Century Council Backs Off City Manager Job Review, Opts To Extend The Process

June 24, 2021

The Century Town Council this week declined to conduct a performance review as scheduled for their interim city manager, instead opting to table it for a future date after a workshop and individual meetings.

The council was set to review the performance of  Interim Town Manager Vernon Prather, but backed out of the schedule agenda item. Council members were to have submitted written evaluation forms to he town clerk, but all five failed to do so.

“I don’t see it as fair to him or the council tonight,” Council President Luis Gomez said, adding that he though the generic evaluation form was inappropriate for a city manager position.

“If we jump the gun and start having discussions tonight, it wouldn’t be fair to Mr. Prather because there’s issues in the contract that need to be discussed further. There’s some language still in the contract that should have been changed in December of last year,” Gomez said.  He said the contract language is not a “big problem”, but offered no specifics.

Instead, Gomez proposed a council workshop to discuss the “future endeavors of the city manager”, but he said he did not want Prather at the meeting.

“Then each council member, that night, if they have any gripes or any praises, put it in writing or any expectations of the position of city manager, but his record is going to all be on the table,” Gomez continued. He said council members could individually meet with Prather, and  those written reviews would be presented to the mayor and Prather before a another council meeting for public review.

The council has not set a date for a workshop meeting to begin the process.

Prather was hired in December 2019,  and his contract was extended for a year in December 2020. He is paid $1,200 a week ($40 per hour) to work 30 hours on a schedule of his choosing. He is also paid a $600 per month vehicle allowance, but receives no other benefits.

His contract specifies that the mayor and town council will meet with him “at least every three months for the purpose of defining goals and performance objective”.

Pictured: Century Interim Town Manager Vernon Prather. NorthEscambia.com photo, click to enlarge.


13 Responses to “Century Council Backs Off City Manager Job Review, Opts To Extend The Process”

  1. Amec on June 25th, 2021 8:22 pm

    I think Mr Vernon is very well respected and much appreciated thanks Mr Vernon for ur service

  2. Take 6 on June 25th, 2021 1:48 pm

    Town of Century is about to get some money. The covid funds and they have put in for some grants. City manager got to go you may say something.

  3. Willis on June 24th, 2021 9:05 pm

    You can always get nothing for nothing $$

    Things may not be perfect but I believe they are a lot better.

  4. chris on June 24th, 2021 4:07 pm

    “bargain basement salary of $62,400″
    Has Century brought in enough new business to offset that salary? I think we all know that answer.

  5. Citizen on June 24th, 2021 3:31 pm

    If they run off Prather., we’re screwed.

  6. Big Jim on June 24th, 2021 2:59 pm

    Century is very fortunate to have someone with the extensive public works experience of Mr. Prather being willing to take on the town’s enormous utility problems for the bargain basement salary of $62,400.

  7. Connie on June 24th, 2021 11:32 am

    My thoughts also “new to century”,

  8. Connie on June 24th, 2021 11:31 am

    I cannot understand how so many people want to be in jobs but do not want to do the job. I am new to Century (1yr) but somehow I seem to have more love for this town then most of the appointed employees. I wish that we could all come together and get Century on the map (in a good way). I lived in Pensacola for 18 years and when I decided I wanted to live in Century I was discouraged by everyone. I am either to naïve thinking that this little town could become functional and stand on its own financially or to stupid. Please people lets care about this town and let it become the beautiful little town of its potential. I work for a utility in Pensacola and I can tell you that Century loses a lot of revenue in that department, I can only imagine if they were more efficient it would be a great start for the city.

  9. new to Century on June 24th, 2021 10:44 am

    Where is there a list of job requirements and duties of our council members? Also, are they paid money as a council member?

  10. Things not what they seem.... on June 24th, 2021 9:39 am

    You know when a town is already broke and paying out $62,400.00 a year to someone that only works 30 hours a week, and cannot please anyone is ridiculous. I’m sure there are city managers that do their jobs well, but Century City Council is never going to be pleased by anyone that takes a little authority and spotlight away from them. Luis Gomez is never going to be pleased with anything that is good for Century because he has that “want to be mayor complex” that gets in his way! He should be removed and let someone who really has Century’s good interest at heart to take his place. We know that is not going to happen because the rest of the council thinks that he walks on water so we are doomed to repeat all his past mistakes! Sad, sad indeed!

  11. Worried Resident Too on June 24th, 2021 8:36 am

    The Century City Council is ineffective at best. The members barely come to scheduled monthly meetings, and do not do their jobs. Please vote all of the worthless members out ASAP!

  12. sam on June 24th, 2021 5:45 am

    so the mayor and city council won’t or can’t take care of city business and hire other people to run the town. i thought we were broke? why did we elect a mayor or council.

  13. Anne on June 24th, 2021 5:29 am

    Lawsy Mercy, there’re more knots in the Century Town Council than at a Pretzel Factory.
    Whole thing there seems to be a soap opera plot that changes more than a box full of big red fishin’ worms.
    What a mess and leadership is down the rabbit hole.