Century Woman Accused Of ‘Samurai Style Sword’ Attack Now Charged With Tampering In The Case

June 17, 2021

A Century woman accused in an altercation involving a “samurai style sword” last month is facing a new charge for tampering in the case.

Mariah Brianna Moore, 29, was charged with tampering in a felony second degree proceeding. The new charge is a second degree felony.

In May, Moore was charged with aggravated battery with a deadly weapon after she allegedly cut a woman across the forehead with a what Escambia County Sheriff’s Office deputies described as a “samurai style sword”. The victim required medical treatment for a large laceration.

The victim told deputies that since that time, Moore has threatened her with violence on three different occasions. The victim said Moore yelled at her and threatened to “cut her again”. The victim began to video the incident, and Moore can be seen and heard screaming at the victim, according to an ECSO arrest report. While the deputy was speaking to the victim, he could hear Moore continue to scream and threaten to fight the victim, the report continues.

During a court appearance after the original incident, Moore was ordered by a judge to have no contact with the victim.

She remained in the Escambia County Jail Thursday morning without bond.


3 Responses to “Century Woman Accused Of ‘Samurai Style Sword’ Attack Now Charged With Tampering In The Case”

  1. RAsheed Jackson on June 17th, 2021 12:47 pm

    Don’t you worry Chris, Somewhere in Molino there is a domestic disturbance festering, or a drug deal about to go wrong.

  2. NobodyInParticular on June 17th, 2021 8:50 am

    Sounds like the victim needs to start carrying a concealed weapon

  3. Chris on June 17th, 2021 7:57 am

    Century: always keepin’ it classy.