Escambia County Man Charged With Kidnapping Girl In Walnut Hill

May 20, 2021

An Escambia County man is charged with kidnapping a 13-year old girl last weekend in Walnut Hill.

Ronald Gene Joyner, 55 is charged with felony kidnapping, interference with child custody and battery.

A man told the Escambia County Sheriff’s Office that he was fishing with his family and had just left from Steve’s Farm on South Highway 99 in Walnut Hill. He said the girl was irritating her brother, so he stopped his truck near South Highway 99 and Beasley Road and made her get out and walk. The man told deputies that he drove less than a quarter mile away before turning around to pick up his daughter, but she was gone in less than two minutes.

In that short time span, Joyner drove up and asked the girl if she needed help, according to an arrest report.

The girl said Joyner pulled over and asked if she needed help, but she told him no. The report states Joyner told her to get into the truck, but she kept walking. He kept following her and calling her derogatory names. He eventually got out of his vehicle, grabbed the girl and put her in the backseat.

The girl, who said she does not know Joyner, tried unsuccessfully to get away. She refused to stay quiet, and Joyner told her, “If you’re not quiet I will shoot everyone in your family”, according to the arrest report.

The teen said Joyner tossed a Mountain Dew at her in the backseat, and it tasted “like he put something in it”, later describing the flavor to be like pineapple.

Joyner drove north and crossed the state line into Atmore and to the Walmart on North Main Street. She begged him to let her go, but he would not and again threatened to kill her family, the ECSO said.

Joyner then headed to Pensacola, making stops at several gas stations. According to the report, at one gas station the girl told Joyner that she had to go to the bathroom, and he threatened to kill all of her family and make her watch if she tried anything. She told deputies that she tried to signal for help covertly by using Tik Tok hand signals, but that did not work. Popular videos on TikTok and Twitter explain that a special hand signal can be used to indicate that a person is in danger.

Joyner then allegedly purchased what he said was heroin and offered it to the girl as he sniffed it up his nose with a straw, the report continues.

After Joyner found out law enforcement was looking for him, he released the girl in the area of Mobile Highway and Bellview Avenue. Deputies found her hiding under a fence, and she was transported to the hospital for evaluation.

Joyner remains in the Escambia County Jail with bond set at $56,000.


28 Responses to “Escambia County Man Charged With Kidnapping Girl In Walnut Hill”

  1. Confused on May 23rd, 2021 2:15 pm

    Like many people say things aren’t adding up. #1 – Now days at 13 most kids realize if you get help in a situation like this he would be arrested and wouldn’t be able to kill anyone. #2 – Why didn’t the father just separate his children by putting one in the front seat and one in the back if possible. #3 – If it was only 2 minutes before dad turned around how did this guy have time to talk, follow then stop to grab her and put her in the back seat before dad came back.
    Sounds to me dad isn’t being truthful, daughter isn’t being truthful but Ole Ronald Gene Joyner needs to be sitting in jail. Maybe talk to the son and investigate more, see if the truth comes out.

  2. Black Monster on May 23rd, 2021 1:06 pm

    The Dad needs to go to prison for Child Endangerment – He does not deserve custody of his poor Children.

  3. Mom of 2 on May 22nd, 2021 4:42 pm

    I can NOT believe anyone is blaming the dad for this! Seriously, the kidnapper is the guilty party here. Unless there’s something we aren’t being told, my mom put me and my brother out of the car to walk when I was an unruly 12 year old. The kid is 13, she was probably needing correction, dad was likely frustrated and yes, probably not the best punishment, but come on, really. The dad and the daughter are victims on this. The sick psychopath that kidnapped her is the problem. These predators clearly drive around looking for kids to take, clearly, and there should be much harsher punishment for these sick twisted monsters! I bet if there was swift justice then we would see a lot less of this crap! We as a society should be appalled by the lack of sanctity of children, no matter what the age!

  4. patti on May 22nd, 2021 1:21 pm

    I AGREE WITH THE LOCAL MAN, if you start when your children are very young, teaching them right from wrong AND letting them KNOW what is RIGHT AND WHAT IS ARONG, I am sure you’ll have less trouble with them. Folks today DO NOT DISCIPLINE their children like parents did years ago. I’m glad the girl did NOT get hurt and MOLESTED!

  5. Educator on May 22nd, 2021 12:40 pm

    For those comparing the bond difference: one was ARMED kidnapping and the other not. The armed kidnappers bail was increased by the judge which is allowed. The second bond was the highest bond allowed in the first circuit by the arresting officer. The judge can up that one as well if he chooses.

    Being armed does increase the level of the offense.

  6. Local mom on May 21st, 2021 12:04 pm

    Something sounds off with this whole story.
    I can almost understand dad getting frustrated with the teen and desperate to get her attention by doing something drastic. Most likely needs @$$ whippings that kids don’t get anymore. In part bc the parent can get into deep legal do-do if we spank a kid. Then we as parents have to deal with the growing misbehavior as the kids figure out that they can likely get away with anything, bc of no repriccution.
    But they went to Walmart? And Several other stores or gas stations, and she could not get help? SMH
    There has got to be something not being told .. Or more to the story..
    And I’m still thinking if the kids were disciplined at home, from an early age. This would never happen. Dad don’t need to go to jail. But he seriously needs to run a tighter ship. I’m not gonna put my child out of the car unless I’m out with her , plucking a switch!! I have done this. I switch her tail and back in the car she goes..Sorry not sorry .

  7. Small Town...Cover up? on May 20th, 2021 8:37 pm

    I am with Fredtp. Too many details in this story for it to be real. Something else is going on. Maybe that is why the bail is so low? I could also listen to too many murder podcasts…

  8. On the fence on May 20th, 2021 7:18 pm

    As a parent, I know what it’s like when kids won’t behave. I, too, have made my child get out of the car and walk. However, I NEVER left them. I just made them walk beside the car for a bit until they calmed down and it wasn’t a main road.

  9. Duke of Wawbeek on May 20th, 2021 7:12 pm

    Only the good Lord and the devil know what is going on behind those eyes.

    That is not derogatory, that is simply the way it is.

  10. Dad or the year on May 20th, 2021 6:39 pm

    I guess he won dad of the year for something for putting in his child in danger get the big trophy and a medal award. Say Dad of the year. I would never put my child out like that. A lot of things could happened Thank God she is a live.

  11. ??? on May 20th, 2021 5:47 pm

    So should the father who let his daughter wait at the bus stop be jailed? Or someone who let’s a teenager go for walk? Not condoning what he did, I dont know the circumstances, but come on people!

  12. RICHARD COOK on May 20th, 2021 3:39 pm

    This girl has been a victim twice in one day.
    Her Father made her a victim by child neglect and child endangerment.
    He should be charged.

    Victim again by the man who kidnapped her.

    She will need counseling for along time.

    She will be a victim agan when she has to testify because the man’s public Defender will try to destroy her on the witness stand.

    Dad turn yourself in and the man who kidnapped her take your punishment and let the girl have some peace.

  13. Mel on May 20th, 2021 2:34 pm

    You do not put your child out in anger then drive away – Predators like this dude are just waiting for your kids to be alone – kids are suppose to trust and feel safe with their parents – Dad can you imagine how she felt when you drove away and abandoned her – your daughter – I would think she will need some form of therapy to help her deal with what happened – Dad needs therapy too

  14. James on May 20th, 2021 2:19 pm

    These 2 kidnapping stories illustrate just how screwed up the judicial system is these days. Attempted kidnapping comes with $1.5 million bond. Actual kidnapping only comes with $56k bond. Apparently the judicial system rewards successful criminals.

  15. Rufus Lowgun on May 20th, 2021 10:19 am

    Congratulations, dad. You now have a starring role in a traumatic memory your daughter will have for the rest of her life. You ought to have the taste slapped out of your mouth for your stupidity and heartlessness.

  16. Carlos McGugin on May 20th, 2021 10:15 am

    That really is a large difference in Ronald Gene Joyner’s bond and Jared Paul Stanga’s bond for almost the exact same crime. Except Joyner actually got the girl in his vehicle.

  17. EMD on May 20th, 2021 9:57 am

    I agree with Fredtp. The whole time I was reading this, I was thinking that it just did not sound right. Of course I do not know, but it just doesn’t sound right.

  18. Fredtp on May 20th, 2021 7:13 am

    This whole story sounds kind of fishy and made up in my opinion, something does not add up.

  19. KK on May 20th, 2021 7:08 am

    Why is the “Father” not in jail???? That’s Father of the year material for sure. Should not even be any bail for the scum that picked her up.

  20. Watch Dog on May 20th, 2021 7:03 am

    If the thug took the girl from Walnut Hill to Atmore then back to Florida that is a federal offense. The father should be in jail too for child endangerment. What is the father’s real involvement?

  21. Justice on May 20th, 2021 6:41 am

    I agree with KK.
    The father should be charged. He is a problem and i doubt he has told the truth. Good the girl was not harmed more than she was.
    The bond on the kidnapper is a joke.

  22. Mad mom on May 20th, 2021 6:39 am

    What kind of dad drops off his daughter?an what kind of judge gives a kidnapper 56000 bond? Dad should be charged to.

  23. Tc on May 20th, 2021 6:38 am

    These judges need to go!!!! This low life doesn’t deserve bond.. the dad needs to be locked up also !

  24. JustSaying on May 20th, 2021 6:24 am

    $56,000 bond? To get out and do it again? That is a low bond for that, next voting time these low bond judges need to go.

  25. Century on May 20th, 2021 6:20 am

    Glad she is ok The dad should not drove off and left her He could displen her at home

  26. Dave on May 20th, 2021 6:04 am

    $56000 bond! What a Joke.

  27. DK on May 20th, 2021 5:34 am

    Something is definitely wrong with $56k bond ?What are these judges in Escambia County thinking?Wrong!Period!

  28. KK on May 20th, 2021 4:52 am

    Is the father facing negligence charges? He should be. You don’t put a child out onto road and drive away. What kind of idiot does that?