Century Council Moves Meetings Back To Town Hall After COVID-19 Decline

June 23, 2021

Now that COVID-19 numbers have declined, the Century Town Council has voted to move their meetings from a large community center venue back to their relatively small council chambers.

After holding meetings via Zoom for much of 2020 due to COVID-19, the council returned to in-person meetings at the Century Community Center back in January to allow room for more social distancing.

Beginning with their next meeting on July 6, the Century Town Council now will meet at the town hall at 7995 North Century Boulevard.

A bill list review will be held at 6:45 p.m. to be followed by a regular council meeting at 7 p.m. on the following dates:

  • July 6 and 19
  • August 2 and 16
  • September 7 and 20
  • October 4 and 18
  • November 1 and 15
  • December 20

Pictured top: A panoramic view of a recent Century Town Council meeting at the Century Community Center. Pictured below: The community center allowed for more social distancing. NorthEscambia.com photos, click to enlarge.


2 Responses to “Century Council Moves Meetings Back To Town Hall After COVID-19 Decline”

  1. CJ Lewis on June 23rd, 2021 4:24 pm

    Someone should propose a charter amendment to direct how town council meetings must be conducted. Any Century voter can propose the change and they would only need to get about 112 petition signatures to force a vote. The town probably has the worst municipal webpage in Florida. Agendas are missing or at best no more than one very cryptic page with no details. When you hit “View Details” there are no details to view. As example, you find references to agenda items but no information about the agenda item to include no staff memorandum explaining the agenda item to include why the town council is considering taking a certain action. You find references to resolutions and ordinances but no copies of the resolutions or ordinances. You see something call “Bill List Review” but no information about it or copies of the bills to be reviewed. There are no meeting minutes so the public has no way to know what happened at meetings. The meetings are not videotaped with a link posted to the website. The Century town council appears to work very hard to keep town residents in the dark.

  2. Jack hutson on June 23rd, 2021 9:32 am

    Does it really matter where it held still wont get it right. Maybe the lighting will be better and they might figure something out.