Man Charged With DUI Manslaughter After Escambia County Wreck Kills Woman

June 6, 2021

A Tennessee man was charged with DUI manslaughter after a fatal wreck Saturday in Escambia County.

The Florida Highway Patrol said 37-year old Albert Winn Lewis of Fayetteville, Tennessee, ran a stop sign at the intersection of Gulf Beach Highway and Bauer Road about 1:45 a.m.. His Dodge Challenger collided with a vehicle driven by a 55-year old Pensacola woman who died from her injuries.

Troopers said Lewis was arrested for DUI manslaughter and additional charges are possible depending on the outcome of their investigation.

The name of the victim has not been released.


12 Responses to “Man Charged With DUI Manslaughter After Escambia County Wreck Kills Woman”

  1. Maureen Duncan on February 12th, 2022 4:46 am

    Stacy was an exceptional woman! Loved by so many! Served our country proudly and gallantly! He took her life and I pray he goes away for a long time! He chose to drink and drive! He is responsible for taking this bright light from all who knew her! May she Rest In Peace and May he rot in hell!

  2. Thomas Nagy on June 7th, 2021 6:52 pm

    Stacy also was a Sargeant in the Army and served in Afghanistan.
    She will be missed so much by so many people. This is terrible.

  3. Susan Pearson on June 7th, 2021 11:52 am

    Re: the ignition device, I can testify that a addict/alcoholic brother in law of mine can and has found a way around various devices and still drives his car.

  4. Adam Evans on June 7th, 2021 9:37 am

    EVELYN L OWEN, I do not drink alcohol at all. But you want me to pay for the technology to see if I am drunk, and to force me to prove it every time I get in my vehicle. What needs to be done is to make stronger and harsher dui penalties. Punish the guilty, not the innocent.

  5. Henry Coe on June 6th, 2021 9:21 pm

    re:I would surmise the reason the charge is DUI Manslaughter and not Murder is because in order to convict someone of murder you need to be able to prove intent. Just because someone is stupid enough to drink and drive and ends up causing someone else’s death does not mean they intended to kill someone.
    If the charge was for Murder the defense would likely be able to prove or create reasonable doubt enough to show the drunk idiot had no intention of killing anyone especially if the defendant did not know the victim.
    I’m all for the sentencing to be how ever long or harsh it should be for the crime but the charges have to fit the crime in order to get a conviction for the crime in our court system.

    re: on the idea of having to blow in a tube to start a vehicle? No thank you. I’m in and out of my vehicle way to much for that and I can only imagine how a UPS driver would feel about having to blow in a tube, but if you want to shut down bars and clubs that serve alcohol I’d be ok with that. It wouldn’t stop the problem but I bet it would reduce the risk.
    Putting more liability on places that serve alcohol is also probably a good idea to include if they have to cut someone off who has drank to much that their judgement is impaired that Law Enforcement has to take control of the impaired patron if the bar or club wants to avoid being liable for that persons behavior. That’s not to say that the drunk person isn’t also responsible for their own behavior because ultimately they have to be accountable. Hopefully they learn to be accountable before causing harm or death.

  6. EVELYN L OWEN on June 6th, 2021 6:46 pm

    It is past time to put into all new vehicles a devise that tests blood alcohol level before allowing the vehicle to start. It could be made so it cannot be over ridden or taken out. No person has the “right” to drive impaired. The small inconvenience is worth saving a life, avoiding arrests, destroyed vehicles & property. It would force the impaired driver to wait until they sober up; or call for a ride; or walk: none of which would endanger other’s lives. Seat belts were made mandatory and in all vehicles. Why not this?

  7. JD on June 6th, 2021 1:15 pm

    @ Rasheed, yes I fully understand what the laws of this is. And I believe when the choice is made to drink and drive you are committing murder when the accident happens.

  8. Reneé Livingstone on June 6th, 2021 11:28 am

    ONLY “Manslaughter”? WOW!! Still MURDER!!! Man made a decision to Drink & Drive, He deserves SO MUCH!!! This WAS intentional. He intentionally drank. He intentionally drove, HE TOOK A LIFE! Someone’s Mom, Sister, Aunt, Grandma..Rest in hell man!!

  9. Rasheed Jackson on June 6th, 2021 9:26 am

    I agree DUI Manslaughter does not carry enough of a sentence for the taking of a life. The problem with charging this person with murder is you would have to prove intent. Did the person willfully and purposely plan to kill the individual? In cases where an individual kills some one due to there reckless negligence, DUI manslaughter, you could not prove they planned, and then set out to kill the individual, therefore allowing a way for the person to skate on the charges.
    I do feel that 15 years, the maximum sentence, is not nearly enough time for the loss of a person’s life, and 4 years, the minimum, is a joke! If the person is charged as a nonviolent offender, then they will be up for parole after doing 65 percent of their time, which would further reduce their sentence.
    So, JD I do agree with you on the fact that there needs to be stiffer penalties for DUI Manslaughter. We could start with 15 years as the minimum with no chance for parole. Then shore that up with a 4 year minimum Work Release for DUI, first time offenders. Doubling the time spent incarcerated for each time they are arrested and charged with DUI, second offence 8 years, third offence 16 years. They could make it easy on the taxpayer by using their money they earn to pay for their expenses of incarceration.

  10. Susie on June 6th, 2021 9:12 am

    Selfish and probably considered mentally ill to get in a vehicle DRUNK and/or screwed up on drugs. Who cares about his pathetic reason, he MURDERED a woman. What a piece of trash, probably thought to be three times his age from his poor choices. People, if you drink/drug and drive, you have no conscience for other people’s lives. Get some help.

  11. JD on June 6th, 2021 6:51 am

    Forget manslaughter, it should be murder .

  12. Taryn J. White on June 6th, 2021 2:13 am

    Such a terrible story and avoidable DUI accident. Even with all the strict new laws in Florida for those who have to fightDUIcharges in court, too many people still drive drunk regardless. Texting and driving is just as dangerous and problematic as DUI.