Suspect Charged For Trying To Kidnap 11-Year Old From Bus Stop
May 19, 2021
A man was been charged with trying to kidnap an 11-year old girl from a school bus stop Tuesday morning in Escambia County.
Jared Paul Stanga, 30, is charged with attempted kidnapping of a child under 13, aggravated assault and battery. He was booked into the Escambia County Jail bond without bond.
About 7 a.m., a white Dodge Journey pulled up to the girl waiting at the bus stop on Old Corry Field Road and Perdido Street. That when Stanga tried to grab the girl, but she fought back.
Stanga was taken into custody on Betty Road. That’s where deputies found the Dodge Journey he was allegedly driving. Earlier in the day, the ECSO advised the public to look for the white vehicle with a chrome bumper, but it had later been painted black.
“This could have ended very different had this 11-year-old victim not thought to fight, and to fight, and to just never give up. This could have ended terribly,” Escambia County Sheriff Chip Simmons said. “Why else do you think that this man stopped his van and tried to pick her up and take her into that van? It doesn’t take a genius to figure out what his intentions were, they were not good.”
At the time of the incident, the girl was playing with blue slime. According to Simmons, Stanga had blue slime on his arms.
The girl is now safe with her family.
Images provided by the Escambia County Sheriff’s Office.
47 Responses to “Suspect Charged For Trying To Kidnap 11-Year Old From Bus Stop”
Hard to defend what’s clearly on video.
There is no defense.
Tee Bug Stanga….You do realize the MOUNTAIN of evidence NOW, within 24 hours, STACKED UP AGAINST THIS LOSER?
I want to no why he was walking among us in the first place. My understanding is he has already committed crimes against children.
This has to be life for him. If not we need to change the laws now! There is no reason in the world why this animal should walk among us.
HEY JARED I’ll give you a Hundred Dollar Bill to come go fishing on the river with me.
I know the perfect place where the fish is biting and the ALLIGATORS are hungry and bring your ole buddy Tee bug.
**Tee bug**
You read the story! What more do you need?
Are you a family member of Jared?
Come fishing with us
Tee Bug, Are you kidding me? I hope that you don’t have kids! There is no reason that a grown man should try to kidnap anyone and that includes a child. He is on camera and has been identified. I would have called the sheriffs office after he met my type of justice. Just think of the scars that this kid will have from now on! The rope is too good for this trash! Give me a break. There is no “his side” when there is a video to prove it. He will pay for this and I hope he gets the maximum sentence for his dastardly deed!!
Too bad the days of old are longer with us, when you took the trash out right away.
I’m totally for the death penalty for people like this.
It’s the only cure.
This guy is toast. He’s just not going to last very long in the slammer.
Hey Tee bug- TWO SIDES?!? This guy was practically caught red handed. He was caught blue slimed. How could you possibly be willing to give him any benefit of doubt. Sick. Must be your cousin or something
For tee bug u must not have kids because doesn’t matter on what he’s got to say he needs his ass beat or shot because if I saw it he won’t have made back to his house so anyone that backs this guy ur got problems u should not ever pull up to a bus stop try to grab a kid at all all I can say is thank god Thai girl is ok
People need to stop putting this guy down till he is positively proven guilty everybody is so eager to get a rope and hang this guy this is so not right give the man his say there are always two sides to everythinf
If this guy has previous arrests for multiple sex offensives why is he not on the Sex Registry. In addition why are these sex offenders not posting signs in there yard like other counties in Florida require them to do.
Question is, is this his first kidnap attempt? or, just the first time getting caught, how many other young girls has he taken before getting arrested.
The ‘fault’ does not lie with the parents that let their child go to the bus stop. If anyone other than the criminal is to blame, I would say the School District that assigned this area as a stop. These kids should be waiting at an address, not a corner. I’m all for convenience but put these kids stops in front of homes. At least they would have somewhere to go quickly if someone stops. Also, I’m sure he would not have thought he could easily do this in front of a home that could have been hers, possibly with parents inside. Parents have to work, you don’t know their circumstance and should not be blaming the parents.
We have grandkids that have to stand on a corner of a road that people speed on everyday. No sidewalk, not even an area off the road that is easy to walk on. When calling transportation, my daughter was rudely told to basically get over it. The transportation department needs to do their job and keep these children safe….
Dear Sheriff Simmons,
Please allow us to dispense community justice upon this creep.
Escambia County Parents
This little girl is a hero!!! So glad they tracked him down and got the pathetic trash!!
@Molino Mom
He meant that he wished the cops had used police brutality on the guy “whether he actually did or not” resist arrest.
Me personally I’m glad they didn’t because that would make them bad cops. The other inmates will dispense social justice on this scumbag.
If this was my child I would have been getting booked into the county jail last night as well ooh nothing major just for petty theft etc. so I could see this guy man to man In the intake cell
As the article said this could have ended so tragically . For “ Shirl” and “ Adam” saying you would “ never let your child go to or stand at a bus stop alone” – the mother of this little girl has enough anguish over this incident without your victim blaming remarks. You don’t know the situation and you shouldn’t be judging that mother’s actions . The bad guy here is the monster who has apparently been stalking this little girl and who tried yo kidnap her. He is the person you need to direct your blame at, not the mother. I am praying this little girl can recover from the trauma this has caused her.
@ Molino Mom
You missed the point of my comment. I was meaning that I was hoping the cops would have been able to leave a few knot and bruises on him after he “resisted arrest” but a guy like that can only pick on little kids apparently. The cops who arrested him obviously used a great deal of self restraint. I’d love to have beat the living daylights out of the guy. Hopefully he gets what’s coming to him in jail. Not even other prisoners have any tolerance for child molesters.
Molino Mom, I think David’s point is that he wishes that the cops would’ve given the predator a good beat down. Cops are known for getting rough with people for resisting over small crimes, bit this guy obviously didn’t resist because he wasn’t beat up. Maybe he’ll get bond and I bet that half of the dads in Pensacola will be there waiting for him to walk out.
At Molino Mom, what David was trying to say he that he should have resisted arrest so he could get a good beating from the cops
At David Phillips comment;
T”hat guy should have “resisted arrest”, whether he actually did or not. I don’t see any knots, bruises or blood on him”
No there wasn’t knots, bruises or blood on him —- but the article stated she was playing with blue slime while waiting on the bus–he had blue slime on his arms….you don’t call that proof??? AND a video capturing the entire event-
I’m no Sherlock Holmes but I call that irrefutable proof!!!!
Hats off to this little girls parents for teaching her to fight with everything you have in you in a situation like this! That saved her life. Its just so frightening to think about what was in this mans mind and what he had planned. Makes me shudder to think about it. I hope this is a “eye opener” for everyone who allows their child/children (male or female) to wait alone at a bus stop. I do not blame the parents at all, we don’t know their situation – we all have jobs we HAVE to go to, but if that’s the case- parents please have someone else look out for your child if you are not able to, we have to keep our babies safe. We live in a very dark and cruel world these days so you have to be vigilant and protect them from predators like this. Thank you God for watching over this child and her getting home safe!
Brave girl did good to fall to the ground & continue to fight. Now, lets see what our justice system will do with this person.
How sad a world we live in that our children cannot stand on the corner to wait for the school bus. We live among the most slimy, creepy, pedophiles just waiting and stalking our children. Stay alert people. They could be your neighbor and you never would have guessed it.
I’m so glad that the girl fought hard and made it too difficult for him to take her. That is exactly what I told my daughter to do if it happens to her. This incident made national news.
Adam I agree with you. NEVER LET ANYONE GO ALONE! Insane!!
Thank you Lord for protecting this little girl and giving her the fight she needed and thank you ECSO!
When tried and if found guilty build a gallows where he attacked her, get the news cameras there, tie a noose around this child predator’s neck and end him. Let him hang there for all to see. I promise you he won’t hurt any more kids. And if it’s proven that there’s absolutely no doubt he did it, do it within 2 weeks while it’s fresh on people’s minds, not in 30 years. I’m so proud that little girl fought back because I have no doubt that’s what saved her life. This menace to society needs to go away permanently.
It’s sad that before 7 AM in Escambia county, I see “children” waiting at stops and or walking with school books. I often send a prayer when I see them. Why are they going so early? Periods of time in the year it’s very dark. I even remember co-workers asking to change start time at work to see their kids off on the bus. Imagine them saying no. You have to be here at 7 am, on time. Crumbling…
@Lisa Fuller great response for Adam Evans….Evans you added nothing to this conversation.
Adam Evans: I look forward to pictures of you and your child standing at the bus stop together when she’s a senior in high school. Stop shaming people you know absolutely nothing about.
Hang him in a tree near there as an example.
Glad this didn’t turn out worse for the child.
I saw the video while out last night… I’m a grown man, 270 .. 6 foot 4… tattoos from head to toe and I almost started crying seeing the video thinking of my daughter.
ESCO please let this guy out of jail, a few buddies and me are waiting and following this.
My daddy and uncles would have ——
And that’s all I will say.
Time to make an example out of this predator
That guy should have “resisted arrest”, whether he actually did or not. I don’t see any knots, bruises or blood on him.
This 11 year old child did exactly the right thing…fought back, managed to run away, and to tell her parents what happened! Anyway, the scum had no right trying to abduct her! Glad he’s been caught and arrested!
Thank you Father in Heaven that she is home with her family.
Thank you for her having so much spunk.She should go into law enforcement.
You are our little hero. Bless you!
I nor my wife would never let our daughter stand at a bus stop alone. No matter how old or what grade she is in.
This sad I have kids and I worry that’s why mine is never allowed to stand by there self and if I would have saw this guy try it he wouldn’t be going to the police station I don’t play with stuff like this thank god the little girl is safe
Thank God and that Camera.
First, never would I let my child wait on the bus by herself, we should be free to do this, but with all the crazies in this world now, it isn’t, so glad this precious girl was able to get away from him, evil piece of crap.
WOW!! I pass by her every morning on my way to work! I was early this morning and she wasnt out yet. Just wow..i am so glad she is safe.
Everyone help find this vehicle and make that “Hispanic male” famous.