Farm Hill Utilities Plans New Half Million Gallon Water Tank At Highway 297A, Highway 97

May 25, 2021

Farm Hill Utilities is planning to construct a new half million gallon water storage tank.

The above ground water storage tank will be located on the northwest corner of the Highway 297A and Highway 97 intersection. The site is currently 1.94 acres of undeveloped wooded property.

The site will include the storage tank and a water booster pump station. This will be a ground-level tank, not an elevated water tower. It will assist Farm Hill Utilities in providing needed water flow for fire protection in the southern zone of their water system, according to project documents.

The project will go before the Escambia County Development Review Committee for possible approval on Wednesday. graphics.


16 Responses to “Farm Hill Utilities Plans New Half Million Gallon Water Tank At Highway 297A, Highway 97”

  1. Off Topic on May 27th, 2021 7:35 am

    Thanks for the link, Jacks Branch.

    Funny that all of the businesses/residences on S Hwy 97 all have S Hwy 97 addresses–NOT Jacks Branch Rd addresses…

    Sure hope fire/rescue services don’t go to the wrong place on S Hwy 97 like other delivery drivers have.

  2. Jacks Branch on May 26th, 2021 4:13 pm

    @OffTopic It may be labeled Jacks Branch Rd because FDOT says so in the latest General Highway Map for Escambia County dated 2017.

  3. Off Topic on May 26th, 2021 1:03 pm

    Nothing to do with the new facility, but why do so many maps show S Highway 97 as “Jacks Branch Road” when it isn’t? (Refer to map at ECUA link shared in post by StraightShooter)

    Jack’s Branch Road runs from Muscogee Road north and terminates at Highway 196.

  4. Just Some Guy on May 26th, 2021 11:55 am

    I’ve lived in the Farm Hill District and driven past that location every day for 23 years. Here are my observations.

    1. Farm Hill water tastes much better than the ECUA water we have where I work.

    2. The neighborhoods along 11 Mile Creek have flooded many times, but this site is North of, and uphill from, Hwy 97. The creek has never flooded high enough to reach Hwy 97. The site is safe from flooding.

    3. The people served by Farm Hill Utilities are located within their service district. There is no law that says the tank has to be in their district. If it is 100 feet outside of it, but the water goes only to its customers, what is the harm?

  5. StraightShooter on May 26th, 2021 6:23 am

    According to this area water service map, the new tank location is either in ECUA area or right on the dividing line. Terrible location selected.

  6. db on May 25th, 2021 10:08 pm

    no to water tank.
    uneducated minds…quit trolling
    no to water tank…

  7. Concerned on May 25th, 2021 9:07 pm

    I wonder how they propose to pay for it ? The tank by the office has a huge loan to satisfy still ? Probably not the smart thing to do. But these folks have not been known for making good decisions anyway.

  8. Lou on May 25th, 2021 3:11 pm

    We had a flood in 2014 , and again in 2020. Absolutely nothing was done in 14 or 20 to deal with flood mitigation from the creek and rain. A lot of dog and pony meetings took place , but absolutely nothing was done. Our area was remap on the flood maps so that the insurance companies can charge more and the fed flood insurance flood became unaffordable. The water tank is just going to be another victim from nature and the ambivalent attitude from our elected officials to act.

  9. Dm on May 25th, 2021 1:41 pm

    I just wish we were in any other water territory other than Farm Hill! They are the worst:(

  10. William Reynolds on May 25th, 2021 1:14 pm

    “ECUA provides a map that shows where each utility serves water. This location appears to be a couple blocks outside Farm Hill territory.”

    We went and checked the water tank drawings for some confirmation. They show the water tower is in Cottage Hill Water Works territory. That’s obviously not right.

  11. River Rat on May 25th, 2021 12:32 pm

    NO, JUST NO! That does not fit in with that area at all. It would really take away the beauty of that area. It belongs in the woods secluded. No one wants to looks at that thing every time they come to town or go out to the country. What’s left of it. PLEASE reconsider the location.

  12. Coverage Area on May 25th, 2021 12:21 pm

    ECUA provides a map that shows where each utility serves water. This location appears to be a couple blocks outside Farm Hill territory. They must plan on pumping that water uphill because I don’t see many customers further south/downhill from that location. Seems like a tower would be better, or placing the ground tank further uphill, but I’m not an expert.

  13. Uneducated minds on May 25th, 2021 11:31 am

    Those commenting should educated themselves. This piece of property is actually elevated and not at risk of flooding. Why would this be erected if it floods? Engineers are intelligent, so lets allow them to do their job while you seek your engineering degrees. This property is surrounded by woods and will be a ground storage tank. To be more descriptive for the complainers, this means that it is not a tower, which you could potentially see from your home. Furthermore, it sounds like it is there to support a part of the system for water pressure, which could affect the fire hydrants we all want. Keep complaining while you spew your uneducated verbiage.

  14. A on May 25th, 2021 11:24 am

    Exactly Mike…Horrible location for a water tank.

  15. Howie on May 25th, 2021 11:16 am

    Idiots approved permits to construct this on a slippery slope. AND in the middle of a residential area.

    Take your water tank to Farm Hill where it belongs.

    I agree with Mike !

  16. Mike on May 25th, 2021 6:37 am

    In the middle of an area that floods and has a sunk in the road already.
