In Her Own Words: Flomaton Teacher Remembers Logan Mitchell, 12-Year Old ATV Crash Victim

May 27, 2021

Flomaton Elementary School is remembering the 12-year old student that lost his life in an ATV accident last Sunday.

Funeral services are Thursday for Logan Bryant Mitchell.

Flomaton Elementary teacher Shawna Fillmore shares her heartfelt thoughts about Logan, in her own words:

“If the FES school motto were in the dictionary, I would want Logan’s picture next to it. On the first day of school this sweet kiddo held the door for me, and volunteered for all kinds of tasks that he saw and felt needed to be completed. He was an encourager and a friend to everyone. He was bold to speak about Jesus, he was bold to step out from the crowd, and he was bold in that he was a leader.”

“Every morning he and Sweet Braden were in charge of our homeroom’s breakfast and cleaning up. And every morning Logan never failed to chat and share his latest hunting story. Whether it be that he shot a snake, shot a rabbit, or shot a deer, he would give me alllll of the details, and I mean ALL and I soaked up every minute of it. He was always willing to carry on sarcastic conversations with me, to jump in on spontaneous competitive tasks, and to be sure that we would win field day’s “tug of war”. The impact he has left on my heart is quite large. I am so grateful that God chose me to be a part of his life. He showed me daily what it looked like to love friends and love Jesus. Colossians 1:17 says “He existed before anything else, and he holds all creation together.” He is proof that God holds all creation in His hands. And I know he is in sweet Jesus’s hands right now. Oh how I will miss this sweet precious soul of a boy.”

Click or tap here for the complete obituary.

The ATV crash occurred about 5 p.m. Sunday on private property in the area of Upper Creek Road west of the Rock Cemetery, about a half mile from Highway 31. The Flomaton Police Department and the Escambia County Department of Human Resources are continuing their investigation.

Mitchell was the third Flomaton Elementary School student death in the past year. An ATV accident on May 28, 2020, claimed the life of 6-year old Trayton Adams, and 11-year old Jaden James,  was killed in an October 3, 2020, vehicle crash in Walnut Hill.


10 Responses to “In Her Own Words: Flomaton Teacher Remembers Logan Mitchell, 12-Year Old ATV Crash Victim”

  1. Irene Daughtery on May 28th, 2021 7:11 am

    So sorry for your loss. Prayers for your family!

  2. Kristi Benner on May 27th, 2021 9:17 pm

    Momma,I am so sorry for your loss. Prayers for the days, weeks, years ahead.

  3. Renee Coppenger on May 27th, 2021 8:02 pm

    We are so terribly sorry for your loss. It is so heartbreaking. Logan was my son’s friend & in his grade at Flomaton Elementary. Everyone that knew him lost someone very special. I remember him at birthday parties when they were younger & we could always count on his momma to bring him, even when though it was close to Christmas holidays. He was always sweet & polite. I cried & thought, why would this happen? Like she said, it was an accident & his time to go. As I read her words I was reminded that we’re not in control, God is. He obviously needed Logan for something in heaven. Maybe to keep his fellow classmate, Jaden company or to be with other children who were called up to heaven early. He’s getting to meet all the people that he learned about in the Bible. I’m sure he’s walking on the streets of gold & scouting out fishing spots to show his momma, daddy, sisters & friends when we’re all called up to heaven & I believe that day is coming very soon. We all need to be ready & prepared to meet our Lord & Savior. Our deepest sympathies & prayers for all of the family, friends & classmates. He will always be remembered & one day we will see him again!

  4. His Mama on May 27th, 2021 4:42 pm

    As his mama I’d like to say a few words to those who like to voice their opinions. We are all entitled to them. I stand by the following that I previously posted in response to similar opinions.
    I take responsibility for everything. We raised a kid to love the outdoors and know it can be dangerous but not to fear it. No amount of protection would have prevented this. His time here on Earth was done. I, along with his sisters, and 2 friends were there. It was not a place we hadn’t been over several times already in those last 2 days. It was our path home. Wide open straight stretch. ATVs are not toys but do not judge us that he wasn’t being responsible. It was a plain and simple accident. His time was up and it just so happened it was while he was doing something he loved. We would welcome prayers but keep your negative comments to yourself.

  5. Parent on May 27th, 2021 4:17 pm

    @mic 2nd atv 3rd was vehicle ALL accidents! ALL from same school. I am terribly sorry that you had someone hurt but atleast they did survive. Should we all stop riding in vehicles, walking, or flying in planes? All of those have consequences as well. The parents of these children love them and would trade spots with them at any given moment amd give their last breath just to give then one more. So dont say save your child when they would in less than a blink of an eye! They dont need a lecture they need prayers and comfort. May God bless you

  6. mic hall on May 27th, 2021 2:01 pm

    @Parent you missed the whole point of my comment. It was a warning that other parents be careful in use of ATV’s. Nothing was sarcastic. If you missed the last paragraph of the article this is the 3rd ATV related death listed. Stop letting children ride ATV’s and save your child. For your information I already have family that was hurt on an ATV but did survive.

  7. Destry Findley on May 27th, 2021 9:43 am

    This article was meant to honor this young man that passed away due to a tragic accident. I am sure the family and friends of Logan would appreciate the comments to be positive and uplifting in this time of need. Put yourself in their shoes before you post a comment. We will all leave this Earth when God decides it is our time.

    Prayers for the family and friends!!!

  8. Parent on May 27th, 2021 9:01 am

    @mic hall MIND YA BUSINESS! children ride atvs everyday even with proper riding safety equipment! Everyone knows that they are not toys. A sweet child lost his life have the common courtsey to keep your sarcastic comments to yourself! Are you entitiled to them…sure. Offer words of prayers send your condolences but keep your negative opinions to yourself! His mother, father, sister, aunts uncles family and classmates see what you and others say negative! We will all sure pray for you. And pray that an accident of any type never happens to anyone you love or care about.

  9. Beulah Boy on May 27th, 2021 8:25 am

    Prayers to the family and friends on their loss.

  10. mic hall on May 27th, 2021 7:46 am

    Just to be clear: ATV’s ARE NOT TOYS! No matter how they are advertised.

    We rarely hear about the children injured severely only those who die. 1000’s every year have accidents that cause months of recovery and sometimes permanent changes in their lives.

    Parents please don’t let this happen to your child.