Florida Chamber Grades Local Legislators

June 21, 2021

The Florida Chamber of Commerce has released its official 2021 Florida Chamber Legislative Report Card, showcasing grades earned by all 160 legislators in the Florida House and Senate based on their votes during the 2021 legislative session.

Sen. Doug Broxson earned 100% “A” with all of his votes matching chamber positions.

Newcomer Rep. Michelle Salzman earned a grade of 86% for a “B,” voting in favor of a bill not supported by the chamber. HB 651 would have authorized parents of adult children to recover damages for mental pain and suffering in medical negligence suits.

Rep. Alex Andrade earned a 94% for an A, losing points because he also voted for HB 651.

Salzman lost more points than Andrade because she cast more votes favor of HB 651 as a member of committees that considered the bill before a floor vote.

“The Florida Chamber’s 2021 Legislative Report Card is an annual opportunity to recognize members of the Florida Legislature who placed making Florida more competitive through private-sector job creation above special interests and attempts to protect the status quo,” the chamber said.

“Florida’s economy won with the Florida Chamber-backed, pro-jobs policy passed during the 2021 Legislative Session,” said Florida Chamber of Commerce President & CEO Mark Wilson. “The actions taken by Gov. DeSantis and Florida’s lawmakers will go a long way in continuing to build momentum towards creating the more than 2 million jobs necessary to take Florida from the 17th largest economy in the world to the 10th largest by 2030 and securing Florida’s future.”


10 Responses to “Florida Chamber Grades Local Legislators”

  1. James Wright on June 25th, 2021 6:55 pm

    If the chamber backs a bill, then you can bet it is not good for the citizens of Florida.

  2. William 2 on June 23rd, 2021 11:48 am

    More bureaucratic propaganda, you’re penalized if you don’t tote the chamber line, a bunch of nonsense to try and make the true representatives of the people look bad. Shameful!!!!

  3. Russell on June 23rd, 2021 6:26 am

    Who is the chamber to grade these public servants? I have doubts that it is fair, accurate and not partisan.

  4. Nope. on June 23rd, 2021 6:22 am

    Broxson voted in favor of red flag laws. Get him out of there.

  5. Wise Years on June 22nd, 2021 7:16 pm

    If the chamber of commerce is for it, I’m against it as are a great mini voters that keep up with the details of what’s going on Hear it

  6. Bobby C on June 22nd, 2021 5:21 pm

    Unbelievable. So if a Representative supports the will of the people and votes against the Chamber, then the Rep loses points. It seems this exactly why we voted these people into office. So they could stand up for our rights! Good job Michelle and Alex. The people are on your side.

  7. Anne on June 22nd, 2021 2:22 pm

    SOoooo, if you don’t vote the way “the Chamber” feels they should direct your vote then you ‘lose points’ with them?
    Word “BULLYING” comes to mind when an orginazition, not constituents, tries to give influence to OUR Politicians.
    Perhaps the intent of ‘the Chamber’ should be closely looked into?

  8. Sedition on June 22nd, 2021 2:11 pm

    Letting government grade government.
    Fox, meet hen house.

  9. judy on June 22nd, 2021 8:07 am

    Voting against ” chamber positions” loses you points? If you stand for what you believe and vote for your constituents, you lose points? Can all of us call foul? We need people who speak for the people, not for their peers… :(

  10. Paul on June 21st, 2021 9:07 am

    Losing points for voting for a plan to help the people who elected them.
    A lot of times the parents are the ones who end up taking care of doctors mistakes.
    They get my vote..