I guess it was intended to slow people down. All it did was damage tires and cause alignment problems. ‘They’ finally got the message and removed all of them.

  6. SouthFlomaton4ever on June 10th, 2021 7:44 pm

    Waste of money….write more speeding tickets if that’s what they want to do but don’t impede traffic with another senseless red light.

  7. toil & trouble on June 10th, 2021 5:29 pm

    Big Rigs,jacked pick-ups,SUVs,cars…all drivin like hair on fire…stop signs, arrows,
    traffic lights makes no difference to them. Stupid is kinda hard to fix so we get what
    we get. 50 speeding tickets a-day might cure some of it.

  8. pencil on June 10th, 2021 4:15 pm

    This light is most certainly needed and I wish they could put more on 95A as well, the drag racing and teen speeders are like a plague.

    I only wish they would install a left turn signal on these lights as well.

  9. Grandma on June 10th, 2021 3:08 pm

    I hope DOT puts alert rumble strips approaching the light. AND signage with flashing lights warning of the upcoming traffic light. Out of towners should be properly warned of the upcoming possible stop.

  10. Charlotte Schwartz on June 10th, 2021 10:38 am

    Concerned Citizen, we need the light because people are racing down Hwy 29 through Molino without thinking about cross traffic. And there have been several accidents there so YES we need the light.

  11. Why? What a waste of$ on June 10th, 2021 9:41 am

    This a another example of wasteful spending. FDOT/ city council ect, are just wasting time & taxpayers money. This is poor planning & wasteful spending. Why not put the money to better use by fixing the numerous potholes, cracks, fixing the red lightswe have (placement mostly) & just jacked up roads. This light will be a disaster & keep the emergency response teams extremely busy.
    Extremely disappointed in our so called leaders that make these poor decisions in our so called best interest.

  12. A Alex on June 10th, 2021 8:33 am

    Really, horrible hill just north of this new light. At 65 plus MPH out of towners will be coming thru this red light. BEWARE

  13. Isee on June 10th, 2021 7:21 am

    I wish with all of the changes and updates that goes on I wondered why the new light system which was put up a few months ago at the corner of Hwy 29 and Muscogee wasn’t updated. On the Hwy 29 side you still have to stress your neck to look up for the lights if you’re first in line. On the Muscogee side, you look across the road for the lights just like all of the lights down around 9 miles are. Why did this one light stayed the same as it was before?

  14. Concerned Citizen on June 10th, 2021 5:04 am

    This is awful, another light to disrupt the flow of traffic. You see how much traffic crashes improved at 97 & 29, Not! They got worse not better, same thing is going to happen with people trying to beat the light.