New Nine Mile, I-10 Traffic Light Going To Flash Mode Next Week, Active June 22

June 11, 2021

The new  traffic signal at Nine Mile Road and I-10 will be placed in flash mode on Tuesday, June 15.

Drivers exiting I-10 eastbound to Nine Mile Road will encounter a flashing red light indicating they are to stop, then proceed once traffic is clear. Drivers on Nine Mile Road, east and westbound, will encounter a yellow flashing signal, meaning they should slow down and proceed through the intersection with caution.

On Tuesday, June 22 the traffic signal will be fully activated with standard red, yellow and green lights.


One Response to “New Nine Mile, I-10 Traffic Light Going To Flash Mode Next Week, Active June 22”

  1. Slingblade on June 11th, 2021 5:57 am

    Seems that most people think a flashing intersection is an All-Way stop. It isn’t, unless all signals display a flashing red. Flashing yellow means “proceed with caution”. Flashing red means “Stop. Then, proceed with caution.”