Escambia Woman Gets 20 Years For Sexual Activity With Young Teens

June 23, 2021

An Escambia County woman has been sentenced to state prison for sexual activity with two young teens.

Circuit Judge Jan Shackelford sentenced Leigh Ann Rhodes, 34, to 20 years. She previously entered no contest pleas to three counts of lewd or lascivious battery and one count of transmission of harmful materials to a minor. She was sentenced to serve five years of sexual offender probation upon release from prison, and was also designated as a sexual offender.

The charges stemmed from an arrest made in August of 2020 after the Department of Children and Families received a hotline tip that Rhodes was engaged in sexual behavior with two young teenagers. Rhodes was interviewed by Escambia County Sheriff’s Office investigators and admitted to engaging in a sexual relationship with the minors. Both minors were interviewed by members of the Child Protection Team at the Gulf Coast Kid’s House and detailed the sexual abuse. Cellphone evidence also corroborated the sexual activity, according to prosecutors.


8 Responses to “Escambia Woman Gets 20 Years For Sexual Activity With Young Teens”

  1. Susie on June 26th, 2021 7:59 am

    In reading the comments, who cares if it was a man or a woman? They are equally as sick in the head, corrupt in their heart (what little heart they have, if any) and ugly from the inside out and back in. Pedos have their own place in hell where they all need to be.

  2. Puddin on June 25th, 2021 9:25 am

    I think it’s more acceptable to the general public for a woman to have sex with a teen boy than vice versa because, in general, girls are still seen as needing to keep pure until marriage. Boys having sex, at any age, are seen as macho. Even in these days of equality, if a male has sex with 10 females, he’s big stuff and to be admired. If a female has sex with 10 males, she’s trash and to disparaged.

    It’s unfortunate, but until society decides to protect our boys as well as our girls, not much will change.

  3. Elizabeth Smith on June 23rd, 2021 1:44 pm

    When I was 15 and got knocked up by a 21 year old male, the DA didn’t eveb press charges.

  4. Alan on June 23rd, 2021 12:22 pm

    @Cry me a river ….. Thanks for proving my point.

  5. Cry me a river on June 23rd, 2021 10:22 am

    The only good pedo is a dead pedo, however, it is extremely rare for a woman to be one. Had it been a man he would brutally raped a five year old not had a group of willing teenage participants. To hear grown men making this a woman vs. man cry fest is pathetic. Furthermore, men don’t get 20 yrs for brutal rape and sodomy and are usually out in a couple. So, let’s focus on the actual people being harmed here. Children, not men. And this person won’t be able to harm children for 20 years, that is a good thing.

  6. Alan on June 23rd, 2021 9:52 am

    When I read this article around 2am this morning, I wondered how many comments there would be when I checked back later. Usually by this time there are 20-30 comments running the gambit from ‘castration” to “old time justice” to “they will get what’s coming to them in prison” and of course “these folks are not curable so they should all be put away for life”. But I have a sneaky suspicion the lack of commenting is because Leigh Ann is a women and for some reason, that makes it okay for most folks.

  7. JTV on June 23rd, 2021 5:36 am

    A man would have gotten more. There’s no equality in justice

  8. Stephen on June 23rd, 2021 2:56 am

    Nice to finally see a woman get equal treatment to what a man would get.