Escambia Reports 59 New COVID-19 Cases In Last Week

June 26, 2021

There were 59 new COVID-19 cases reported Escambia County over the last week by the Florida Department of Health.

FDOH has moved from daily to weekly reports and removed the COVID-19 dashboard. The state is now releasing a weekly report with local data limited only to number of cases and positivity rate; the number of deaths by county or cases by local cities and communities has been removed.

Here is the latest data:

Escambia County cases:

Total cases: 33,139 (+61)
Positivity Rate Last Week: 3.2%

Santa Rosa County cases:

Total cases: 18,565   (+83)
Positivity Rate Last Week: 6.4%

Statewide cases:

Florida resident cases: 2,321,929 (+11,873)
Case positivity rate: 3.8%
Deaths: 37,772 (+44)


6 Responses to “Escambia Reports 59 New COVID-19 Cases In Last Week”

  1. Emily on June 27th, 2021 9:49 pm

    So, DeSantis doesn’t want the number of deaths to be released anymore. I thought that Florida was still under “The Sunshine Law” which means that everything is supposed to be transparent and the people of Florida should be informed of anything concerning our state. I do believe that DeSantis is breaking that law by covering up the number of deaths related to the covid-19 pandemic. He is bound and determined to be the frontrunner of the next presidential election. He’s off and running by the Trump rule of hiding and denying the actual facts.

  2. William Reynolds on June 27th, 2021 3:23 pm

    >>”So how many serious cases? How many recovered? Let’s have all the info, not just the scary stuff.”

    As stated in the story, the state no longer releases any info about cases other than what you see.

  3. Puddin on June 27th, 2021 2:18 pm

    So how many serious cases? How many recovered? Let’s have all the info, not just the scary stuff.

  4. Donald W Cooper on June 26th, 2021 6:14 pm

    The governor is not trying to hide anything

  5. Donald W Cooper on June 26th, 2021 10:10 am

    @me. The number of new deaths 43 for the whole state. Great but still 43 too many. Come on people get vaccinated and it will drop even lower.

  6. me on June 26th, 2021 8:51 am

    Thanks William for still posting these statistics. I know many of our residents still like to keep up with the current status of Covid.
    From article: “the number of deaths by county or cases by local cities and communities has been removed.”
    I would think that the number of deaths would be just as important as the number of new cases. Guess our FL governor is trying his best to eliminate any information that might look bad on his administration! Why not just tell the truth for a change!