Florida Ending $300 Weekly Federal Pandemic Unemployment Payments

May 24, 2021

Florida’s Department of Economic Opportunity on Monday announced that the state will withdraw from the Federal Pandemic Unemployment Compensation program effective June 26, ending extra $300 per week payments.

The DEO said there are more than 460,000 online jobs posted online that are available throughout the state for job seekers.

“Florida’s employers are also seeing employment growth, as more Floridians, including some who completely left the workforce, are now eagerly reentering the workforce. Transitioning away from this benefit will help meet the demands of small and large businesses who are ready to hire and expand their workforce,” said Dane Eagle, secretary of the Florida DEO.

Florida businesses and employers are hiring across the state and need unemployed Floridians to return to the workforce, according to Florida DEO.

For the week beginning June 27, 2021, eligible reemployment assistance claimants will no longer receive the supplemental $300 weekly FPUC payment.


43 Responses to “Florida Ending $300 Weekly Federal Pandemic Unemployment Payments”

  1. @Bob on May 29th, 2021 9:28 am

    Your answer for everything is just to print more money and give it away.

    Answer this: How much of my money belongs to people who aren’t working? Tell me how much. And why.

    Are you aware of what the national debt is? Does that mean anything to you?

    Of course it doesn’t. I bet you don’t work either.

  2. SRCguy on May 27th, 2021 2:30 am

    @bob. Florida passed the 15 dollar an hour minimum wage.
    There is nothing wrong with going to work and improving yourself to make more money. The handouts need to stop. All we are doing is increasing the number of people that rely on the government to live. If people sit on their butt and just get a check from the govt, they will never be able to gain the skill sets to earn a decent living. No one gets ahead in life by being lazy and wanting a handout.

  3. Bob on May 26th, 2021 5:13 pm

    I truly don’t understand this community.

    There are so many people in this area who claim to be patriots who love their country, but when their neighbors (the same essential workers you were calling “heroes” and “essential” last year) ask for enough money to live, you sneer and mock them.

    Do you want to know why there are so many drug dealers in our country? Because that is the only way many people can find to pay for their necessities.

    Why do we have a homeless crisis? Because minimum wage doesn’t pay enough to afford a house.

    Why are birthrates falling? Because the next generation can’t afford to keep themselves alive, let alone provide for a child.

    Do you really want to Make America Great Again? That starts by helping your neighbor and providing them the tools they need to build a better life for themselves.

  4. Cantonment man on May 26th, 2021 11:28 am

    @ Molino, AMEN THAT! get a trade or profession and MAKE yourself worth $15 an hour. I did. No privilege here. Nobody gave me a thing. I had to go back to school and EARN it. The gravy train ran out of fuel a long time ago.

  5. James on May 25th, 2021 4:58 pm

    So many people saying “Finally, let’s get to work.” For what? Work a dead-end retail job again that hardly pays the bills again to have a bunch of middle age people barking at us because God forbid they’re slightly inconveniences? Nah, I’m good. Quarantine was a weird catch 22. No more dealing with the rude customers again and being overworked for low pay, but of course, the virus is bad. What if some of us are/or live with those who are high risk? Like cancer patients? Half of this state refuses to get vaccinated and weren’t wearing masks from the start. Unemployment and COVID relief should not be generally lawed and should be determined via a person’s individual situation. Some may no longer qualify, some may still.

  6. Lebowski on May 25th, 2021 11:00 am

    Because once you set a standard of $15 at the bottom end for unskilled labor it simply becomes the new bottom. Wages will rise (most likely not proportionately)for those who have worked and promoted themselves from the bottom, and living expenses rise for all. A $15 an hour employee who was struggling to pay a $1000/month in living expenses at $8, will continue to struggle as their living expenses steadily rise to $1900.

    The only way to break that cycle is the either improve yourself and your wages, or have the Government provide more for you. In the second case we all foot the bill.

  7. Floridian on May 25th, 2021 9:39 am


    $15 an hour is about $31,000 a year before taxes. I’m not sure what reality you live in, but nobody with that salary would even be approved for a loan on a “$300,000 house” or a “$70,000 car”. You may not have realized it since working your noble, heroic $1 an hour job, but the world progresses with or without you. Also, just curious, why does someone flipping burgers or waiting tables and serving people as unpleasant as you NOT deserve $15 an hour?

    I haven’t been able to understand why the people who claim they’re for the working class have such a disdain for low-wage workers.

  8. Charlotte Schwartz on May 25th, 2021 8:41 am

    Hey My Two Cents fast food places were never meant to be a permanent unless you want to be manager. It was for young people to learn how to get hire (writing skills by writing a resume), customer skills (needed in a lot of jobs), time skills (getting up and getting to work at time required). These skills will help them to get other jobs. So if you want to start paying these employees $15.00 an hour then don’t expect to be paying $5.00 for a hamburger. Most young people today want to get out of college and get a job paying $80,000.00+ a year. That just doesn’t happen all the time. You have to build your working skill. But again young people today want more and more things that are very expensive. Want $15.00 an hour get a GOOD education, working skills and a good attitude!! A lot of kids working fast food places have a terrible attitudes and that’s where Customer Skills come in. So start slow and then speed up by moving up.

  9. Bewildered on May 25th, 2021 8:11 am

    I guess the liberals should have done a better job killing off all the old folks with Covid. With prices bound to be going through the roof no one can survive on social security anymore.. And hence the race begins- higher wages- then higher benefits – followed by higher prices for all – then a surprise to the “Woke” generation that the standard of living will remain stagnant In spite of it. Tragic that all these “living wage” warriors have no clue how an economy works. The super rich won’t pick up one dime of the freeloaders’ guaranteed income for sitting around playing with their I phones all day. If Trump, the Obamas, Bill Gates, Pelosi, Biden. The Clintons, Bushes, athletes, actors (I could go on and on) would distribute their enormous assets to this income sharing idea I might agree , but fat chance! Keep dreaming

  10. ROBERT on May 25th, 2021 7:48 am

    people are mad because they will not get free 300$ a week now..well to bad..get a job at 10$ an hour and you will still have that 300$ a week…Live within your means and you will be fine…be an old school worker and earn your own money…work hard and advance. It is possible if you want it bad enough.

  11. Sandy on May 25th, 2021 7:21 am

    Vacation is over. Back to work.

  12. Harvey on May 25th, 2021 7:05 am

    All these people say (Pay a living wage ) most jobs do pay a living wage .The issue is you yourself . You want a $70,000 car and a$$300,000 home high end clothing and $1,000.00 phones .Life now is no different then . my first job$1.00 a hour .things were priced at that level of pay .I lived with in my budget. When are you people gonna learn .you want $15.00 a hour guess who pays you that?Thats right sweetheart liberals you pay it with increase in product prices .In top of that you think you pay high taxes now imagine going from $8 a hour to $15. And watch the politicians start giving themselves more raises from your higher tax dollars.You do not deserve $15 a hour to flip a burger and if you’re a waiter at waitress making $15 a hour you sure ain’t going to get a tip from me .You kids now are really dense

  13. Molino Resident on May 25th, 2021 7:02 am

    Anyone who thinks paying someone to sit on their butt at the house is good for our economy is a raving idiot. The economy can’t run normally when businesses can’t operate normally due to sorry people sitting at the house. For all of you griping that Wendy’s isn’t paying you $15-$20 an hour, it’s because you could teach a chimp to do that job. Those kinds of jobs weren’t meant to be lifelong careers. They support students who can only work part time and need a little money to help out while EDUCATING THEMSELVES which is what all of the free loaders should be doing. If you want to make more money then get an education or learn a trade but do something besides sitting on your a$$ expecting hard working people to hand you a free check.

  14. Nationwide on May 25th, 2021 6:30 am

    Quit downing the Governor, most of the country is dropping this as well! There are a few states that are still catering to the lazy! If you don’t like is, roll up a sleeping bag and head on out!
    Time to get back to work like the rest of us that never stopped!

  15. SueB on May 25th, 2021 6:16 am

    Stop all payments! American’s are so sorry to sit at home & draw from our Government which is our tax monies. More babies means more money. This is why all illegals are coming this way to work. Can’t speak English but businesses will give them a job for $15 an hour. Read all about the Roman Empire & why it collapsed. Example: The internal factors included the selfish interests of Roman emperors, socio-economic problems, and political corruption prevalent in the area. DemocRATS!

  16. Dennis C. on May 24th, 2021 10:19 pm

    As you can see all the upset people crying boo hoos on here and social media because they have to go back to work. A bar downtown called Oreillys provides medical and 401K benefits along with livable wage. Guess what…THEY CAN’T FIND ENOUGH PEOPLE. They have been running short. Well well…. not anymore as the “collection” types will now.be back to work.

    So the “liveable wage” excuse is NONSENSE.

  17. Chad on May 24th, 2021 10:03 pm

    Find it funny that companies that said they can’t pay employees a liveable wage all the sudden can. I hope the people don’t go back to work and make employers pay them a liveable wage when they do go back to work.

  18. alan on May 24th, 2021 9:53 pm

    Looks like all the line cooks are going to have to go back to work in a month.

  19. Jim on May 24th, 2021 8:24 pm

    What they got from this article is simply. (One more month until I have to take a job.) Kool!

  20. Willie on May 24th, 2021 8:14 pm

    Well I need to get back to doing Uber anyhow. Still get another month of it.

  21. Beulahwood on May 24th, 2021 7:52 pm

    AMEN! lets get to work!!

  22. Thomas Paine on May 24th, 2021 7:41 pm

    It’s amazing how many people think that others need to suffer through low wage jobs just because they had to do it.

    The old bootstrapping approach isn’t a thing anymore.

    Employers are learning that their employees are not expendable, but their profits are.

    A basic existence should not be a life sentence to indentured servitude.

  23. Christy on May 24th, 2021 7:07 pm

    Thank God! Stopping this $300.00 is way over due. Time to go to work.

  24. Judy on May 24th, 2021 6:34 pm


  25. steve on May 24th, 2021 6:20 pm

    Sounds like “ColdHardFacts” is all behind hurt over having to WORK…


  26. century on May 24th, 2021 5:51 pm

    They need to stop the extar $300:00 sooner.

  27. ColdHardFacts on May 24th, 2021 4:58 pm

    Nice to have the Republicans show their true colors. They don’t care at all for the working man or woman, only the rich that can line their pockets with bribes, oh, sorry, make that “campaign contributions”. Dump the clown DeSantis in 2022 and get someone with integrity and ethics to lead Florida.

  28. DB on May 24th, 2021 3:53 pm

    To two cents worth: Go back and study Econ 101 and take a few other Econ courses. To think that it’s good for the economy to pay someone to not work goes against every economic principle except socialism. Businesses are already scaling back operations because of a lack of employees. A poor business plan would be to hire more people than your business can support. To simply raise wages would necessitate increased prices which will drive away customers. With inflation now higher than 1980 levels (if you use the same inflation factors today that was used then), everyone is going to take a hit. With government pumping money into economy to try and fix the problems the government created, the problem will only get worse. With our debt based economy, the ever increasing debt (which will never be paid back, despite what every politician says) hyperinflation is inevitable.

  29. Shan on May 24th, 2021 3:17 pm

    Pay ppl a living wage. Times have changed.

  30. Bob on May 24th, 2021 3:08 pm

    The only businesses having trouble hiring *were* the ones that refused to pay a living wage.

    The KFC down the road from me starts their pay at $8/hour, and the owners are mad that no one is applying because “nO oNe wAnTs tO wOrK”.

    People want to work. They just don’t want to work 60+ hours a week to make someone else rich.

  31. Lebowski on May 24th, 2021 2:58 pm

    @ Floridian

    The $300 a week is not the totality of the problem. The additional $300 unemployment PLUS whatever the applicant’s unemployment would normally be. The normal max unemployment benefit in Florida seems to be $275. So $575 weekly for a qualified person. Not to mention any of the Federal Child allowances incoming in July.

    As far as Florida employer’s business plans, employers can choose to, or be forced to pay a higher wage. Out of these two options, there are two outcomes for the business owner’s business plan: Raise prices or close. With payroll being the most easily manageable expense it also becomes likely that they will simply cut hours and push for more production. This doesn’t always result in a better experience for the employee or the consumer. The unavoidable outcome of any way you may choose to view increasing wages is ; no matter where the minimum is set, it will still be the minimum.

    The minimum wage will be $15 an hour in Florida in a few short years. Employers will make changes to their business structures, change pricing, automate, and streamline. They will also begin to move their skilled laborer’s pay higher. Those that choose to remain in unskilled positions for years, resist developing themselves, and perform at the minimum will make fifteen dollars an hour. Because $15 an hour is the minimum, they will still be facing the same struggles they are today.

    There is no such thing as a free lunch.

  32. No Excuses on May 24th, 2021 2:40 pm

    Good. An able bodied person who sits at home and gets a handout is sorry. Not when there are plenty of jobs to be had. Work for what you get and work harder for what you want, if you want to move up. Something for nothing seems to be the norm these days, and it is NOT an admirable trait.

  33. Elizabeth on May 24th, 2021 2:40 pm

    @ Floridian Unemployment is not a career. Maybe getting 2 jobs is in a person’s future until they receive an education. As a single parent, I had 1 full time and 2 part time jobs, until I received my degree. It’s called sacrifice…. not too many woke people use that word in their vocab.

  34. Elizabeth on May 24th, 2021 2:28 pm

    Thank God. All those help wanted signs might be coming down. Something meant to be temporary was used as a tool for the woke democrats as a way of keeping the lazy, even lazier.

  35. Nod on May 24th, 2021 2:14 pm

    For some people it’s much better than sit home and draw $4000 a month tax free that is the work make $3000 a month. Boy what a messed up system. ONLY IN AMERICA.

  36. Floridian on May 24th, 2021 1:59 pm

    $300 a week isn’t even enough to cover rent in most places, let alone also feed a person, pay bills, etc. If THAT small number is competing with a business’s ability to hire help, perhaps they should rethink their business model. It’s not a complicated dilemma to figure out.

  37. CW on May 24th, 2021 1:37 pm

    Everyone can get a vaccine now. No need for anyone to be “scared” of going to work.

  38. Ima 1037 on May 24th, 2021 1:26 pm

    Good! Get a job. Pay your bills!

  39. My Two Cents on May 24th, 2021 1:22 pm

    Oh please a bunch of low wage bs jobs. News flash business owners you will have less demand if these moochers have less money to spend. Econ 101 but at this point who cares. Let them eat cake!

  40. Me on May 24th, 2021 12:08 pm

    I see HELP WANTED sings everywhere In Escambia County ,people need to take their blinders off.

  41. A.J. on May 24th, 2021 12:06 pm

    Man, am I glad I live in Florida

  42. Dave Thomas on May 24th, 2021 12:00 pm

    I agree 100 % that payments need to be stopped!~

  43. Just Me on May 24th, 2021 11:50 am

    I agree completely with stopping it cause I see way more hiring adds than before Covid and seems to me that these people are playing the system instead of wanting to go and work for what they get