Florida Sending 50 State Officers To Border In Texas, DeSantis Announces In Escambia County

June 26, 2021

Speaking at the I-10 Welcome Center in Escambia County, Gov. Ron DeSantis announced  on Friday that state law enforcement officers have deployed to Texas to provide additional support in response to the security crisis at the southern border.

“When the Governors of Texas and Arizona reached out for help, Florida answered the call,” said Governor Ron DeSantis. “We are witnessing a catastrophe at the southern border under the Biden Administration. In recent months, we have seen people from the terrorist watch list, known sex offenders and a flood of fentanyl cross over the border. This is a national security crisis, and we must get it under control.”

Resources from the Florida Department of Law Enforcement (FDLE), Florida Highway Patrol (FHP) and Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission(FWC) are deploying today, including more than 50 state law enforcement officers from FDLE, FHP and FWC and mission critical equipment. It is anticipated that personnel will be deployed for 16-day shifts.

Over 20 county sheriff departments — including Escambia and Santa Rosa have pledged support to provide staffing resources to cover duties typically filled by the deployed officers.

Last week during a press conference at the Escambia County Sheriff’s Office, Governor Ron DeSantis answered the call for support and reinforcements following a letter from Governors Greg Abbott of Texas and Doug Ducey of Arizona requesting immediate assistance assist with the security crisis overwhelming law enforcement at the southern border.

The Florida Division of Emergency Management is coordinating the deployment of law enforcement officers under the Emergency Management Assistance Compact. The compact is a national mutual aid system that allows states to share resources from all disciplines, protect personnel who deploy and be reimbursed for mission related costs.

Photos for NorthEscambia.com, click to enlarge.


14 Responses to “Florida Sending 50 State Officers To Border In Texas, DeSantis Announces In Escambia County”

  1. Who cares? on June 30th, 2021 7:30 am

    It’s not going to make a difference. Manpower on the border isn’t the problem. Policy is the problem.

  2. Jack on June 29th, 2021 5:08 pm

    Emily: what planet are you from?

  3. Emily on June 27th, 2021 9:05 pm

    DeSantis is just trying to make sure his name gets in the headlines. There’s no crisis at the border & if there was one, it was probably Trump’s doing. Biden has been trying to fix the mess that was left behind by the former administration, who thought that separating families, and jailing children, who were fleeing from horrific conditions and risked their lives hoping that America would live up to the promise of our Statue of Liberty which says “Give me your tired, your poor, your huddled masses yearning to breathe free.” We are all immigrants in this country except for the Native Americans. DeSantis is just trying to get publicity out of nothing, so that he can try for the ‘24 presidential election. The last thing we need is another Republican in the White House, especially DeSantis. Even Trump said that this country always does better when a Democrat is in the White House. The Republicans make a bunch of fake promises and we end up in another recession. Then a Democrat has to come in and clean up the mess once again.

  4. Just saying on June 26th, 2021 10:15 pm

    Remember the Alamo.

    Maybe it will work out better this time.

  5. Charlotte Rebecca Bates on June 26th, 2021 7:55 pm

    Safe travels, and I’ll be praying for all of you.

  6. No Excuses on June 26th, 2021 3:19 pm

    Anything that does not directly affect some people to their own personal benefit is criticized and complained about by those who aren’t getting a payoff.

    States share resources all the time. It’s called being part of a team, something that many today no nothing about.

    DeSantis is one of the best governors we’ve had in a good long while. Frankly, I hope he does not run for president. I’d like to keep him here in Florida where he is doing us the most good. I’m certain he would win a second term easily.

  7. JD on June 26th, 2021 2:43 pm

    The difference is the border mess is a federal problem that Florida will not be reimbursed for by those states which those states think they will sue the feds for them to be reimbursed but will actually spend millions on a frivolous lawsuit against the federal government. When Florida solves it’s accelerating crime problems and drug smuggling borders problems then we might can spare some law enforcement to them. All that defund the police mess has caused the Leo shortages along with better less risk private jobs. This is a self promotion for Desantis for that presidential run in 24.i hope he does run so Florida will be done with this clown. We are going to see in the next couple of years all the mess Desantis left Florida with with all those executive orders he is running through

  8. Cantonment on June 26th, 2021 2:04 pm

    @Greg: I believe that is an unfair assessment. Anytime a place has a natural disaster, (hurricane, tornado, etc.), you see power trucks from everywhere. That does not mean those power trucks are not needed in their home towns under normal circumstances, they are just simply helping out when the need arises.

    @Bob: DeSantis is the best governor that Florida has ever had by far

  9. Stumpknocker on June 26th, 2021 11:15 am

    @bob @greg so when Florida needs help from other agencies after a hurricane we should turn them away and refuse their help, to include other power companies that come help Florida. It’s no different at the boarder, those law enforcement are way overwhelmed and are receiving no help from the federal government. Go take a look at the boarder and see for yourself, the media don’t do the real story justice.

  10. Jim on June 26th, 2021 11:09 am

    Reply to Greg. REALLY ? States lend fellow states law enforcement officers all the time. Example: When a Hurricane devastates a city, other states send them law enforcement personnel to help prevent looting, to patrol downed traffic light intersections, Game wardens with boats are sent to help search and recure people in flooded areas. I guess you think we should lay off those heroes off too. After all, if we can lend them to a natural disaster area in another state we must not need them here.
    I wonder if you complained about all the states that sent law enforcement to DC for this past Presidential inauguration.

  11. Bob on June 26th, 2021 9:11 am

    This is just a publicity stunt by DeSantis.

    He has no concern with helping the citizens of Florida. He’s just making sure his name is plastered everywhere he can while he starts preparing his bid for the 2024 presidential election.

  12. Jackie Johnson on June 26th, 2021 7:39 am

    Prayers for you and your families as you all make this journey to help Texas and Arizona. Stay Safe!

  13. Bewildered on June 26th, 2021 6:35 am

    VP Harris flew in her private plane to her mansion in California after a short stop at the border. Maybe she did her part to help with this crisis and took some illegal immigrants with her to be her house guests

  14. Greg on June 26th, 2021 5:56 am

    If Florida has 50 law enforcement officers that are not needed here then cut their positions out of the budget. That is what we call waste, fraud and abuse to make Florida taxpayers pay for LEO who are not needed in Florida. By the way, Florida’s southern border is a mess as well. I-95 is a drug highway up the East Coast out of Miami and the Keys.