Cantonment Woman Charged With Collecting Dead Animals Sentenced To Probation

May 9, 2021

A Cantonment woman has been sentenced to probation and forbidden from owning animals after being convicted in a 2020 animal cruelty case.

Selena Dunlap, 22, was originally charged with felony unlicensed practice of veterinary medicine and cruelty to animals, but the unlicensed veterinary medicine charge was later dropped.

Dunlap was found guilty of one count of animal cruelty and ordered to pay court costs and fines. She will not be allowed to own, possess or control any animals and must allow for periodic inspections by probation or animal control officers.

She will be allowed to live with her father that has animals. However, she “cannot be in control of those animals in any respect or bring any animals in,” according to the sentence imposed by Judge Joel Boles. She will also be required to obtain substance abuse and mental health evaluations and search for a job.

Escambia County Animal Control responded to a home in the 1300 block of Tate Road after receiving a reported that Dunlap was “injecting cats with food.”

An animal control officer reported that she could see a couple of cats and dogs inside the home. When she asked about a kitten, Dunlap and her roommates said it was inside the trailer. The officer asked Dunlap to show her what they were injecting the cat with when Dunlap brought out a bottle of sodium chloride.

When the officer was invited inside to see a kitten, she noted that the home was filled with old food, trash, cigarette butts and a dog kennel covered in blankets. Dunlap was holding the kitten, according to an arrest report, and said she had been giving it sugar water, watered down milk and antibiotics.

Dunlap showed the animal control officer a needle she said she bought online, and the officer observed a magazine on a table with the title “Secrets To Being a Vet Tech.”

The officer said the kitten was not able to hold its head up. It was taken to the Escambia County Animal Shelter for care. It later died.

The report adds back in October 2019, Dunlap’s dad contacted animal control stating she was living in a tent in the woods and collected dead animals and had live animals as well. When animal control responded to Dunlap’s tent, she stated she had seven dogs and eight cats. Puppies were found covered in fleas.

Animal control removed 12 animals from Dunlap and ordered her to bury the dead animals.


17 Responses to “Cantonment Woman Charged With Collecting Dead Animals Sentenced To Probation”

  1. Wayne on May 11th, 2021 11:48 am

    @ Alarming

    What is even more frightening is your crystal ball you got all this delusional sight from has to have been recalled.You never got the memo. And it appears you think its not broken. Good Lord. Praying definitely for you!!!

  2. Hmmm on May 11th, 2021 10:34 am

    Phew, there are a lot of harsh, hateful people in this area. I’ve followed this story since it first surfaced, and not once have I seen where it was shown that this girl was intentionally torturing animals for the purpose of harming them. It more appears as if she had some sort of compulsion to collect animals and was attempting to do home veterinarian procedures at home in order to help the sick ones. Since she is NOT a vet tech, doesn’t know what she’s doing, and was actually harming the animals, it is deemed “torture” by the law. She definitely has some mental issues going on, and needs help, but I’m guessing she has much more compassion in her heart than all you “she’s a monster and should be locked up forever” people.

  3. Alarming on May 11th, 2021 4:29 am

    Was she was practicing to poison someone, who knows. Torturing animals and conducting medical experiments it sounds like. The judge should have sent her to a rehabilitation center, after a prison term. Something very messed up here. I’m so sick.of religion being brought up when.someone has crossed over the line hurting children and animals that can’t defend themselves. Thank God animal control took this serious. She killed the cat, and other dead animals had been found before at her tent. Next it could be a peron, scary.

  4. David on May 10th, 2021 8:16 am

    @ JustSaying
    How do you know she has not repented..did you talk to her? None of us know what’s going on in her mind.You need to contact her and explain the rules according to your standards SO YOU CAN FORGIVE YOURSELF FOR DECIDING WHICH OF THE MORAL AND ETHICAL RULES She should start with. Dont want her to get compassion and repentance out of sequence.
    The 1st thing is forgiveness, those that taunt on here and elsewhere. I hold no malice concerning anyone. I will let others do that themselves. Playing keyboard warrior where this person ir family may read does not make us better humans.
    We all have faults and flaws.

  5. Eugene on May 10th, 2021 7:57 am

    David is correct; repentance must be the initial step (and for those who may not believe they need to repent for anything, a good starting place would be to read God’s Ten Commandments) for WE have all sinned and fall short of the glory of God. I am better than no one reading this, however, I began praying for Selena Dunlap yesterday and will continue to do so.

  6. JustSaying on May 10th, 2021 6:44 am

    Looks like 4 out of the 10 comments here are showing some compassion towards her, saying she needs prayers and help, but also stating the facts of a repentance. She can’t have it both ways, can’t continue to hurt animals and get help! Repentance comes first.

  7. Two questions? on May 9th, 2021 7:57 pm

    Where were those of you crying out for help and compassion for this woman during her sentencing?

    Where were you when these precious little animals were being harmed?

    Prayers for all of God’s creatures, especially those without a voice!

  8. David on May 9th, 2021 6:48 pm

    @ Eugene ….Amen

  9. Eugene on May 9th, 2021 4:45 pm

    With regard to a few of the previously written comments, I tend to agree with David who stated: “This child needs help….”. As an animal lover and a disabled combat veteran, I have witnessed suffering and horrors from Vietnam through Iraq and many theaters in between. As the Lord has allowed me to gain age and wisdom, it has become apparent to me, that mercy and compassion are in short supply by the manner in which we treat each other during our short time on earth. Perhaps there is one individual reading this, who is able to have compassion upon a troubled individual. My eyes watered as I read this story and I pray that there are others who would have mercy upon this young lady and at least pray for her. I could have died many times in theaters of combat and training evolutions, however, God saw fit to extend compassion and mercy toward me while I was yet a sinning against Him. Is there one…….just one individual reading this who is willing to offer compassion to this young lady and at least pray for her ?

  10. paul on May 9th, 2021 11:49 am

    sounds like she may need to be evaluated by mental health professionals and an extended stay under observation. in a facility

  11. Kayla on May 9th, 2021 11:41 am

    David – I have compassion for the animals she abused. But someone who kills animals is garbage.. No ifs ands buts about it. Having someone Inject her with chemicals without medical training would help her. That poir kitten had to be so afraid that this psycho clearly had no clue what she was doing. And ut was murdered because of it. God forbid she ever have a child eho knows how that poor baby would end up.

  12. Don’t understand on May 9th, 2021 9:45 am


    home was filled with old food, trash, cigarette butts and a dog kennel covered in blankets“

    If she had roommates, why WEREN’T they charged, also?

  13. rational on May 9th, 2021 9:22 am

    Another ’slap on the wrist’ for abusing animals. Disgusting, some jail time and fines should have been issued. Shame on the justice system.

  14. Deborah Daugherty on May 9th, 2021 8:47 am

    I am glad she won’t be able ever to own pets..It sounds like some mental problems might going on..

  15. David on May 9th, 2021 8:43 am

    This child needs help..these issues have been life long with her.
    Probation doesnt help her, a every once in a while evaluation doesnt help her.
    Dont hurt her and call it helping her. help her
    All the nasty comments coming on here dont help either.
    Hate and condescending remarks show how society has lost its compassion.

  16. mic hall on May 9th, 2021 8:12 am

    This person is dangerous to anyone not just animals. Her next victim may be a child. Someone who will do what she has to animals will move on to people when the opportunity presents itself. She should be in an institution to protect society not sent to home with a promise not to do it again.

    Our legal system is brain dead if they think she will stop.

  17. JustWondering on May 9th, 2021 8:01 am

    As a Vet Tech, you love and care for animals, not torture them! I hope her Dad makes sure she doesn’t touch his animals and gets her some help. She needs prayers and needs to know God created all creatures!