Pensacola Entrepreneur Quint Studer Injured In Hit And Run Crash While Bicycling

May 23, 2021

A bicyclist struck in a hit and run crash Saturday night in Pensacola has been identified by Pensacola Police as philanthropist and entrepreneur Quint Studer.  Police said he suffered minor injuries.

Studer was riding his bicycle along Bayfront Parkway near Bartram Park about 9 p.m. when he was hit. He was transported to a local hospital where he was treated and released.

The vehicle was described as a black Nissan Altima with right side damage and was last seen headed in the direction of the closed Pensacola Bay Bridge. The vehicle will be missing the passenger mirror and will have damage to the front bumper.


8 Responses to “Pensacola Entrepreneur Quint Studer Injured In Hit And Run Crash While Bicycling”

  1. Christopher C. Miller on May 24th, 2021 11:22 pm

    To Quint Studer, I am sorry to hear of your accident with a Hit & Run. I was here in Pensacola to visit my Mother. I was born and raised in Pensacola however moved to New Orleans to make a better life because there was not a person like you in Pensacola to work so hard for making Pensacola a really nice place that I would might like to come back to!
    Please make a trip over to New Orleans to see our bicycle routes on the streets of our city. The city of NOLA have made progress with the help of FEMA grants to make New Orleans bike friendly. Not to say we have it going on, but y’all do not have many bike lanes around the city. Sad! Thank you for all you and your wife have done for Pensacola.

  2. cj on May 24th, 2021 12:00 pm

    Why is the law for bicycles to go with the flow of the traffic? Bicycles usually have no rearview mirrors and mostly no motors other than feet which means no chance of avoiding getting hit. What is the logic? Even with bike paths (which usually don’t allow them to get far enough away if a car veers out of their lane), the problem of not being aware you have a car coming at you is ever-present. Granted that even with knowing a car is coming at the bicyclist, they may not have a chance but that chance is improved greatly. Sorry to hear that Mr. Studer was hit.

  3. Christian Wright on May 24th, 2021 8:56 am

    Been talking about bike lanes for a long time. It would be nice if someone with money could actually make it happen! -_- Studer was hit, but he isn’t the first one, everyday Pensacolians are hit on their bike all the time. Make the city safer for bicyclists, and you would be surprised at just how much good it would do for the city!

  4. Cyclist on May 24th, 2021 6:51 am

    Only three days after a public event to promote bicycle awareness. The silent ride. Did anyone even hear about it?

  5. Sherry Taylor on May 23rd, 2021 5:32 pm

    Riding a bike at night with crazy drivers out there is never a good idea. Glad he is okay.

  6. Dave Coleson on May 23rd, 2021 3:56 pm

    Glad he is ok. We need this man in our community he gives back so much and has done so much. He is truly a gift from god. I will say no bad things but I only hope the justice system works and the suspect is found.

    God bless.

  7. alan on May 23rd, 2021 12:53 pm

    Not sure I would be brave enough to ride a bicycle on Main/Bayfront at Bartram Park at 9pm at night regardless of the street lights considering there are no bike lanes, the traffic lanes are narrow, and most people downtown on a Saturday night are imbibing. I do hope Mr. Studer is okay and wish him a speedy recovery.

  8. MiB on May 23rd, 2021 11:51 am

    Pensacola, and Escambia County are truly dangerous places. The local drivers are reckless, always speed beyond the posted speed limits, and regularly run red lights. If local leadership cared about anything (but the image in their mirror) they’d enforce the existing traffic laws. Godspeed Quint, glad you made it (this time). The world is a better place with you in it…